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Messages - Mr. Bones

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there's a difference between empathizing why people are rioting over racial injustice and police brutality(even though its been shown time and again that the police escalated most of the peaceful protests into rioting in the first place) and condemning a seditious riot INSIDE THE US CAPITOL based on complete bullstuff

terrible loving take and attempting to equate the two in such a superficial way is mind numbingly stupid
Rioting isn't justified in either situations. "Police escalating" lol, unless they are literally forcing you by gunpoint to go burn and destroy stuff you really don't have to you know, burn and destroy stuff

how is this forum still filled with family values, misogyny, child enthusiasts, etc ? just close the forum if you don't wanna moderate bro. it's been over a decade of constant controversy what's up with the clientele for a lego game?? 😭
Badspot himself isn't very politically correct either lol, and I don't think anybody has ever been banned for using derogatories unless they were just flaming

no it has defense. the national guard was called when BLM came to DC. its just the national guard wasnt called in this time until apparently Pence had to step in to do so. i wonder why
I meant active defense, like I expected the place to be crawling with military/secret service personnel at all times sorta like the white house is

They smashed the windows with simple... bricks? Those forgeters aren't bullet proof?

I guess what shocks me the most about this event is how little active defense the capital has

MM is the textbook definition of a useful idiot honestly lol

« on: December 12, 2020, 01:04:03 AM »
breaking news: grown men angry at another grown man wearing a dress because it makes them question their loveuality.
What do you charge an hour for armchair psychology?

Gotta love Brickadia aka creepcord

last i checked rapists are human
Don't really deserve to be treated as such when you don't humanize the person you just traumatized for the rest of their life by violating/loveually torturing them

you can either have empathy for everyone or empathy for nobody. dont be ashamed of it, take pride in it; at least you can make the distinction between a rapist and a rape victim that aligns best with society's views. some people definitely cant
Humanizing rapist; a true Blockland original

Y'all gotta get better at baiting.
You gotta get better at liking people your own age

go on.. just admit it.. you're turned on at the thought of me showering..
Real talk though shave that stuff on your face it's not doing you any favors lol, my facial hair is the exact same way

Off Topic / Re: Gimme a list of Flash Games You Know
« on: November 13, 2020, 12:35:49 PM »
Swords and Sandals series

Fancypants series

Thing Thing series

I posted the same artist more than once because a lot of the songs/artists I like are on a one song basis, so it doesn't make sense to post the entire album when I only like one song off said album

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