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Messages - Momentum

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General Discussion / Re: An open letter to Badspot: Blockland 2.0
« on: April 09, 2023, 02:25:34 PM »
This is why it makes sense for Blockland to get a facelift, in UE5 or similar - incorporate some of the most iconic addons by default whilst extending all features, add true raytracing etc... and ultimately re-launch.
broooo just join the land of dran discord server it aint that hard brother  :panda: :panda: :panda:



Off Topic / Re: Land of Dran
« on: March 14, 2023, 01:48:10 PM »
Please don’t be a creep please don’t be a creep
that's the big marketing point really: land of dran is not run by chomos

I grew up in the 90s and back in the 90s when we used that word we used it to describe someone being stupid and annoying. So if I ever called you that it was because you were loving stupid and annoying.

I have never once used that word as a slur for gay people.

It is people like you that turned it back into a slur to insult gays.
brother what i dont care that you called me a friend i am just pointing out that you were in your mid 20s doing this stuff to adolescents / teenagers

Must be a narcissist thing.

no way

You're gonna switch up the story now that you're not getting validated for your 15 year long bullying children habit? What an incredibly pitiful and undignified reply. I seem to recall people in the other thread calling you a sociopath. All I did was ask you to be a man about it and show a shred of actual remorse and not damage control.
what did you expect, to be honest? people high in intellect wouldn't associate the thing that they're trying to do as a """"career"""" with the private shame of posting for 15 years on the blf using the exact same identity. this is linkara level handicapation

So who the forget are you even talking to lol? You're making yourself out to be remorseful for your past but there isn't a single person you're actually showing remorse to
it was all a bit so it doesnt matter but also everyone who he was mean to deserves it (btw im not mad at you or seek you out, people have to send me these threads over discord and we all collectively laugh at you)

Most of the people I trolled were my age lol.
you were calling me a friend on bl servers when i was 12

you are ten years older than i am


this is what this thread's about?
yes. lord tony lives in hyperreality where a post on twitter with 66 likes from two weeks ago is a very big event and he needs to publicly defend himself over it else his high profile video game streaming job will be threatened

For anyone on twitter watching, people like Momentum and kanye weeee are the victims of my trolling tactics over the years and these are the people you are defending lol.

I've been making fun of the actual tribals and transphobes for years.
for anyone on twitter watching, please make sure that lord tony stops streaming and goes to community college for plumbing or something, america can not sustain itself with 20 million lord tonys to look after

absolutely kino ending to the tony blight, gonna go talk to that twitter transmission and give him more info LOL

why did you never respond to any of the stuff that me or kayne posted in the other thread, bud?

Drama / Re: RIP
« on: February 27, 2023, 04:52:55 PM »
also: this is the guy who posted epic donald drumpf magapede threads biweekly on the forums;

looking at this physique, and taking into account the stuff i posted earlier, was that also trolling? if the based donald Annoying Orange fascist christian theocracy was actually formed tony would be among the first go to the gas chambers. i dont know if posting about woke trigglypuff SJW culture war threads on the forums for 7 years is also some kind of troll, because if so, thats also pretty funny.
either way, im sure he's also living off of his parents dime at age 33 and stocking walmart shelves / delivering amazon packages so in a way he's also trolling his parents! loving epic

Drama / Re: RIP
« on: February 27, 2023, 04:27:56 PM »
ok, but tony got into adult swim so you have to give him that
i actually found the video in all it's glory, here you go, let me know if you make it through the whole thing

Drama / Re: RIP
« on: February 27, 2023, 04:18:47 PM »
you were never funny
  • begging for steam games for years != trolling
  • begging for people to help you get to a z-list nighttime adult swim show appearance != trolling
  • your one claim to fame being your appearance on that same unfunny z-list adult swim filler show where they only put you on because you called them every loving day != trolling
  • running an encyclopedia dramatica article about yourself where you instantly remove any edits against you to this very day != trolling
  • running a youtube channel that nobody watches != trolling
  • being 3X years old and still posting on the BLF regularly != trolling
  • loving with nine-year olds on a lego building game for 15 years == trolling (but arguably it's the most pathetic kind)
if i had to live one day in your shoes i would blow my brains out. i would tell you to do something, anything else with your life but i think you're over the crest at this point :panda:

One does not play a character and be a troll on an internet forum for 15 years, that's just called mental illness (relevant image)
the only level headed person in this thread

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