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Messages - Quark

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Off Topic / Re: Religious Views?
« on: March 27, 2012, 10:53:03 AM »
I think you've missed the point. It's illogical to say that there is or isn't a God because no experiment could be done to prove either opinion. The tooth fairy, however, does operate within our Universe and therefore within the laws of science. Therefore, measurements can be done to specifically rule out the concept of the tooth fairy (eg. seeing your parents take the tooth).

If a hypothesis cannot be tested then it is not a valid theory. Therefore, it is not logical nor constructive to have an opinion regarding it.

Off Topic / Re: Religious Views?
« on: March 26, 2012, 04:51:21 PM »
I think the problem may be that the standards of proof are different here. If Firecycle finds scientific proof (or more accurately, science misinterpreted to support his claim) he is still accepting science and its methods. Science and Creationism can't coexist. So finding Scientific evidence would mean that you did have 'faith' in science and therefore would ruin your argument totally. I presume then that your proof is based entirely on your faith in 'God'. This is fine in proving it to yourself, but you cannot use that as a formal proof to others. I accept your right to believe in Creationism, just please don't impose it on others.

Off Topic / Re: Religious Views?
« on: March 26, 2012, 04:43:18 PM »
Sorry, did you just ignore that comprehensive list of transitional fossils entirely?

Off Topic / Re: Religious Views?
« on: March 26, 2012, 04:35:09 PM » <-- There they are!

I still think it's pretty rich asking for proof when you have none to support your own argument.

Off Topic / Re: Religious Views?
« on: March 26, 2012, 04:15:07 PM »
(Sorry for wall of text)

I was Atheist, but after thinking about it for a while, I realised being Atheist is just as ridiculous as being Theist (from a logical perspective)

As I understand it, 'God' does not operate within the laws of science. This is a perfectly reasonable thing to say, that 'God' does not comply with the laws of science because he is outside the scope of our Universe. However, assuming this no scientific experiment can possibly be conducted to prove or disprove 'God'. This means the scientific method cannot be applied therefore rendering the entire subject outside of science. Effectively then, this reduces the entire argument to a metaphysical one. When considering metaphysics, anything is possible. It is just as likely that there is a 'God' as there is any other concept or idea outside of the Universe. This means that taking the Atheistic point of view, that there isn't a 'God', is just as unjustifiable as saying there is one. So in a sense, all arguments against Theists apply equally to Atheists. This makes the only logical and reasonable standpoint to be that of an Agnostic.

This kind of Agnosticism is not that you can't make up your mind, but that you accept that making up your mind would be an illogical thing to do (unless evidence came to light that the situation was no longer metaphysical).

Via similar logic, I believe it is still well within reason to question events that Theists claim to have taken place within the Universe and therefore within the domain of science. For example, Creationists. They are fully entitled to believe in a 'God', no one can say otherwise. They can't say though that evolution is a complete lie based on their Theistic belief. This is something that can be proven and it is not a question of faith. I don't want to enter a debate on this topic though as it isn't worth my (or anyone's) time. Familiarise yourself fully with the topic before giving your opinion, otherwise it is a worthless one.

In saying this, I am not criticising either Athiests or Theists. They are perfectly entitled to have an opinion, even if it is not founded in logic. Like if someone thought the best colour was red. I respect your opinion, but I still believe the argument to be a pointless one. I must finally emphasise that I still heavily criticise many Religious Organisations in the world. Religions can not claim absolute morality as part of their religion and should not exploit masses of people on the bases of their beliefs (this is the organisation, not necessarily the members).

I believe that many Athiests mean this when they say they are Athiest. I don't know if there is a word for this standpoint specifically, but one should certainly be thought up if not.

Drama / Re: Professor Laton and Cajetan - Hackers on Police man's Server
« on: December 27, 2011, 11:48:22 AM »
Just to settle this, Professor Layton has the same IP address as Cajetan: (Thanks to Danny Boy). Pretty much the best evidence I can provide.

Drama / Re: Professor Laton and Cajetan - Hackers on Police man's Server
« on: December 27, 2011, 10:44:30 AM »
You could apologies maybe?

Drama / Re: Professor Laton and Cajetan - Hackers on Police man's Server
« on: December 27, 2011, 10:36:32 AM »
I have noticed how this has become and argument over whether or not you are both Cajetan and Layton. I would like to just remind you though of my perfectly valid evidence that is was you that was spamming the server, regardless of whether or not you are Layton. Are you still denying that too?

Drama / Re: Professor Laton and Cajetan - Hackers on Police man's Server
« on: December 27, 2011, 08:36:48 AM »
This is a little extract from console trace(1);

I'm not too familiar with the arguments for onServerMessage but Cajetan appeared in every single one of the spam messages.

I don't think it's too ridiculous to think that Cajetan and Professor are the same person considering firstly that they have consecutive IDs (30521 and 30522), they'd never talk together (apart from when I specifically asked them too, where they both did a string of spam) and they left the server at the same time. Also, the first time I accused Cajetan he was incredibly quick to blame Professor although he hadn't said a word before that. Without some IP support though I can't be sure.

Drama / Re: Professor Laton and Cajetan - Hackers on Police man's Server
« on: December 27, 2011, 08:11:03 AM »
Evidence suggests you are the same person. It would have been helpful if the host was there to check IPs really. I have the entire chatlog and console log somewhere which strongly suggest it was Cajetan who was doing the 'hacking' (spamming). Let me just upload the screenshots.

Drama / Nobot - Stolen script
« on: August 27, 2011, 05:46:04 PM »
Nobot - Stolen Script

  A very long time ago (probably in v12) I made a script for Nobot (Bot at the time.) He wanted a script that gave a unique ID to everyone who joined your server and as I found out he had already been trying to figure out how to do it for some time. I made it and gave him it as a private mod. You can now find it at

  Recently I started seeing the mod on other servers and was quite surprised (especially as it used my original garish colour scheme of green and white.) I originally suspected he had leaked the mod a while back which wouldn't be too strange considering it had been so long. I went on the forums just to check and found out that he had ended up posting it without even asking me. The thing that annoyed me the most though was the fact that he was claiming to have made it (along with Flaw oddly.) I have been unable to contact Flaw but DontCare4Free confirmed that it didn't look like one of his scripts.

  Naturally I checked to see if it matched my original and it did, line for line. It even had my lack of indentation (I was lazy and didn't think anyone would really end up wanting to read the code.) Just to confirm this is how I have been for a while I also failed to use indentation when posting my Altimeter (

  Several people who I knew when I made the mod have backed me up confirming it to be mine but I am afraid I can't provide much more evidence then that, I recently had to reinstall windows and even with the original file showing it's date modified would be no real proof.

It is Quarks mod, I saw him make this.

This is completely true - I actually watched Quark create this in real life.

  However, I have managed to find Nobot's original topic asking for help with Server IDs here As you can see effectively none of the code suggested on that thread was used in the actual script.

  Eventually I did manage to find Nobot but he refuses to take the post down or give me credit, is claiming to have now left Blockland for the year and says he doesn't know me.

  I am unsure of how I can get the post taken down now with Nobot paying no attention but I would be grateful if a moderator could take it down. I am also aware it has been posted on Brian Smith's website but I don't know where it is or who could get rid of it.

  Finally, I am aware this mod isn't particularly good or useful, I made it as a request. If you want to comment on the mod itself post on the Server IDs topic.

Add-Ons / Re: Server IDs
« on: August 25, 2011, 12:14:45 PM »
This is my mod. You did not have permission to post it or claim credit for it. It matches my original script line for line and I am certain that if Flaw helped with it he would have at least attempted the give it proper indentation (something which the vast majority of scripts I make lack because I am lazy and they are not intended to be read by anyone). I would appreciate it if you could remove this add on or at least give me the credit that I rightfully deserve.

Drama / Re: Cca "Hacked" my server.
« on: October 15, 2010, 03:59:26 PM »
Cca can't hack.

Drama / Re: Cca "Hacked" my server.
« on: October 09, 2010, 12:47:15 PM »
Since when could Cca script, yet alone hack?


erm, we have a new day every 24 hours, we don't need a clan for it :P

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