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Messages - Alkatjo

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 6 7 8 [9] 10 11 12 13 14 ... 357
Games / Re: Can I run mordhau? Does anyone have experience in this?
« on: May 06, 2019, 04:28:15 PM »
Yes. GTX 960 is still a capable card even today. Mordhau isn't a very demanding game despite the recommended requirements.

Games / Re: internet historian - the fall of 76
« on: May 05, 2019, 10:29:39 PM »
Tony you're literally in everything by chance. Adult swim, buzzfeed, youtuber reviews. What the hell are you doing lmao?

Off Topic / Re: what is your religion/thoughts on religion
« on: April 28, 2019, 07:10:27 PM »
Agnostic. There are too many discrepancies that are left up to the imagination and interpretation of the individual reading any form of scripture. I've read the old testament, the new testament, and so on. They're stories. That's it. I enjoy a good story every now and then but creating multiple covenants out of it and denying the possibility of death is silly. We're all born to die.

If there is a god, cool. If there isn't, whatever.

wow. it's getting CRAZY out there huh? 🤡🌎

Off Topic / Re: [Poll] Is this woman hot to you
« on: April 16, 2019, 07:40:18 PM »
I mean yeah, but i don't swing that way.

Off Topic / Re: ¡buenos dias, foro de blockland!
« on: April 15, 2019, 05:53:57 PM »
It's gotten to the point where i've seen that copypasta so many times that i don't even need to understand the language it's written in to recognize it. You could post that stuff in braille and i would be able to confidently go "yep, there it is".

Games / Re: Borderlands 3 to be an epic store exclusive
« on: April 01, 2019, 11:29:10 PM »
You're actually the 1%. While everyone else is fine with their data and stuff being sold (i mean who isn't at this point), actively taking up proverbial arms against a free market tyrant because you think the profit split is unfair is...radical. I don't condone the data stuff, i don't condone shady practices, but i'm fine with having once centralized source of media. I'm fine with having a monopoly because it's a commodity. It's centralized, it's convenient. We're not charged extra for games, refunds still exist, and we're free to choose what we play and who we play it with.

Under no circumstances am i about to install 4/5 other launchers to play games when i can play virtually all of them through steam, both officially inhouse and through 3rd party plugins/applications that allow me to access that content through steam, and organize it within the library.

Also the profit split margin "make vs. break" ratio is negligible, in that, the potential profits of steam are higher in some cases than the epic/origin/discord fiasco on the fact that steam is widely known and is still viewed more than all other game media platforms combined. They're losing more money from exposure, or the lack thereof. And no one is forcing producers, publishers, or indie startups to put their products on steam, because they know about the split, they're aware and they're accepting of that. In their world, in order to break even from thousands of hours of development, in order to make a sale, you need one thing. Viewership.

Exposure is everything, marketing is everything. Publicity, views, capital. THAT matters. Putting a game on the epic store is the equivalent of starting your expensive law firm in the Alaskan wilderness.

I don't mean to bash epic, because i want to see them force steam to step out of their comfort bubble, but at the same time i'm a neat person and like all of my media organised in a concise and clear fashion. There can't be order when there are ten or more so media platforms that all take up space and all conveniently claim to do everything else the competitors do, but "better".

Off Topic / Re: things you find painfully unfunny
« on: April 01, 2019, 11:04:15 PM »
okay.... boyboy westcoast loving slaps though
I think it would have been bearable if i didn't already hear it six million god damn times when that loving video came out. Every meme page, "yOu WeRe tHeRe iN tHe ClUb...". Relentless.

Games / Re: Borderlands 3 to be an epic store exclusive
« on: April 01, 2019, 08:43:25 PM »
Someone's literally got their nose up epic's ass. To each their own, but holy forget.

Off Topic / Re: things you find painfully unfunny
« on: April 01, 2019, 08:37:34 PM »
Most of the instagram memes are unbearable and unworthy of being called a meme.
The yeyegirl/east boy songs or whatever loving generic platitude of songs being reacted to on Tiktok.

I'm only on there for a select few quality meme pages but sometimes garbage slips by.

Off Topic / Re: If you hate cops, you're a criminal.
« on: March 29, 2019, 09:14:36 PM »
There are some good cops out there but all cops are inherently bad. - Citation needed.

Cops are not legally obligated to protect and serve. They could literally refuse service even if you're about to die and they won't get in trouble for it. - Service calls, yes. Blue code calls, no.

Cops abuse the system multiple times to get what they want (see civil asset forfeiture) - True to an extent, but variable to the cop's nature.

All cops stick up for each other even when they are clearly in the wrong. - Citation needed/false. While the thin-blue-line, blue wall, blue curtain definitely exists, it's up to the officer's discretion and that again relies heavily on their personal code and beliefs.

If a cop needs an excuse for doing what they did they'll just say "I was just following orders" like the national socialists did. - Although modern police forces are quasi-military, officers don't receive direct orders and trying to pull that over someone's eyes won't work.

The system put in place is corrupt outdated, not corrupt.

We need to go back to the 1880s where the Sheriff is democratically elected by the townspeople and if the sheriff becomes corrupt himself then the townspeople should be able to take him out of power without repercussions. - That still happens, except now that title belongs to the Chief of Police, who works only for the Mayor, both of which can be voted out of their positions.

Sources: 4 Year law grad student/auxiliary officer.

Don't let one bad run in with a highschool dropout deputy ruin our reputation. Yeah some cops are bad, but that negative attitude comes from media outrage and stories of innocent people being gunned down viciously because they wouldn't comply. Key word, "wouldn't".

Off Topic / Re: nostalgic items thread
« on: March 29, 2019, 03:55:43 PM »
holy stuff i had that kit

Games / Re: Borderlands 3 Badass-thread [PAX REVEAL TRAILER]
« on: March 28, 2019, 08:12:47 PM »
There's enough discrepancy between the first game and the second game to warrant a playthrough.

Games / Re: Borderlands 3 Badass-thread [PAX REVEAL TRAILER]
« on: March 28, 2019, 06:02:51 PM »
Surprised this is the 3rd main game that doesn't have a song by cage the elephant.

Off Topic / Re: you ever get richard cramps ?
« on: March 26, 2019, 10:56:54 AM »
I pray none of you ever experience testicular twist. I would rather have my life cut short in an instant than experience that again.

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