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Messages - aludane

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 7 8 9 [10] 11 12 13 14 15 ... 336
Clan Discussion / Re: [CB] Comblock, Blockland Computing - New Poll!
« on: February 01, 2013, 12:18:50 PM »
Anybody scripting or anything? Need help with some events?

"AIDS, logic, AIML"


Clan Discussion / Re: [CB] Comblock, Blockland Computing - New Poll!
« on: January 29, 2013, 07:43:47 PM »
I practically fell asleep at college due to medication. Spent first 2 hours fighting the urge to sleep.

I'm going to be spending more time on the  simple Ruby regex chatbot script since I got some University interviews coming up and I need cool stuff to show. Eventually I'll have a working chatbot for Blockland so that will be fun. I'd say it's 40% done. 30% of it can be done over 2-3 days and the next 30% is stuff that requires thinking over.

I'm liking the HQ by the way.



Gallery / Re: R.M.S Queen Mary 1
« on: January 29, 2013, 06:56:42 PM »
I do not share your view on "stealing".  In my opinion, builds should be made for others to enjoy and admire. If you keep them all to yourself, noone will gain anything from it. People will congratulate you on your fine build in the gallery, but then it will be forgotten after a week or two.

If you, however, decide to share it with everyone, then people will come to your server and play around with it. Some people might even like the build so much that they decide to save it and play with it later. I wouldn't call it stealing, I would call it admiration. And what better way to honor the original builder is there than hosting his build? I get a fuzzy feeling inside everytime I see my build on someone else's server.

You missed the part where people start saying you've stolen your own build or some other nonsense that can easily be avoided by not hosting the build publicly. What you've said is fine for as long as somebody realizes the original author (so that confusion remains at a minimum).

Yeah the effects can be reduced if you made a topic about it with gallery pictures but meh more than three quarters of the stuff I personally build is never published to gallery.

Off Topic / Re: Account Attack
« on: January 29, 2013, 10:47:39 AM »
I wonder if some social engineering took place.

Off Topic / Re: My Little Pony: Friendship for Blockheads: General V2
« on: January 29, 2013, 08:45:05 AM »
the page was only broken in FireFox for me, Chrome is fine.

Off Topic / Re: procrastination Megathread
« on: January 28, 2013, 06:23:04 PM »
Fappity Fippity Foppity Fap.

Clan Discussion / Re: [CB] Comblock, Blockland Computing - RTB Hosting!
« on: January 28, 2013, 05:39:46 PM »
You never know..
We've decided to keep the server passworded until the HQ is done being built, too many randoms getting in the way.
Which also reminds me.
[CB] Ground HQ Lobby:
Well I'm impressed.

Gallery / Re: Hard Drive (Default Events) *New* [Anatomy Video]
« on: January 28, 2013, 05:04:19 PM »
How did you do this without VCE.
I think Icy used relay and toggle events.

Forum Games / Re: Signature Rating
« on: January 28, 2013, 12:26:52 PM »

Some funny quotes and such.

Off Topic / Re: My Little Pony: Friendship for Blockheads: General V2
« on: January 26, 2013, 09:50:27 AM »
which one are we all watching it on?

Off Topic / Re: Is the above user's avatar disturbing? v3
« on: January 26, 2013, 09:48:49 AM »

Games / Re: World of Warcraft - Mists of Pandaria!
« on: January 26, 2013, 07:04:00 AM »
no key binds as a hunter at level 85? Definitely would rule out being good at the game.

I use keybinds with certain abilities. if you think that screenshot shows my character from a recent state then :/

Like 9/10 times I see multiboxers PVPing they're DKs and they death grip you and blow you up in like 2 seconds
I don't see how that could work, are they following each other or are they moving as one?

Games / Re: World of Warcraft - Mists of Pandaria!
« on: January 25, 2013, 10:56:25 PM »
I've seen DK quad boxers completely rape Warsong Gultch. It's like pay2win if you do it right. Hahaha
I've got gear that hasn't even got item levels so I'd suck at BGs.

As a general rule I've heard with dualboxing, it's best to go with a melee + caster or caster + caster. That's because having melee follow melee doesn't make much sense especially in pvp and is quite difficult.

An old screenshot:

Scourge event leading up to WoW WotLK launch.

Games / Re: World of Warcraft - Mists of Pandaria!
« on: January 25, 2013, 08:00:15 PM »
I now dualbox. It's quite fun with RaF active sadly people think I'm cheating/should be banned when it's perfectly allowed.

The amount of skill required to do it is extreme. I'm using two shadow priests.

I was level one yesterday, now level forty. That's a few hours of playing.

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