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Messages - Landmineman4000²

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Report the forgeter and get his PM rights revoked aswell

The guy's just trying to troll with stuff tier bait now, ignore the forgeter and report him if you can.
Also Flowey, if you wanna ask an honest question, ask that question and properly state in the OP why you think so because this:
i dont get it i see it as propaganda for the sjw's and the feminists and etc

i mean look at this stuff^
Looks like an attempt to forget with people, staying as vague as possible when asking a question you want honest opinions on is gonna yield bad results.
And keep your threads open, don't be a pusillanimous individual

Creativity / Re: Draw Blake for my sig
« on: October 25, 2016, 11:06:12 AM »
I hope your dragon is not american spy

because this drama is wrong knowing you made it to protect your self dignity n stuff
I give up, either you're completely loving stupid or just doing this to mess with people.
Given your history i might as well go with both.

Drama / Re: My apology I did in like 5 seconds
« on: October 24, 2016, 06:31:52 PM »

Creativity / Re: Drawings Megathread
« on: October 24, 2016, 03:20:30 PM »
MATT with no uniform
Well now he'll have to ticket himself for public indecency

Forum Games / Re: NIX IN THE BIG CITY
« on: October 24, 2016, 04:03:38 AM »
Create a nuclear holocaust

honestly this.

i haven't been genuinely into tf2 since summer and it makes me sad.
I hope that this new pyro update is gonna be something real good, if they leave halloween in the dust for it they're either really gonna blow us away, or not at all.

The problem is with you guys is that you are attempting to back a dude who I drama'd for posting gay research on a loving blockland discord and you dismiss it just because 'oh the server admins can deal with it' and what you guys don't realize is that the thread was made to warn people about him and to stay away. You then decide to go apestuff after Eon makes a drama because he was exposed and got all butthurt because I was right.
This drama could've been made by loving anyone and the reactions of the people would've been the same, people aren't here for Eon they're here for you, and if they wanted to talk about Eon and his actions they would've done so in the drama on him, but this drama is about you so it shouldn't be a surprise that people are focusing on just you and your actions.
Now stop trying to direct attention to Eon and either attempt to change yourself for the better and leave this drama for what it is, or continue your usual stuffshow and end up with more and more people disliking you.

because they are dismissive and annoying
So we're dismissive because we're focusing on you and not on Eon?
You can apply that to more people than Eon, like Eholt for example, he also got drama'd do we have to give our opinions on him to before we can give our opinions on you?
People are focusing on you because you're a scumstain who draws lots more attention to himself, frankly i'm not all to bothered by Eon, his actions don't really affect me much, you on the other hand steal art, that does affect me and other artists, and is the reason why i don't want you here.
I'd like it if you could change for the better, but as of now i can't trust you to not fall back into your previous behaviour.

I'm mildly salty that I can no longer find any of the gargoyles on helltower anymore. Its a small map where the hell can they be spawning, I've looked everywhere for them as scout.
Maybe they are literally spawning in hell?
Try pushing the cart to the end and have a look around in there

The clown cannot honk if you disable his hand


Oh it's this forgetstick again?

Nobody wants you here, scrape together whatever pieces of dignity you have and just leave without a ban for your own sake

I will still hold hope for a new halloween boss fight
Please god let the next event have one

Games / Re: Overwatch - Halloween event LIVE!
« on: October 12, 2016, 10:57:29 AM »
I take back what i said, the gamemode's great now that i've had a chance to play it, and i can see it as something that would bring people back due to the event, which makes it all pretty fair, this halloween event is quite neat.

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