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Messages - sleep

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furry profile pic so invalid opinion

what the forget are you afraid of? 😂😂

stuff-tier response to my paragraph, muh spernsrshup!!

lmao of course it sucks but, and I guess i'll just repeat this, losing a sponsorship is not getting your "life destroyed"... like ?????????????? mental gymnastics. the journalist literally got insta-fired, from some stuffty platform nobody reads anyway. the dude in question donated a million dollars to an institution that gets 1/10th of that money from 1 patient who e.g got revived from a heartattack, which aren't uncommon. american hospitals do not need donations.
i dont know the details because im not going to consume this type of stuff media but what im seeing here is people trying to get sympathy for some dude who had a business failure thats not even slightly deprecating to his overall status. this also includes the 'tribal tweet', because very clearly, as demonstrated by the firing of the journalist and the general opinion present here, no one cares about an 8 year old tweet. tweets like this are also very loving irrelevant in general in any business that doesnt uphold a public image which cancel culture is based on, which is why he only lost a sponsorship for a beer company.

i cant believe some single american person's business misstep is being posted to my gay loving lego forum, like im literally falling asleep from boredom

Off Topic / Re: googlalini r u ok
« on: September 30, 2019, 02:49:50 AM »
receive a life

muhh laif!!!1

muh bear spensershirp!!

Off Topic / Re: pride month 4 thread
« on: September 29, 2019, 04:50:59 PM »
cool painting

You would be upset
yes!!!! incredibly important!!!!! i lost a sponsorship, however in no way shape or form is my life """"destroyed"""" you sensationalist barrel scraper. i just raised a million dollars for charity, if anything my life is doing loving amazing besides muhhh beer sponsership!!11!1

muhh sponsorship!!!

dude i wish i didnt find movies or shows so boring i havent seen stuff except for horror flicks

It doesn't matter whether you own up, double down or ignore it, it will destroy your life.
yeah i bet his life is so destroyed 🥴

so no one gives a forget about the tweet

no seriously

there's no one that gives a forget about the tweet.
there literally is no one, not a single person. im 100% convinced this article is made for clicks, this youtube video is made for views.
i cant believe some of you consume this garbage

who cares

Creativity / Re: The new and improved 3D model topic!
« on: September 27, 2019, 12:14:55 PM »
i dont even like glaceons anymore :pensive:
good to know you finally realized leafeon and vaporeon are much better

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