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Messages - Zharthon

Pages: 1 ... 87 88 89 90 91 [92] 93
Drama / Re: Pacnet being a complete asshat
« on: June 28, 2014, 09:35:24 AM »
You don't need to flaunt your knowledge on the Blockland Forums to look cool.

Forgive me, but I am not trying to look cool.

Don't take this as an arguement starter or an insult post, I am just saying that I did this to point out their fallacies and what error's they made in their arguements.

Drama / Re: Pacnet being a complete asshat
« on: June 28, 2014, 09:15:27 AM »
I've seen two people in this thread which have commited three logical fallacies, those two people are Skig and Furdle.

If we start first off with Furdle, we will clearly see that he used the 'Tu Quoque' logical fallacy, he avoided having to engage with criticism by turning it back on the accuser in other words Furdle answered criticism with criticism, Furdle later uses the Ad Hominem logical fallacy, attacking (From what I can guess is Skig) looks and character, the last logical fallacy Furdle used is Straw-Manning, seeing by him misrepresenting Skig's arguement so it was easier to be attacked.

Skig's only logical fallacy was Ad Hominem, seeing as he attacked Furdle's character/personal traits, in a mutlitude of his posts.

Before someone asks, I know this was probably un-necessary and I shouldn't have posted this, but here goes nothing.

Drama / Metal Zero - Creating two unecessary Drama's in a day
« on: June 22, 2014, 01:52:39 PM »
Metal Zero has posted two thread's in the Drama section, about the users 'Bim' and 'Boki' in a single day, one named 'Bim jumps to conclusions.' and the other 'Boki-Searching up my information'.

If we start off with 'Bim jumps to conclusions' thread, we can clearly see from the beginning that the evidence is non-existant, there are no pictures and nothing to support his case, believing that 'Copy & Pasting' the text that was on his ban message and clearly not providing any evidence to prove that Metal Zero wasn't guilty and never did what he was accused of doing, even though he was found to be the actual culprit in the end by Bim.

Link to 'Bim jumps to conclusions' drama:

Now, onto the second drama named 'Boki - Searching up my information', Metal Zero provides no evidence other than the 'Copy & Paste' conversation he had with Boki, which possibly never happened due to there again, being no pictures or evidence supporting his case that this conversation infact happened, the title of the Drama is also misleading as there is no evidence that Boki indeed searched up Metal Zero's information on this supposted 'Chat' log that he posted on the thread.

Link to 'Boki - Searching up my information.' drama:

All this was un-necessary and stupid, as Metal Zero provided no evidence in both of these thread's and was caught lying about something he did, but still tried to prove himself innocent.

Drama / Re: Aware - Douchebag
« on: June 10, 2014, 02:29:41 PM »

Anyone questioning that >.>?

Keep your hashtags away from us, this isn't Twitter nor will it ever be.

Using hashtags is immature and makes you seem more of an ass to everyone, not to mention you looking like a giant douchebag.

The more you know.

Drama / Re: Aware - Douchebag
« on: June 10, 2014, 04:53:16 AM »
ElementalWolf269,  I am sorry for you buddy, but what you are doing is actually reportable.

And no, let me stop you there, you can't report someone for reporting you as that isn't a valid reason which someone can use to report.

You also can't drag the legal system into this, nor go to the court over this, so we got that out of the way, it's time to discuss your behavior.

I also need to mention something before I discuss your behavior, it's not wise to put your real name on your Steam account, Matthew, but it's also not wise putting your last name in too.

I had a quick peek around your Steam account, looked at your groups and voilà, your childish behavior can be seen by you being a member of both.. 'Garry's Mod Furries' and you seem to be a member of a group called 'Teh PewDiePie Super Awesome Fan Club!!!' and before you ask, yes people that's the actual name of the group, but you have aswell have created a group yourself which is invite only called {911}.

I know you being a 'Furry' isn't justifiable for hate, but it's your childish behavior is what's getting you hatred on these forums.

You are clearly seeing the topic backfire, but just because you say it's not backfiring it's not, I don't understand how you think that a topic which there isn't one SINGLE person supporting you and your opinion about Aware, how does your mind even work..?!

You also say that you are 18, well congratulations, but I mean seriously.. 18 who doesn't have a job and has nothing better to do than argue with other's on the internet and plus, play's Video-game's all day to the point which he doesn't even have time to change one small thing on his profile.

There is no redemption for you, so would you kindly stop posting.

I love how I am in China yet I am Pro-US.

It's so hilarious seeing the USSR being pissed off at me due to accidently heading towards free economy.

Too bad, I am in Asia muzzaforgetas.


Drama / Re: Flatflyer & his annoying obsession
« on: June 07, 2014, 10:35:38 AM »
I'm not siding with anyone here, but I can't believe a topic about a guy liking birds got 16 pages.

The first FIVE pages are for Flatflyer, along with a few posts with him on other pages.

This thread mostly consists of people arguing with 'Takato14' due to him making poorly made arguements and contradicting himself multiple times, plus it's probably due to him not backing off the arguement and accepting defeat until 4 pages from his first post on this topic.

Drama / Re: Flatflyer & his annoying obsession
« on: June 07, 2014, 10:23:05 AM »
This, from the looks of it managed to change it's topic instead, turning into a drama for the user named 'Takato14'.

'Takato14' from his actions, seems to be a person who believe's in 'Judge, but don't allow anyone to judge you.' and evidence to support my case is the fact that 'Takato' here, turns down valid critism/point's in other's people's arguements, considering them as.. 'stupid' or something that cannot support their case.

Another issue with 'Takato14' is that he is the Knight in the shining armor even though he doesn't realise it is, he is ready to strike against anybody who doesn't agree with or what opinion/person he support's and those whom do not rally to join his side, defending all of his claim's as correct and protecting his opinion are against him, thus 'somewhat' literally everyone in this thread is his enemy who must be defeated to him.

We can also notice how 'Takato' is stubborn, not backing off on certain arguements and trying to make everyone as written earlier, rally on his side to defend him and his point, he will almost never accept defeat, although he will apologise at specific times when he notice's and understands the moments where he goes overboard with the arguement's or claims that he makes against the other person.

But one thing that I am pretty suprised about 'Takato' is that he possibly uses the 'Straw-man' logical fallacy in almost all of his arguements, by exaggerating, misrepresenting, or just completely fabricating someone's argument, it's much easier to present his own position as being reasonable, but completely present's the other's as irrational and something that can't be used to argue or counter his points.

I know this is probably like an evaluation of his character, but it's pretty much what the user 'Takato14' is like on the forums, whilst arguing.

Drama / Re: Ty's Modules
« on: June 04, 2014, 03:07:09 AM »
Good forgetin' game Ty.

You just took your code, which clearly had a backdoor in it and asked for damned MONEY , now that's pretty pathetic.

I mean, you host('ed) one of the most successful City(More like 'stuffty')RPG's that were available on the server list and then asked for money even though you clearly mentioned earlier that you earned 250$ clearly out of donations to your server.

You are a money whore and an imbecile, you can't fool anyone so here is the door..

No, don't leave anytime you want, leave right the forget now and never come back.

It's not like you find where someone's house is from that site

No, but you can find his postal code, city and country.

What do you have to say now, Red..?

I forgot to add some.. more than crucial information in my previous post, but here it goes.

Most of you won't believe this but.. Alcatraz and I quote, said "From I get their postal code, city, continent." and that's just loving.. wrong.

Alcatraz is abusing the system to find out and track peoples locations in-order to later pass the information onto someone else later.

This is seriously wrong and needs to be stopped, it's stalking and invading other people's privacy.

Just to spice up the fire, Alcatraz makes claims that he searches up IP's on an IP tracker website, essentially showing where you live.

He does it through bans, for instance, he bans somebody and goes to the unban list, checks his IP and runs it through that website to see where this specific person lives.

I was there when this.. 'Incident' happened, but I just couldn't do anything to prevent it, at the time Alcatraz was banning everyone who joined his server permamently in-order to get their City/Town and Country name via running IP checks.

Even though the ban-message is written in a.. poorly written and plus childish way, it's seriously saying that he has your IP adress and location.

Drama / Re: Kalphiter's latest and stupidest rant
« on: June 01, 2014, 05:54:07 AM »
You're focusing on technical minutiae that are completely unimportant.  This is one of the pitfalls of game dev - you need to work with what you have.  "I need X technology to make a game" is one of the lies people tell themselves so they don't have to try. 

Let's try a real world example:
Rising lava is a gamemode.  It's kinda fun but has some problems.  You would probably say that the problem is the water system isn't good enough and that Badspot needs to update the engine and make the water rise smoothly or code fluid dynamics or something.  Badspot won't do that, so you just throw up your arms blame all your problems on Badspot.  Why even bother working on a mod at all if Badspot won't "fix" the engine right?

What you really should be doing is refining the gameplay within the limitations of the tech you have.  You're stuck with planar lava with kind of dodgy movement.  Ok.  What's a gameplay problem?  Well everyone gets stuck in the staircase.  Why?  Because everyone wants to get to the roof of the skyscraper.  Why are they doing that?  It's the only safe spot.  Hmm, maybe there should be more than one safe spot.  Maybe the lava shouldn't always go to the top of the map so lower spots can be safe.  Maybe lava should go up and down.  Maybe announce how high it's going to go so people can plan where they're going to escape to.  Maybe give people something to collect so they have a reason to come down off the buildings - coins or something (gems?).  Maybe a lava proof suit powerup?  Maybe a rowboat that catches on fire after a bit?  Maybe a lava shark? 

Do you see how changing mindsets leads to actually developing a game? 

I agree with you Badspot.

Heedicalking should understand that this is a community driven game, a single developer isn't going to cater to all of his needs.

Plus, in-response to Heedicalking it's stupid of you, expecting ONE person to update a game monthly/weekly to again, cater to all your needs.

Drama / Re: Kalphiter's latest and stupidest rant
« on: May 31, 2014, 03:40:50 AM »
I sorta didn't like the maps due to most of them being un-even or just a major pain to build in.

I also hated how most maps, except the default ones had low quality textures, it was painful to even PLAY on those maps.

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