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Messages - Radíowave

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Modification Help / Code to cancel a schedule?
« on: June 30, 2013, 12:34:15 AM »
What was the code to cancel a schedule? It does exist, I've seen it before.

Drama / Re: Framed by a troll: Spencer 2015 BL_ID: 23675
« on: June 29, 2013, 02:37:55 PM »
i'm sorry but what is with your desktop wallpaper
Don't ask.

Drama / Re: Framed by a troll: Spencer 2015 BL_ID: 23675
« on: June 29, 2013, 01:33:36 AM »
Spencer is a known handicap.

Also you probably should've cropped the picture. I can hardly read that at all.
Yeah, I know.

Drama / Framed by a troll: Spencer 2015 BL_ID: 23675
« on: June 29, 2013, 01:27:05 AM »
Today I got banned for something I didn't do. I was just at a freebuild server, just talking
with my friend and having a good time. Then then this handicapped troll ruins it. Apparently this
person found a way to make it look like I was spamming projectiles or something. I didn't
get it in action, but I do have proof.

(Sorry for the tiny little chat and screen)

So at first people keep telling me to stop the impulsive. (Obviously I'm confused)

And then it continues, and Spencer (the troll) types in "lol"

Now he types in "stop it radio" when he's the one  doing it

And finally the host bans me.

So then I tried contacting one of the players from the server, and it happened to
be the troll. This is the conversation:
Radíowave: Spencer, whatever I did I was unaware of.
Spencer2015: It was me

And here's a conversation we had later on so I could confirm it was him.
In the blue circle, it says "You were easiest to get" *Ahem, what a troll*

All I could say is that I hate imbeciles like these. Now I have one less server
to play on when I did nothing.

Modification Help / Re: Script for two keybinds?
« on: May 21, 2013, 01:17:44 AM »
If the first variable in the function called is true then the key was pushed. If it's false then the key was released. jet(1); will make you jet forever or until the jet key is released and jet(0); will stop you from jetting.
I know that, but put it in a keybind
and make it toggleable.

Modification Help / Re: Script for two keybinds?
« on: May 19, 2013, 11:11:59 PM »
Where would I learn about keybinds? I want to make something toggle able...
Like say I wanted to make a keybind to jet forever... and then I use the same keybind
to make it stop.

Modification Help / Re: Read All Files In Folder
« on: May 19, 2013, 01:17:48 AM »
You would do this:

Code: [Select]
%path = "config/client/ConsoleBot/notes/*.txt";
%count = getFileCount(%path);
for(%i = 0; %i < %count; %i ++)
     %file = findNextFile(%path);

EDIT: Xalos posted while I was typing.. Both methods work.
Huh, this was ALMOST exactly what I wanted.
It would be better if it would just say the name by itself, but it says config/client/ConsoleBot/thenamehere.txt
I mean, I could live with it, but it would be better to only show the file name.

Forum Games / Re: Kill the above user without using a weapon.
« on: May 18, 2013, 08:41:20 PM »
I have Justin Bieber lay an egg and then 1 Direction pops out.

Modification Help / Read All Files In Folder
« on: May 18, 2013, 08:33:20 PM »
So I was adding a little something to my bot where you could have it save notes.
Code: [Select]
function cbnewnote(%notetitle,%s1,%s2,%s3,%s4,%s5,%s6,%s7,%s8,%s9,%s10,%s11,%s12,%s13,%s14,%s15,%s16,%s17,%s18,%s29)
%file = new fileobject();
%file.writeline(%s1 SPC %s2 SPC %s3 SPC %s4 SPC %s5 SPC %s6 SPC %s7 SPC %s8 SPC %s9 SPC %s10 SPC %s11 SPC %s12 SPC %s13 SPC %s14 SPC %s15 SPC %s16 SPC %s17 SPC %s18 SPC %s19);
echo($cbmn@"The note "@%notetitle@" saved successfully.");
function cbreadnote(%filename)
%file = new fileobject();
%readnote = %file.readline();
echo($cbnm SPC %readnote);
The reason it is spaced out like
is because I just took it from a part of the whole script.
So anyways, I need it to open up ConsoleBot/notes and read all the names of the files inside notes.
Could anyone help?

Music / Don't You Worry Child.ogg
« on: May 18, 2013, 03:42:23 PM »
Don't You Worry Child

I only looped this song because it didn't seem like anyone else has.

View the full song by clicking below

Blockland download below

Thank you

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