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Messages - nerraD

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A quick survey for you guys:
Which do you prefer?
CPU -> Intel or AMD?
GPU -> Intel, AMD or NVidia?
HDD -> Western Digital or Seagate?
SSD -> Western Digital, Seagate or Kingston?
^Note: These are the only options available to me to upgrade my system. Don't chose a company I didn't put.
CPU: Honestly, people have a fan opposition against AMD or Intel. I prefer neither. I'd say to go with AMD if you're going for that bang for your buck situation, however if you want an extra couple of framerates or intend to use Visual Studios or any rendering software, I would go with Intel because of how the software takes advantage of that processor. However JayzTwoCents said in one of his YouTube videos that either don't have much difference.

GPU: Intel only do integrated graphics. I wouldn't go towards intel graphics standalone in a system build as I would want to have enough power to pump four screens which I have. Again AMD have a better price to power ratio but NVidia has it's superior in rendering than AMD. (I would still go with an AMD GPU though because of how powerful they are for the price offered.)

HDD: I don't mind. I would go for WD because I have these in a RAID configuration on my workstation PC in my bedroom, and they're doing good enough for what I need them to.

SSD: People might slaughter me for this, but I would go with an Intel SSD. Kingston SSD if I had to choose out of them three.

AMD would save you a lot of money. I consider building an overclocked fx-8000 series cpu with a watercooled CPU and R9-290 for a good budget yet really powerful PC.

Nvidia wtf Intel's not a GPU anyway

They do APU's.

Off Topic / Re: Post real life pictures of yourself.
« on: June 07, 2014, 10:18:41 AM »
this topic was ruined when emofreak joined it

Off Topic / Re: "Shrek is Love" read by me
« on: June 03, 2014, 11:30:45 AM »
wasn't even funny and it was read too quickly

swift looks like i've just gone and took a very spicey stuff with the hurts of ring sting afterwards

the script should have some spam limiter, then we wouldn't have this problem

Off Topic / Re: So uh, comcast did doubled my speed
« on: May 30, 2014, 04:14:37 PM »
i got 80mb upload and download with 1 server around my area when trying and then i got 2mb/s download and upload with another server

i am not sure it's completely accurate in the UK, i may be wrong tho

my ISP guarantees me to get a 70mb/s upload and download speed though, even though that never is used to that extent because wireless connections and the server i'm getting a file off might have a limit

Modification Help / Re: Adding bricks to the current game
« on: May 27, 2014, 11:55:08 AM »

wait a few seconds


might work
i tried that when i was messing around a while ago and it didn't work and it just crashed the clients constantly upon joining. i wasn't sure why, considering it was vanilla blockland

Drama / Re: Kalphiter's latest and stupidest rant
« on: May 26, 2014, 05:18:24 PM »
TGE isn't limiting anything...? What do you mean "technic bricks and buildable vehicles will break compatibility"?

you should really learn how the engine works and its internals before you say if anything is compatible and isn't.
I'm pretty sure the physics engine is heavily limited, which; correct me if I'm wrong, goes along side with TGE. I am assuming mostly but it doesn't mean that it's easy to update an old and outdated game. Every game engine has it's limitations.

Woah there bucko. If you read, you would know I said that your comment about "new features won't improve the game" was stupid. You magically pull this whole new topic about badspot's workload out of your ass and completely drop the old one, and start responding as if this was your initial topic. My post was a deliberate respond to you saying that "the game can only get better by players being creative and new features won't improve it". Did you drop that genius deduction in favor of this new topic and expect me not to notice or something?
Oops yep, you got me this time lol!!!

No, actually I changed the topic around because I thought a point had to be proven, you're basically relying on Badspot to innovate something that'll make you even more creative, I'm sure the creativity flaws can be worked out by changing your idea slightly rather than waiting for Badspot to update it.

-links- and huge paragraph after it
I'm failing to see what these links have to do with anything. Unless they're all Blockland related then they're irrelevant. Those games could have an easier 'framework' or not be as advanced or dirty as Blockland. If you're not happy with the game's development then leave and find another build block sandbox which doesn't go over your 24 month expectance of a major update, the single developer cannot make you all happy.

This has only probably slowed development down more because of the fact people think that Badspot has completely given up, which it hasn't because Badspot did comment saying that 'I'm through a compatibility-breaking update'. Stop being an starfish with your sarcastic speech and attempts to belittle me and I'll probably actually not argue points back towards you and save you some time. It overly frustrates me when someone online tries to belittle the other, I don't think you'd be like that in real life now, would you?

Oh also I never said updates wont make the game better, I said that you don't need to have updates to be creative. You can always jump hurdles that are limited by the game's functions, I've been able to, why can't anyone else?

Aside from the rant, I'm only saying that if you don't like the development in this game then you should either leave or deal with it and wait until Badspot releases whatever.

Drama / Re: Kalphiter's latest and stupidest rant
« on: May 26, 2014, 02:57:02 PM »
Technic bricks won't make the game better? Buildable vehicles won't make it better? These things EXTEND what people can do with their creativity, and (in your words) that it what makes the game better.
You're saying it as if it's easy for Badspot alone to do. Just keep in mind that this is a single indie developer with literally no help with anyone anymore since people like Kompressor have gone on to make their own engines like Loom. Keep in mind that Blockland has been built on static bricks that don't intend on moving. Doing something like technic bricks and buildable vehicles will only mess up all the current compatibility. Even then, it's not loving easy to do, and if you expect stuff like that then please allow Badspot to have atleast 2 years without a major update. Who knows? He's probably fixing the vehicle physics, he's probably adding more functionality to the bricks. But I'd like to see you in your shoes developing these kind of things from an already existing, 10 year old, game.

This has to be THE stupidest thing i've read yet! ------- I honestly can't believe you just said that.
I don't think it's at all stupid, I'm realistic about these things, I don't expect so much development as you've just described to be put into a 2 year gap, I don't think it's possible especially editing a huge amount of code for something that breaks as much compatibility as it might do. You're not being realistic, it's an old game engine which has been heavily modified, don't expect features like that to come off trees from a heavily developed game throughout the timescales it's been alive.

This game is good as it is, you can still be creative.

These are just a small fraction of the new creative possibilities that a couple of updates could bring.
Ok? It doesn't matter; you're not being realistic, a single developer just cannot do so much you're asking. You've got to sympathise with Badspot for all the grief he's being given for not updating in years, when probably behind the scenes he's working his ass off to clean up all the physics, use less GPU power umongst other things.

TLDR: This game has it's limitations, it's really good as it is currently, building new features on an already heavily modified game is risky business, probably not for much worth either.

I haven't played this game properly in months because I got bored of it, I've played it for 6 years for christ sake, I'd probably have expected more from this game if TQE didn't limit it so much.

Drama / Re: Kalphiter's latest and stupidest rant
« on: May 26, 2014, 11:18:49 AM »
Kalphiter is just someone that hates Blockland with a passion.

He's like a Sith, if he doesn't like something he will try his best to eliminate it off the face of the Earth and hope nobody ever finds out about it again.

Kalphiter is just doing this out of pure hatred torwards Badspot, thinking that he can beat Badspot in his own game, that is making games of-course.

We can clearly see his pure hatred towards this game and it's community due to his big Reddit page called 'BlocklandIsHorrible', he just went out of his way to create a rejected user heaven that gathered all rejected users that this community has disowned to make them rally up against this game and straight out bash it without any clear reason, (Well, you could count being an starfish to this community and straight out making everyone hate you as a reason.).

Again, as mentioned earlier, Kalphiter is doing this due to pure hatred as he will stop at NOTHING to see Blockland crash and burn.

This is easier summed up by saying that Kalphiter has some valid points yet we didn't buy this game to have a monthly subscription to the latest patches. Badspot wouldn't announce anything until it's in it's final stages.

heedicalking is too hell bent over constant update when the game can only be made better by people's creativity. The only thing Badspot can do is add functionality which (i don't think) will make a difference, especially with eventing and the intensive graphics out of an old engine.

Kalphiter's points are valid, although I still despise his attitude towards the community. Kalphiter's point against the game's development is right but that doesn't mean that updates are completely finished for. Badspot hinted that this game was going through a heavy change. This is why we can't have nice things as much, because of the constant ranting. Badspot will only read it and if anything, it'll slow down development because of his unmotivated attitude, because of the community. This topic will do has done more harm to the development than any good if anything.

Off Topic / Re: Post real life pictures of yourself.
« on: May 22, 2014, 02:45:51 PM »
No it's just his sister posing with him in bed without clothes
i thought so

Off Topic / Re: Post Your Desktop 2 / Desktop Megathread
« on: May 21, 2014, 10:27:54 AM »
everyone tries to make their desktops really simple, i did that once and i found it more difficult to use than a messy desktop/phone launcher

not saying that people find it harder with simple desktops, just that i find it a bit plain and boring, i only hide icons when i cba with them (aka when i'm not doing work)

them fans aren't even attached to the gpu wtf, it looks ugly none the less

Off Topic / Re: what do you guys hate about your school firewall
« on: May 20, 2014, 01:03:35 PM »
my school's firewall is terrible, can be easily diverted by using a vpn....

Off Topic / Re: Post real life pictures of yourself.
« on: May 18, 2014, 01:22:36 PM »

its been more than three years since ive had the need for a webcam
but why in the world is your webcam such high quality

he lowered the resolution

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