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Messages - Joltarn

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5 6 7 ... 219
Games / Re: Team Fortress 2 Megatopic + Trade: CONGRATULATIONS, E-MAXX!
« on: November 06, 2014, 06:48:35 PM »
I only do stuff like that on servers will chill people and not "I want to treat this pub server like competitive servers" people.
Not like they can do anything about it. Ive noticed a lot of servers dont have a kick function.
there's a difference between taking the game too seriously and wanting your teammates to leave spawn and play the game

Games / Re: Team Fortress 2 Megatopic + Trade: CONGRATULATIONS, E-MAXX!
« on: November 05, 2014, 10:20:00 AM »
Maybe in lower level 6s, a la UGC, pyro would work okay. There's a few posts and threads on SPUF and the tf2 reddit (here have one that talks about a ugc plat team that ran a full time Pyro) as to why it's not the best idea against better players.
Most posts I've seen cite a lack of mobility as the problem. Sure that doesn't sound too bad, but it means your team will be a player down at mid until you arrive, and you won't be able to take high ground or rotate positions with your team nearly as well as a Scout or Soldier could.

I also wouldn't say that pyro absolutely counters the other classes; a Scout can flank him, reflects on jumping Soldiers aren't always reliable, and Demomen will simply airburst their stickybombs in your face.
of course I don't have 6s experience myself, but since I'm kind of a pyro main at this point I've looked into this a bit on my own.

Even if the reserve shooter was the only problem, it's just not a fun weapon to fight against. It punishes scouts and soldiers for jumping, and Pyro doesn't even have to try to get minicrits with it.

excuse me for the rant these posts were bothering me

Games / Re: why do people say roblox is a 'cash grab' all the time
« on: November 03, 2014, 02:04:23 AM »
i wouldn't call it a cash grab but i'd definitely call it a cash cow

Off Topic / Re: The Change One Word Game! V3 (shots are being fired)
« on: October 17, 2014, 11:18:34 PM »
Maxx is a meme

Games / Re: Team Fortress 2 Megatopic + Trade: WELCOME TO TF2SPOOKY
« on: October 16, 2014, 11:03:33 PM »
This is kinda random but does anyone else hate when they're using The Degreaser against a W+M1 Pyro?
all you really have to do is backpedal, due to the silly way flames work
if they're really W-ing at you you can burn them and quickswitch to the flaregun for a free crit

Off Topic / Re: Apparently, Drake Bell is at my school
« on: October 09, 2014, 06:10:58 PM »

Games / Re: Team Fortress 2 Megatopic + Trade: WELCOME TO TF2SPOOKY
« on: October 07, 2014, 11:33:21 PM »

Games / Re: Team Fortress 2 Megatopic + Trade: WELCOME TO TF2SPOOKY
« on: October 05, 2014, 04:44:46 PM »
powerjack is pretty much the best pyro melee
mobility, healing, random crits galore, and it's good with any flamethrower
i will be sad if it's ever nerfed

Off Topic / Re: Prequel - currently in possession of ALL the gusto
« on: September 14, 2014, 12:57:20 PM »
They are aesthetically hideous. Prequel gets away with it because its more cartoony but holy stuff actual khajit in the elder scrolls are god damn disgusting mangy motherforgeters.
Amazing point. People not liking furries is totally comparable to racism. I remember the Jim Crowkin laws that institutionalized segregation between ordinary people and anthro special interestists. Truly dark times in our nation's history.
it seemed to me like he meant that if Khajiit were human, but kept all their mannerisms, they would be seen as tribal. moon sugar peddling and all that.

ya know this is the first time weve done a blf highlander team and it actually happened.

were gonna be representing so lets try our best to not suck in the actual matches.

but anyways, good luck

Games / Re: Fish plays pokemon.
« on: August 07, 2014, 10:01:55 PM »
last night this stream had about 68 viewers.
then vinesauce showed it on their stream.
and now it has 17,000 viewers and the entire chat is memes.


daily reminder
(it's 13,000 now)

if i recall correctly this is a counter-raid in response to this
obviously that doesn't justify the gore and the photoshops but it explains why this started up

this seems like a really badly done TheBestGamers parody.
not worth watching 11 minutes of it.

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