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Messages - sir dooble

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Off Topic / Re: how has 2017 been for you?
« on: December 07, 2017, 08:12:18 AM »
Yeah, it's been alright.
I've enjoyed my work, although I've had to put up with more than my fair share of stuffheads.
I had a really great family holiday in the summer, and spent quite a lot of time with family throughout the year which has been nice.
There have been quite a few twists and too much pointless drama.

But overall it's been pretty good.

Off Topic / Re: IS PEE STORED IN THE balls?: the great debate topic™®
« on: December 06, 2017, 04:28:35 PM »
piss is stored in the piss sector of your brain numbskull
Is this the origin of the word 'pisshead'?

Off Topic / Re: IS PEE STORED IN THE balls?: the great debate topic™®
« on: December 06, 2017, 04:22:40 PM »
If it was then my balls would be huge after drinking a lot of liquid.
if you drink too much then your balls overflow and your peepee gets bigger

Off Topic / Re: forumers, who is your forum crush?
« on: December 06, 2017, 04:21:18 PM »
sir dooble is alive :O
ah stuff, I knew I was supposed to be doing something

*crawls back into grave*

Off Topic / Re: forumers, what's your bank balance? 18+ ONLY
« on: December 06, 2017, 04:03:52 PM »
About £8k.

I'm on an alright wage, but not quite full time, only 27 hours but am trying for more.

I have relatively few bills as I still live with my parents, but I pay 30% of my wages as rent, and I have a phone contract, Netflix, union membership and a couple other things.

I don't spend much, and probably about 1/3rd of my monthly wage is saved.

Off Topic / Re: IS PEE STORED IN THE balls?: the great debate topic™®
« on: December 06, 2017, 03:53:15 PM »

Don't you know that anyone can edit Wikipedia?

That was probably written by BIG BLADDER. Don't trust those moneybags.

DICE is also to blame
the matchmaking system is horrible
and the goddamn afk farmers in small gamemodes are awful
There are several features I personally dislike.

I really hate the squad system. It actually removes teamwork and prevents proper strategy (It's bollocks to not be able to spawn on teammates). The glitchy Battlefront 1 Partner system was better than this. Or they could have used Battlefield 1's squad system.

The inclusion of more ship combat aboove ground maps is great, but why fill the sky with AI ships? They completely distract from any air-to-ground tactics, and the AI is easy as forget to fight. Plus, they are worth so many points.
A tip on Galactic Assault is to just get into a ship, fight AI and rack up points, and always have enough BP to be your fav hero or vehicle. Saves you the hastle of walking 500m from spawn just to be 1-shotted and wait oon a squad respawn to walk back.

The respawning is horrific. Always respawning at the very back of the zone, so you have to walk miles to find action.
Players are made of paper, so you'll die quickly and face the walk again and again. Without squadspawning or reviving it's mostly impossible to hold ground for any time as reinforcements take too long to arrive. This is especially true when defending against the enemy and their walker/tank on galactic assault.

people are petitioning Disney to revoke EA's license to make Star Wars games, apparently

The downside to that is that EA has several good studios under their umbrella who could make good Star Wars games.
It's Disney who need to lay down rules saying 'no microtransactions' and enforce it.

It's not a surprise that EA fully embraced microtransactions in BF2, but any studio/publisher making a Star Wars game could have done it.

Off Topic / Re: IS PEE STORED IN THE balls?: the great debate topic™®
« on: December 06, 2017, 03:15:22 PM »
& pee?
It was hard to tell. It may have been mixed in.

It's a real shame that corporate decisions tarred what could have been an otherwise good game.

My dad loves EA's Battlefront 1, and he played it constantly, even though he's very casual.
He was really excited for Battlefront 2 and wanted it for Christmas. I was happy to get it for him, and I even preordered so he could get the bonuses. We even jokingly agreed that if he reached 1 million credits on Battlefront 1 by the release date he could have his Christmas gift early, which he did, so I gave him the game.

And I'm really upset that EA has caused so many people to turn away from the game, because my Dad hardly plays it because he has to wait forever for other players. It sucks that they ruined his Christmas present.

Off Topic / Re: IS PEE STORED IN THE balls?: the great debate topic™®
« on: December 06, 2017, 03:01:44 PM »
we'll need to perform an experiment

somebody grab a hole puncher
My tests found that the balls contain blood.

So much blood.

Off Topic / Re: forumers, who is your forum crush?
« on: December 06, 2017, 02:59:54 PM »

evidence? as far I can remember they have no formal currency, and use caps simply as mean to trade and deal with the outside world.
He's probably confused. The Institute doesn't trade with members of the Institute (with the exception of the Lone Survivor).
Food and Water is rationed out, not sold. Uniforms are provided. Members make requests for tools to do their jobs. They don't have need to buy anything.

The requisition kiosk is for synths and members to request tools and weapons to complete their work above and below ground. These items are returned for upkeep when finished with.
The requisition kiosk has a supply of bottle caps aquired by synths going out and trading as part of their missions.
Synths can request caps for their missions.
The Lone Survivor is given permission to exchange caps and equipment with the Institute.

The Institute has no currency. They only keep caps because they have worth to wastelanders.

« on: August 21, 2017, 03:54:29 AM »

Off Topic / Re: Do you support the removal of Confederate monuments?
« on: August 17, 2017, 04:33:09 AM »
I've said this in the other thread but this time I'd like to ask a question, if North Korea decides to forget with the US one day and America invades North Korea, would you people want these two statues:
kept or destroyed? and don't pull that "Oh it's just a memorial for fallen soldiers not evil dictators" bullstuff.  Anything that goes against morality shouldn't be commemorated
It shouldn't come down to the US, it should be the new government of NK and its people to decide.
If they tear it down in riiots, likethe statues of Saddam Husein, then so be it.
If they decide to melt it down into something else, fine.
If they keep them or move them, then fine.

My choice would be to move them into a museum, not to commemorate that regime, but to teach it and warn people of the dangers of that regime.
Put it into context. Point at in a museum and say "They built these while their people starved" and let people learn.

As for anything against morality, what of all the ancient monuments built by people who enslaved, pillaged and commited genocide?
Egypt celebrates its ancient civilisation and their monuments, the very same ones built by slaves.
Italy takes pride in its monuments, ones which commemorate the ransacking of entire nations and the subjugation of millions of people.

Should the people of Rome knock down Trajan's column, or the Egyptians smash apart the Pyramids?

A Griffin or Chimera, multiiple creatures for the price of one.
It's like natures Turducken.

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