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Messages - King Tøny

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Anyone can literally get a source.

A muslim man was transporting a cow. When a group of indians riled up and killed him because they thought the muslim man was taking the cow to a slaughter house.

Which religion of peace am I suppose to side with here?

Off Topic / Re: Invader Zim returning (possibly only a movie though)
« on: April 05, 2017, 12:10:11 PM »
it's like Nickelodeon is realizing people don't like watching the same loving thing all day

People don't like watching spongebob all day?!

Off Topic / Re: Invader Zim returning (possibly only a movie though)
« on: April 05, 2017, 12:08:28 PM »
How isn't this news? Its a current event. Get out of here with your bustuff about what is or isn't news

This is why I drink coca cola.

every time tony makes a news topic and doesn't write a source, i'm automatically going to assume it's fake news.

You can assume what you want but every story I posted has actually happened and has been proven time and time again.

I don't know how you can defend his actions. Why would a college accept that

When Ziad Ahmed was asked on his Stanford University application “What matters to you, and why?”, his answer was clear.

He wrote: “#BlackLivesMatter”, repeating the hashtag exactly 100 times to highlight the excessive use of police force which disproportionately kills black men and women.

The practising Muslim senior high school student in New Jersey has since been accepted to the prestigious University.

“Everyone who received your application was inspired by your passion, determination, accomplishments, and heart,” the acceptance letter read.

It added: “You are, quite simply, a fantastic match with Stanford. You will bring something original and extraordinary to our campus – a place where you can learn, grow, and thrive.”

Mr Ahmed told MIC that he was “stunned” to be accepted.

“I didn't think I would get admitted to Stanford at all, but it's quite refreshing to see that they view my unapologetic activism as an asset rather than a liability,” he said.

A black kid wrote in "blacklivesmatter" about a couple times on his college application. He immediately got accepted into stanford college.

not news

Not news anymore, this was news when I posted it.

Someone bumped it.

They aren't climbing like Tony.

""fake news"" didn't cause any provable damage to Annoying Orange or his campaign
it'd probably be easier to argue that it cost clinton the election, especially considering how hard you cling to it

Fake news tried to get hillary to win and still trying to discredit Annoying Orange.

You can even dig under these fences which is incredibly easy to do.

At least the walls would actually have a foundation which would make tunneling significantly harder.

20 billion is an investment that will save us money in the long run and create more jobs.

The fence has bars that are at least a foot in diameter. I don't think wire cutters come in that size

You do know I can climb, right?

I've climbed over stuff with barb wire, it's not as bad as you think.

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