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Messages - CM1107ProjectInfinium

Pages: 1 ... 80 81 82 83 84 [85] 86 87 88 89
Creativity / Re: Garry's Mod Gallery
« on: February 24, 2018, 01:03:22 AM »
A Croissant Boy

this one had weird posing with the spy. I don't know what it is but it looks wrong

I like the posing in this one a lot imo. It LOOKS like scout is pissed, which is what I tried conveying

(also best scout is war scout)

Drama / Re: BLockyBuildingBro/CM1107ProjectInfinium - Complete handicap
« on: February 23, 2018, 11:43:53 PM »
You've been warned to not instigate stuff on the server and yet you continue to despite being given countless chances, considering how insistent you are on being a baby I believe launching you a bit was a very lenient punishment, not to mention your reaction was lovely!

Glad we're on the same page, I don't like you either so stay off the server if you're going to be an annoyance.


Your IP is public, we see it when you join the server so changing your name every day isn't going to fool anyone.

By the way, what happened to taking a break from the forums? It's been like one day dude, way to have no credibility.

It wasn't meant to instigate a reaction, it was a joke build. it was words.

fair enough.


Forgot that server admins can see IPs with certain addons, but I wasn't trying to fool anyone with a name change, just trying out stupid names. besides, if my BL_ID is always visible, why attempt to hide with a name change.

Drama / Re: BLockyBuildingBro/CM1107ProjectInfinium - Complete handicap
« on: February 23, 2018, 11:22:40 PM »
alright, might as well answer these since my loving sperg session is done.
completely unfunny
almost all of these were unnacceptable, and tbh it was an attempt at a forum Self Delete. hey, I guess it worked.
the last two however, I see nothing wrong with, literally just me posting a picture of me making a stuffty face

as for the vert stuff, yeah I realize it's unfunny now, and really, a joke isn't funny especially if it's forced.

borderline handicapation
Postal/Zeustal was dodging around questions by retorting with witty remark and "no u" type stuff so I posted a stuff photo. I mean I see like at least one "mmmm grayons" photo a day and they're practically the same. would you rather I just quote one of the ones Torin or limerick have posted?

still, I apologize

complete handicapation

see top, and still unnaceptable. sorry for plaguing the forums with stuffposts for a short bit.

impotent rage

he has an irrational hatred for people, even me

you guys better watch out a fat 13 year old on the internet is angery!

that first one was pretty unprovoked and just me angryposting while salty, apologies to Tony.

however I stand by the two at the bottom. You really are a passive aggressive piece of stuff at times and it seems like most of the time you just attempt to get a reaction out of people

BLockyBuildingBro (Aurius) has been joining Conan's server to be an annoyance recently, here he is after changing his name and having a fit.

I was building a joke sign that said 'ZEUSTAL BIG GAY" and your response is to not let me even play on the server by forcing my player into ski mode or whatever it is, even after I cleared the bricks. Clear admin abuse imo, and you were saying "it wasn't you" at first then going on to say how it was.

I don't like you, Zeustal, yeah, but really? spending 10 minutes of your time typing out a command to make the game unplayable?

I'm probably in the wrong here still.

also how you getting my IP Address?
and don't give me that "oh it's a public website" stuff again.

Drama / Re: gr8dayseth
« on: February 23, 2018, 11:05:44 PM »
literally nothing he has done is wrong. he's nice.
I get it, it's unheard of on the forums but jfc.



Off Topic / Re: What is the hottest food/thing you've ever eaten
« on: February 07, 2018, 10:45:34 PM »
Probably spicy rice from my grandma.
's been like 7 years so maybe I was just a little bitch

Games / Re: VRChat thread - blockhead avatar
« on: February 07, 2018, 05:14:52 PM »
it may sound stupid but I wanna make 2Fort in VRChat, if possible, and put TF2 Character Models + weapons.

Kinda like a stuffty TF2 version of that War Game with Dust and Office from CS

Off Topic / Re: Crazy Girl Thread
« on: February 06, 2018, 09:20:56 PM »
<using greentext at all
what friends lmao

Off Topic / Re: Crazy Girl Thread
« on: February 06, 2018, 07:53:22 PM »
>be me
>grade 6
>hanging out with friends behind playground
>this special needs girl who lisps everything runs up to me
>gives me a note that says "I like you"
>I ignore it because I have a gf
>she gets addicted to me but I don't even like talking to her
Fast forward to pancake breakfast day at school, grade 8
>sitting with friends & girlfriend having fun eating and talking
>the special ed girls mom comes up to us and asks to take a picture of us for the yearbook
>we say sure and she snaps a photo
>"oh I'll need to take a picture of MrFizzyCat alone."
>she pulls me out the gym door (that's where we were eating)
>takes multiple pictures of me
>"okay shoo"
Fast forward to grade 7, power outage in school because of the rain
>sitting alone texting people online
>special ed girl comes up to me and shows me the picture of me from the pancake breakfast, and it's in her wallet
>I suddenly remember that happening, and it never ended up in the yearbook
>she tosses a small ziplock bag to me
>I open it and there's a card inside
>"Merry Christmas" reads the card (Christmas was about a week away btw)
>"I love you" was written on the inside of the card
>I give her the most messed up look possible and she just looks at me
>I get up and walk to the other side of the class and toss the card in the garbage with her watching me
>tell my girlfriend about it and she is also disturbed at the spec ed girl
Fast forward to literally later that day when I'm about to walk home
>girlfriends house is the opposite direction of mine, so we can't walk together. we usually just wait about 10 minutes before walking home after school so we can see each other more
>spec ed girl standing on hill about 100 meters away from us
>without me knowing she takes a picture of me
>say goodbye to my girlfriend, hug, and start walking
>spec ed bitch most likely triggered
>my house is about an hours walk from the school
>10 minutes into the walk a car stops near me
>(for context, i live in a small-ish town. the roads i walk home on barely have anyone driving on them)
>"Hey MrFizzyCat! Need a ride?"
>It's spec eds mom
>"N-.. No thanks Mrs.Anonymous."
>"Come on, we can quickly drop you off at your house, it's not that far away!"
>How the hell does she know where my house is?
>"Look, I'm fine. Thanks though."
>I see spec ed in the backseat of the car
>"Brent, please! I'd like to talk to you!"
>I make a stupid choice
>walk up to the car but I keep my tall stance
>rest my elbows against the car window
>"I do not want a ride." I say as firmly and aggressively as I physically can. (keep in mind, even if I was in grade 7, I was about 6 ft tall, so I was a tad bit threatening)
>I stare at specs mom for a few seconds before continuing to walk
>she drives off
>Fast forward, grade 9, June
>sitting with the girl I've been with since grade 6 and my best pal
>spec ed runs by and shoots me a dirty look
>"Is she still interested in you?" asks my gf
>"I don't know"
>Later that day
>it's really sunny out and I decide to study out on the field
>gf and pal are with me
>we're all having a blast, talking, studying, drinking & eating
>it's literally a perfect day
>spec ed sees us
>she walks up to us and sits down in the middle of the 3 of us
>we all go dead silent
>"I could make you happier" she says to me in the most lisp voice possible
>gf starts laughing her ass off
>my pal starts dying
>I'm laughing too
>spec ed pulls her books out and starts reading them
>gf still laughing her ass off
>my group is making no noise, besides my gf
>finally I decide to speak up
>"I won't ever be interested in you, please stop trying, as you can see, I'm pretty happy with my relationship."
>the look on her face was priceless
>gf smiles
>spec ed starts crying obnoxiously
>the 3 of us get up and move to the other end of the field
>after about 5 minutes spec ed follows us there, sits down and starts crying again
>my pal tells her to screw off
>she gets mad and smacks his leg
>I'm 6'1 at that time
>I stand up and put my foot on spec eds shoulder
>push her with all my force to the ground
>she does that bs oh you knocked me out thing
>the 3 of us walk away
>Fast forward, next week
>it's summer break, and i was sitting out on my porch reading manga
>spec eds mom pulls up
>(my parents are literally only at my house from 10pm - 7am everyday)
>spec eds mom gets out of her car
>"what the **** did you do to my daughter?
>the grin on my face must've left a mark on her
>"she said you punched her in the face, why would you do that to your girlfriend?"
>roostery smile wipes off my face
>"she's not my girlfriend, she's been stalking me for a long time, and same with you too."
>"oh how have I been stalking you"
>"explain how you know where I live, and why you took those pictures of me at the pancake breakfast"
>"she told me where you live, and-"
>she struggles to think of an excuse for the pictures
>"exactly, you and your spastic daughter are stalking me"
>her face turns red
>"you never, EVER, speak like that to an adult. you've been dating her since grade 6 and you pull this? where are your parents?"
>"they're not home"
>she starts banging on my door and yelling
>I make another stupid decision
>I go up and punch her as hard as I physically can in the side
>she looks at me, trying to act un-phased (it was clear that it hurt her)
>"I'll be back" she says, and points right at me
>I go inside, grab a smallish knife that I have in my bedroom
>by the time I'm back she's sitting in her car texting someone (presumably spec ed)
>gesture her to roll down the window
>"I'll be waiting"
>flash the knife
>drives off
>Fast forward to now, grade 10
>spec ed is in my film class
>no contact has been made with the demon but I've seen her stare at me from time to time

Hope you enjoyed this, BLF. It was a pain to write. (She never came back.)

>>6911729636 kek good post makes me lols much friendo

Drama / Re: kidalex - record breaking size starfish
« on: February 06, 2018, 07:46:22 PM »
Aye mate while you're at it, I really like how you just exposed literally everything that does not benefit you to the forums. Are you playing 10D chess or are you just that much of a drongo?
not even mcjob talks like this
and he's australia itself

Drama / Re: kidalex - record breaking size starfish
« on: February 06, 2018, 06:27:13 PM »
who the forget flames gr8

Drama / Re: kidalex - record breaking size starfish
« on: February 06, 2018, 06:25:04 PM »
what the forget are you talking about
this is personally my favorite piece of his art

Off Topic / Re: Crazy Girl Thread
« on: February 06, 2018, 06:22:28 PM »
i'm sorta roped into a friendship with this psycho artist girl who acts like a total spazz in the middle of class. She's nice at heart but she's just... off.
like, Tide Pods Knuckles sort of off
in public

Also VH because i'm crazy 4 u <3

Drama / Re: kidalex - record breaking size starfish
« on: February 06, 2018, 06:20:23 PM »
funposting aside who tf goes out of their way to show the NSFW blog of an artist who has done literally nothing wrong here? Char has been fairly neutral as far as I know. like fr let a brother loving draw

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