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Messages - King Tøny

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Swedish Environment Minister Karolina Skog wants to reduce the number of cars in the country, arguing they contribute to gender inequality.

The center-left government will propose new guidelines for urban development this summer. Skog suggests cities should give less space to cars, and not just because of their impact on the environment.

“The car is flexible and it’s nice to sit in your own bubble, but the downside is space inefficiency,” Skog said in an interview with Goteborgs-Posten published Wednesday. “A normal Swedish car is parked 97 percent of its lifespan, and for every car there are eight parking spaces and [large parts] of driving lanes. You can’t suggest that’s efficient.”

Since most drivers in Sweden are men, the current city planning “give space to men at the expense of women,” according to Skog.

Obama was blowing up Syria for years WITHOUT CONGRESS APPROVAL and no one gave a forget till Annoying Orange did it.

Off Topic / Re: Eric Andre's Birthday Party and you all are invited.
« on: April 08, 2017, 06:50:21 PM »
because they're children

More birthday cake for me.

Off Topic / Re: Eric Andre's Birthday Party and you all are invited.
« on: April 08, 2017, 06:39:30 PM »
I forget people don't like Adult Swim.

People voted Hillary for being a woman.

People didn't vote for hillary for not being a man.

More importantly she didn't win because she lost and she can't get over it.

Off Topic / Re: Eric Andre's Birthday Party and you all are invited.
« on: April 08, 2017, 06:25:09 PM »
Ok Tony

Strean looks ugly

I have no idea who that is, and the party looks lame AF from the stream

So don't watch it? Obviously not your style.

Off Topic / Eric Andre's Birthday Party and you all are invited.
« on: April 08, 2017, 06:20:00 PM »

Eric Andre Birthday stream right now!

i didn't criticize your grammar; i criticized your spelling.

Its the same thing.

you are actually handicapped

No capitalization or punctuation? If you're going to call people out for grammar make sure yours is 100% correct.

also nice spelling in the title

Usually the left only cares about tiny spelling mistakes to try and discredit different opinions.

She's just going to run back to the monkeys.

Is this who you want in office?

Well I wouldn't want you for office.

Hillary even rallied to get a cartoon frog classified as hate speech just to try and one up Annoying Orange.

Is that who you want in office?

Sarah Palin sucked and Hillary would have been the first female president and the worst female president.

I said they are trying to hype Chelsea Clinton and even gave her an award for doing nothing.

You said that stuff is great a woman at least trying for office.


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