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Messages - Dropshock

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 6 7 8 [9] 10 11 12 13 14 ... 551
Never said it wasn't beautiful.

And no, I didn't cheat. I ran at near vertices slopes mashing space for like a million years.

It's easier with a horse.
Dropshock: 1
Gravity/Physics/Nature: 0

Is your computer all fixed for Skyrim?
Did my prayer to Alduin help out?
No. :(
I'm having a friend come over, and I'm shoving some of my working parts into his rig to beef it up a bit and then I'll download skyrim on it and we'll play it on his.

Now honestly, could you both just shut the forget up and get on with your lives?
Yes, I can. Sorry about that.
Sorry, 10pm and I have school tomorrow. :D
Sweet jesus you have school tomorrow? I don't, and I'm able to prepare for Skyrim accordingly. It's a shame you don't have it off.

The only times I EVER see you post is to flame people voicing their opinion.
Also, maybe you should look over your own posts first.
lol you cant afford a cape teehee!
lol ur a loving poorcigarette

its a cape tard
your a stupid
That would be epic.

Man, those are some quality loving posts you've got there.

This is your problem. The only times I EVER see you post is to flame people voicing their opinion. Get over yourself.
Wow, what? The only time I ever post is to flame people who are voicing their opinions? You must never see any of my posts then.
Oasis stated he hated 1.8.1, without explanation. Everyone asked why. Then he pulled the "I can play minecraft better than you" thing and said he hates it because of Depth of Field and sprinting. This makes absolutely zero sense. For one, depth of field isn't even in the game. Field of View is, but that changes nothing gameplay wise and is for visuals.
Secondly, to all of the sudden hate a version of the game because sprinting was added is batstuff insane. It makes no sense to me, and all I gathered from Oasis's posts was bitching about little aspects of the game so I told him off for doing it.

Bought it in Alpha, it changed a ton, loved it further. Suddenly, sprinting is added, and I'm totally just turned away by it. I still love Minecraft, I love what they're doing with the game, but something they did has altered my view on the game. When the full one is released, I'll be all over that.

Now, Menen and plad, forget off.
Sprinting was added, and it ruined the game for you.
What in the forget. Go bitch about loving stupid ass stuff elsewhere.
I'm not saying that I want it back it's just at this time of year was when I bought and mostly watched lets plays of Minecraft. Its very sentimental for me and I'm not sure why :L
Ah, I thought you were going to be like "aaah i don't like CHANGE"

Games / Re: Haven & Hearth: World 6 is hello!
« on: November 09, 2011, 08:50:07 PM »
great idea, except that i'm not a cook
why would i do that

General Discussion / Re: For anyone who uses Reddit: We have a Subreddit!
« on: November 09, 2011, 08:46:14 PM »

Yayy! We officially have a tagging system you guys can use. You can now properly tag your posts for addons, builds, screenshots, and the RTB website.

Games / Re: Haven & Hearth: World 6 is hello!
« on: November 09, 2011, 08:25:36 PM »
I have over 100k LP sitting in my character but I can't do anything with it because my motherboard is fried. Ugh.

Off Topic / Re: Need fun Batch Files.
« on: November 09, 2011, 07:29:16 PM »
If your school's computers can actually run batch files then they've got some serious security issues.

Off Topic / Re: Im making a plaster gauze mask in art
« on: November 08, 2011, 10:05:58 PM »
how is this not painfully obvious

Off Topic / Re: The Computer Megathread
« on: November 07, 2011, 11:20:54 PM »
Need a $300 build NO GRAPHICS CARD please.
Need a Monitor? Keyboard, mouse? OS?

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