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Messages - Alex GShep

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Off Topic / Re: Your World Of Text
« on: May 22, 2013, 07:35:27 AM »
There I did my part

Off Topic / Re: anyone like my new siggy
« on: May 22, 2013, 07:33:24 AM »

I find it funny that you play CoD, especially competitively, but you're not seen at all on the Black Ops II megathread (as far as i'm concerned)

Are you trying to hide that you play the series inorder to avoid getting insulted here?

Why do I have to be in a thread to play CoD competitively.

I've come to not hate CoD anymore and stop sucking the bandwagon richard. CoD is what we call an arcade game and I play it for fun. Because that's what it is, a fun arcade run-and-gun.


I don't think the CoD series is stuff, its just that Bo2 was an unbelievable let down for me

I love Black ops and hate Modern Warfare.

There ya go.

have you just read what you have been saying?

No, I'm quoting you, flapjack.

I'm sorry for reacting like this but I play CoD Competitively and play it almost every day with my crew.
And I have a pet peeve for people bitching about the game even tho they don't know stuff about what the game is supposed to be.

They are all games with guns
Halo and BF3 are fps's that both have small and large maps
CoD is supposed to be a fps, but instead it has devolved into a generic stuffty shooter with tiny maps and zombies
To be fair, pretty much all of the games before BO1 were excellent, especially WaW

Oh my god. ._.

The gameplay is unbelievably brown, and the actual colour scheme is awful compared to games like Farcry, Halo, BF3 and so on

Far Cry, a completely unrelated game to an arcade shooter.
Halo, a Sci-Fi shooter completely unrelated to CoD as it functions completely different.
Same story with BF3, BF3 is not supposed to work how CoD works.

Do you even know how CoD is supposed to work? It doesn't need big maps like BF3 or Halo, it needs fast paced FPS gameplay to give you an arcade-shooter-like feel.

I have 6 of the games and completed them 100%
I'm sorry what

Then you would know about the national socialist Zombies game mode and that Black Ops 2 has color instead of brown.

CoD (bo2) isn't just the only generic brown shooter out there
I could have been referring to MoH Warfighter, BF3 and so on

Man you don't know anything about CoD.

Thank you for proving my point.

what other game has all of those things at once

pixelated, sandbox, openworld, and zombies

blockland isn't pixellated

I didn't mean all at once. I meant as in if a game has one of these things, it has a high chance on getting more known.


Also I'm definitely not talking about Blockland as I don't play it enough to be able to judge it.

Lol who said we are bashing cod?

Think harder.

I don't like minecraft :(

in all honesty minecraft is terrible for building compared to BL

Not just MineCraft that has this, sadly.

Now let's be a little bit more serious instead of bashing CoD.

Pixelated, Sandbox, openworld indie games with zombies.

That's it.

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