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Messages - Mysteroo

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Damnit ultimax you're going to summon the ghost of Tezuni Von Antiliberal
90% sure that graph is bullcrap since far more white people are killed by police in general than black people. (numerically, not percentage-wise)

Not to mention that even if it wasn't- just LOOK at the graph. It's average unarmed deaths per 1 million people, and the results are literally separated by 2 people. 1/2 a white person per 1,000,000 on average, and 2 1/2 black per 1,000,000. That is so tiny; it means nothing

It can easily be chalked up to demographics- which is that the poorest people in the U.S is where a large chunk of the black population resides. Not because of other racial issues- but because parts of a culture that descended from slavery did not value education as much and therefore are more inclined to find themselves in a lesser economic state. This was then passed on through several generations. Obviously they're just as capable, but there's this culture that developed partially because of this history, which makes it harder to rise up on the economic ladder.

LOGICALLY if most encounters with police are with that economic level - you're going to have more accidents with black people.

edit: and I just realized that I bumped a conversation that might have died otherwise. Yay me. :I

Games / Re: Pokémon GO Megathread
« on: July 14, 2016, 09:50:28 PM »
Has no one thought of a good way to hatch eggs faster other than:
-Roomba (I do not own)
-Ceiling Fan (Also do not own)
-upsidedown bicycle (too lazy)

Not that I don't walk around and stuff. But I wanted a way to get crap done faster. :I

All I can find are 80 YouTube tutorials made by obnoxious people with horrible accents who all say the same thing.

Off Topic / Re: Should I even bother with this FB post?
« on: July 08, 2016, 12:39:35 PM »
It sucks because It's stuff like this that makes social media terrible. But at the same time, I have a lot of friends that I can hardly keep in touch with otherwise. Not to mention I just really like being able to feel connected- I want to know what everybody's doing and how they're doing. But it's impossible without all this baloney in the way

Off Topic / Should I even bother with this FB post?
« on: July 08, 2016, 12:28:08 PM »
So because of all the tragedy happening lately, of course Facebook is blowing up like crazy. Everyone's either saying stuff like "my heart goes out to blahblahblah" or "those people are scumbag pieces of blahblahblah" or "If you think blankety blank about this recent event then just delete me."

It's ridiculously stupid and I'm sick of it. I know I won't make an impact on anything, but I also really feel like venting about it. So I had one of those fun moments where you type out a big long dealio and then just delete because you feel like there's no point.

...Only this time I realized, "Hey! I can just go on the forums and post it first because, ironically, they're less judgy then my Facebook friends." Plus I don't know you guys as well. So if you think badly of me, I'll live. lol

So what do you guys think. Is this even worth posting?:
It's always the same. Everyday, it feels like, I check online to see how people are doing, and instead I'm greeted with news of some tragedy. If that was it, I'd be fine. Tragedies are sad and all, but it's good to be in the know. That's never the end of it, though. There's probably 20+ people who all decide that it's their duty to go online and scream at the universe for how this tragedy- sometimes hundreds of miles away- affect them emotionally, personally.

Don't get me wrong, I sympathize with the victims of tragedy just as much as anybody else; but when we go out of our way to turn it into a personal, divisive, conflict, or a means of pushing one's own political or moral agenda into everyone else's faces, it becomes a problem.

When we use social movements that are meant to unite people as an excuse to blatantly cause division because of differing opinions, it becomes a problem.

And when we decide that not only are those who cause death, worthy of death, but if anyone thinks otherwise, they should be excommunicated, it is a problem. Lacking communication, understanding, and empathy is the ROOT of most conflicts between people. Cutting off any chance for any of those three things to happen can never help solve the problem.

Off Topic / Different Video styles
« on: June 18, 2016, 01:17:19 PM »
So I've been doing some video projects lately, and I'm at an impasse.

These videos I'm doing are taking forever to edit because of their format. Basically, there's just one background image accompanied by a whole mess of edited-in visual illustrations like art, clips, photos, text, etc.

Basically, The Game Theory Format.
And if you happen to have a life and can't devote 5+ hours per day to editing, this format takes FOREVER.

So I'm trying to think of another video format. For the subject matter, vlog format with some editing mixed in does not fit.

Some people use stills of characters mixed in with some editing, but then that requires a fitting character and a bunch of still to be drawn. Which- proobably won't work either.

There are timelapsed videos of drawings (draw my life)
Which could work, but is a little weird for the mood I'm going for.

I saw This video in which he kind of recorded his narration whilst bluring a video of himself as the background to some basic editing. Which, could also work, but could end up being weird looking.

So, what other video formats have you guys seen? I know Nostalgia Critic also does a sort of "skit" format of videos, which would probably take far longer than the format I'm doing now. ...Not preferable.


Off Topic / Re: Situation: Bomb Drop
« on: April 20, 2016, 01:40:23 PM »
Edit: sorry for double toast
- Torch
- Batteries
- Radio
- Gas Mask
- Something to keep me occupied (e.g game board, etc.)
- A clock
- A map of some sort to find my way around when sent out to scavenge
Wait what

Your phone works as a substitute for five of those things
If it's only hitting your neighborhood, walk somewhere with a plug and charge it up. This is modern day with a non-nuclear bomb right? lol

Off Topic / Re: Situation: Bomb Drop
« on: April 20, 2016, 01:38:14 PM »
External hardrive
and.. I dunno, 300 pack of rubber bands? That's gotta be useful. Oh and duct tape. Lots of duct tape

Off Topic / Re: Help me with a biology project! (Poll) (fixed)
« on: April 20, 2016, 11:36:22 AM »
dude that sucks
why so many people though what the hell
Because college is lame

Actually in all honesty is was probably more like a suggested number. If I don't quite make that number it's probably fine, but I still have quite a few days. So I don't feel like 100 should be too hard

Off Topic / Re: Help me with a biology project! (Poll) (fixed)
« on: April 19, 2016, 04:30:12 PM »


I think

is when I'd need it by

Eugh I probably have to just go talk to people. Though we have four people in our group so that's just like- 12 each

Off Topic / Re: Help me with a biology project! (Poll) (fixed)
« on: April 19, 2016, 12:33:43 PM »
They make you ask 60 people for their BMP?!
Well actually 100 people

Fun times

As in I need 50 more


Off Topic / Re: Help me with a biology project! (Poll) (fixed)
« on: April 18, 2016, 09:58:33 AM »

Off Topic / Re: I got a TV show deal with Adult Swim.
« on: April 15, 2016, 03:01:18 PM »
Sounds like they still gotta pitch it to others though. So no guarantee that it will go anywhere yet

Off Topic / Re: I got a TV show deal with Adult Swim.
« on: April 15, 2016, 02:45:56 PM »
Wait so are you the one on the phone or one of the doods talking

Nevermind I realized you're on the phone

Also what is with this camera angle. They're so small on the bottom of the frame, lol

Off Topic / Re: Help me with a biology project! (Poll) (fixed)
« on: April 15, 2016, 02:37:38 PM »
38 votes


I need 60 more

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