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Messages - Snow2

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Forum Games / Re: Nation Forge — Iron Desert [1840]
« on: February 18, 2016, 05:24:47 PM »
In an effort to increase technological advancement and improve communications between nations, Ruthenia proposes a political organization dedicated to research and sharing technology for the good of mankind.

Ruthenia begins looking Westward for colonization.

While mining for metals to produce weapons for Mipoli with, miners in the rocky hills south of Aleshty stumble upon a decent deposit of gold, causing a slight boost in Ruthenia's treasury.

President Dubicki proposes the small treasury boost go towards science and research related to Geology and Mining, seeing great potential in the rough mountains that once were considered almost useless.

So do you accept our trade proposal yes or no

We are leaning towards yes, however we are waiting for your response to the following proposition:

The various metals found in the mountains will allow us to manufacture weapons easier.

We like the proposed offer, however we would like to ask your opinion on this offer instead:



Oh.  My bad.  I misunderstood.

It is alright.
As for the telegram network, we propose a route from Romekate to Ruthenia, assuming that Romekate is part of the Telegram network.

3.  Don't you mean import?  You're not exactly a luscious jungle of fertility over there.

True, however we do have small patches here and there where those can be grown. We are looking to exchange resources that are more on the luxury side that you wouldn't consume alone, for more practical things like food that doesn't grow here.

Seeing how you are in heavy lack of resources, we simply wish for Carbines and Rifles. In return, we will give you Tea, Wheat and horses.
The various metals found in the mountains will allow us to manufacture weapons easier.

We like the proposed offer, however we would like to ask your opinion on this offer instead:



Mipoli is interested in starting trade with Ruthenia

What does Mipoli wish to Trade?
Ruthenia suggests that a percentage of trading profits go towards building a railway through the badlands between Mipoli and Ruthenia if they are to become longtime trading partners, in an effort to make the long distance less of an issue.

Ruthenia sends delegations to Romekate and Arcon in an effort to improve relations with the two powers.
Ruthenia sends a request to be incorporated into the telegram network with its delegation to Arcon.
Ruthenia begins seeking out Trading Partners to export the following Luxury Resources:

Herbs, Coffee, Cereals, Nuts, and Tea

So that it may be able to fund the expansion of its territory by sustaining colonies, particlarly looking towards its Northeast and Southwest.

Off Topic / Re: How to raise lotsa money?
« on: February 17, 2016, 11:20:10 PM »

Off Topic / Re: Annoying poll
« on: February 17, 2016, 07:11:03 PM »
What the forget is with all the stuffposting recently? Good lord, this forum needs some serious custodial work, and we don't have enough janitors.

Hey, Snow.  I'm really happy that you are interested in joining, and I would like to accept, but cannot as the application stands.  Add me on Steam so that I can talk about it later.  I am heading home and have about 25 miles of California highway to go.

Username:  Tuevon


romek-inen started with nothing but desert and desert mountains

and a volcano

but they weren't that big, they had to conquer an entire foreign nation plus cut another one in half and then build up the land between the three realms in order to grow into new romekate

i'd feel cheated if someone can just join and say "im this big now k"

I see. Well, I basically have just desert and desert mountains too from what I see, however if I need to cut back on size I will do so. Basically my logic was:
"Okay, the nations over at the coast and more developed and fertile areas are smaller, and the more inland, less fertile ones are larger. If I put my country say, here, then it will be challenging terrain with little farmland, and the size shouldn't be an issue due to roughness of terrain and development."

I don't mean to be pushy or anything; This is my first time playing something like this. I'm totally cool with shrinking or negotiating or whatever. Besides, pissing off new neighbors =/= a good idea for running a country.

also that's a really big starting size just saying

Well, I see it under agriculture and terrain, most of that land is unfarmable and mountainous, E.G. like Japan IRL.

For example, if you look at Russia on a map, it seems enormous, however its actual population is just above Japan and far, far below the U.S.

Also to mention, this is my first time doing any sort of Geopolitical/Risk style game on a forum, so any advice or warnings would be appreciated.

why did you just repost it
why'd you quote the entire thing again
also inb4 instant war with romekate kingdom


planes haven't been invented yet

The Air Force Chief will be active once they are. For now, he basically doesn't exist.

"Do not take for granted the foundation on which you stand"

Ruling Party:
Federalist Party

Head of State:
Piotr Vavrinec Dubicki

Head of Government:
Cezar Bogdan Lantos

Foreign Minister:
Darijus Gabi Shwetz

Armament Minister:
Samuil Erekle Dragovic

Minister of Security:
Vili Borislav Constantin

Chief of Intelligence:
Erik Nikon Jaskolski

Chief of Staff:
Mikhail Ramūnas Krupin

Chief of the Army:
Kazimír Milko Andreev

Chief of the Navy:
( N U L L   U N T I L   W A T E R   C O N N E C T I O N )
Darijo Boro Czajkowski

Chief of the Air Force:
( N U L L   U N T I L   P L A N E S   I N V E N  T E D )
Filip Anej Zdunowski
"Commander of all Pigeons"

Federalist Party(Liberal): 42%
Liberty Party(Libertarian): 30%
Statist Party(Conservative): 28%

Nation Name: Democratic People's Republic of Ruthenia
Government Type:  Parliamentary Representative Democracy
Economic:  Mixed
Capitol City:  Lytsk
Major Cities:  Aleshty, Danesk

Demonymn:  Ruthenian, Ruthenians
Population :  3,691,758
Language(s):  Ukrainian (Primary), Belorussian (Secondary), Russian (Tertiary)
Religion(s):  Atheist(71%), Agnostic(21%), Protestant(6%), Other(2%)

Alliances:  N/A
Trade: N/A


Hex: #006FBF

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