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Messages - Scout31

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Add-Ons / Re: Blockland Glass 4.2
« on: July 30, 2018, 09:28:39 PM »
Is there any way to turn off the periodic authentication thing that Glass does in the background. I get a small lag spike literally every time it happens.
Does Glass really need to authenticate with your servers over and over again as it is?
I don't use Glass live or anything like that, only the ingame preferences manager and the colorset selection, and I can't see why it would need to constantly authenticate just for those functions.

If you're not using any online functions (mod manager, live, server previews) then you can overload the auth functions:

Code: [Select]
function GlassAuth::authCheck(%this) { }
function GlassAuthS::authCheck(%this) { }

We keep sessions continuously authenticated to prevent session hijacking, so it requires periodic check-ins. We also do this to reduce the number of times we have to check with Blockland's auth server and make sure there's an auth token readily available for Glass Live.

I'll see if there's an intuitive way to work this in to an update, but there probably isn't without some extensive changes.

General Discussion / Re: Blockland Glass Hosting Service [Closing]
« on: July 30, 2018, 08:59:18 PM »
Sad, Hosted four times with this and had almost flawless results. Gonna miss :(
This service allowed me to host my servers easily with the performance I needed, and I'd really like to salute Jincux's work and thank him for keeping this alive for the time it lasted. Thank you for your quick technical support and all the help, really gonna miss it.
Thanks for the kind words and I'm glad you guys enjoyed the service. Closing down is bittersweet.

Do we get refunds if our subscriptions are still active?
All active subscriptions were cancelled yesterday and all servers will have expired by August 31st. None of the 'token' servers have stockpiled past August 31st either.

wonder how much it costed u but im not surprised it end like that
next is blglass closing?

It wasn't consistently negative, hugged the break-even line pretty closely. My low-overhead approach somewhat doomed the system. Glass Hosting would automatically rent out a server from Linode and then host two Blockland servers on it. This process itself was buggy because Linode limited disk image sizes, meaning I needed a full installation and startup script to install all the needed software on the newly rented server, which never seemed to work consistently. With this system, I could easily end up with two half-full servers, which totaled as a loss of money. The entire system wasn't built with much central infrastructure, a lot more weight was placed on the nodes then there should've been - complicating stuff like wrapper configuration and file transfers. The relatively complicated file transfer made it difficult to promote "server migrations" that would've eliminated having two empty net-negative servers.

The panel was a bit of a pain. I used which is a pain and a half more than it should've been. Users would visit the panel at, which would then connect to their server at However, some of the forms of connections that chose to use really didn't like being on a different domain, all at the implementation level (so cross-origin settings weren't helping). would sometimes lock up on the server side for no apparent reason, requiring a restart.

Managing a dozen security certificates and software that couldn't hot-reload the certificate when it renewed was a huge pain (and is actively occurring right now, as all the certificates are expiring).

Glass itself isn't going anywhere for the time being - it's secure for at least the next year, going to re-evaluate and see if it's worth renewing then. My current long-term plan is to keep Glass together as a content repository even if Blockland doesn't continue. Would definitely downscale, Glass Live would be cut in that scenario (which would only occur if the player count justifies it). Although, all of non-hosting Glass is open source, so anyone is free to host it if I were to stop.

General Discussion / Re: Blockland Glass Hosting Service [Closing]
« on: July 29, 2018, 11:35:02 PM »
also the site is now blocked on chrome because "my connection is not private"

Security certificate has been updated.

I signed up to get a server but apparently you're no longer doing subscriptions

Will be sending out an email to clients tomorrow, but Glass Hosting will be closing down August 31st. Unfortunately, I no longer have time to run the service and have thus far lost money in this entire thing- not to be a point of pity or anything, I expected this for the most part. I don't feel that the service is quality enough to justify charging more, but I don't really have time to improve the service justifying a rate increase.

I'll be posting a guide to using Google Cloud to host a free server for the next year. Will also be emailing clients instructions on their server's termination.

Add-Ons / Re: Blockland Glass 4.2
« on: July 18, 2018, 11:21:59 PM »
A small patch, 4.2.6, has been released.
  • Fixed server settings not loading after restarting a non-dedicated server
  • Changed the preference change auto detection tick from 1 second to 15 seconds

General Discussion / Re: Blockland Glass Hosting Service [Guests!]
« on: July 11, 2018, 09:15:17 PM »
Edit : It's now working, but still I feel that this side project is a bit abandoned.

Your server got caught in a sort of race-condition when it was being created, it led to your server starting before a security certificate had been issued leading your browser to distrust the connection.

I work full time and run Glass Hosting at a loss, so I've tried to make everything as automated as possible. Problems like this are part of the downfall of that, but many other aspects are much more reliable.

Glass Hosting currently has 22 clients and I try my best to maintain the service and respond to support tickets in a timely manner, but sometimes life happens and I slip up. I try to compensate those times fairly.

« on: July 10, 2018, 07:48:24 PM »
Add-on of the year.

Add-Ons / Re: Blockland Glass 4.2
« on: June 25, 2018, 11:51:32 PM »
Not sure what's with GlassCheckModeratorButton, but as discussed a few times BLPrefUpdateTick is the only way to really catch pref changes that happen outside of Glass.

Add-Ons / Re: Blockland Glass 4.2
« on: June 21, 2018, 04:03:33 PM »
That’s Support_Updater’s problem

Add-Ons / Re: Blockland Glass 4.2
« on: June 21, 2018, 12:49:08 AM »
Version 4.2.5 has been released.

  • reset the "auto join rooms" variable has its' interpretation changed and was disabled by default
  • updated preferences to 2.0.5
    • fixed blockland server settings being reset on dedicated servers every launch
    • added prefs.cs backups and increased number of blockland preferences backups
    • slightly more verbose when interacting with pref.cs file

Add-Ons / Re: Blockland Glass 4.2
« on: June 16, 2018, 05:14:14 PM »
Version 4.2.4 has been released on behalf of Shock.

  • fixed glass moderator gui not working.
  • fixed invalid mod manager context.
  • fixed glass user info issue whereby someone could be offline but still display server location.
  • spelling/grammar.
  • fixed navigation breadcumbs from duplicating on in-game glass links.
  • fixed glass live friend/request/block list not remembering whether open/closed under certain circumstances.
  • sort of minor but not really glass window theme change.
  • added ability to open user windows of blocked users in friends list.
  • added offline check for opening glass user windows / DMs.
  • added overlay pre-load.
  • added sign in / sign out notifications.
  • added "?" img to people who have avatars set to private.
  • avatar/location data is no longer sent at all by the client if settings are set to "myself".
  • reversed glass settings gui image change for now until a better one can be made.
  • rewrote description for auto joining room to what it actually does.
  • other minor/mundane stuff I have forgotten about.

General Discussion / Re: Blockland Glass Hosting Service [Guests!]
« on: June 11, 2018, 02:33:17 AM »
I responded to your support ticket. Bitcoin is no longer supported per our payment provider.

General Discussion / Re: Is it possible to make a computer in BL?
« on: June 10, 2018, 01:34:34 AM »
I believe events can be turing-complete using relays and toggles. So, yeah. You’d need a really long line of bricks though.

Sample of chat log:

There was some more that didn't fit the screenshot. I can't remember how long you were banned and I can't pull it up at the moment, but I believe it was a month. This occurred on May 12th.

edit: it should appear when you attempt to join General Discussion or any other public chatroom. If it doesn't, that's a bug that I'll need to address. Thanks for the heads up.

General Discussion / Re: Blockland Glass Hosting Service [Guests!]
« on: May 04, 2018, 05:25:00 PM »
I've added the ability to give guests access to you server control panel. If you have access to any servers, it will appear on the dashboard under the "servers" section. If you would like to add guests, just go to the "Guest Access" page under options.

I've managed to use up to 3.8GB before Blockland crashes. It is advised to use less than 3GB for smoother play, though. A clean restart is recommended now and then to ensure that one does not reach such limits.

I'll probably add in memory/time-based restart suggestions.

Everything broke. Made a ticket and sent you a text because apparently your Twilio app is also forgeted up.

Also, don't know if it's meant to be this way but I can see other people's support tickets...

Resolved and fixed.

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