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Messages - TheABELBOTO

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5 6 7 ... 867
Drama / Re: Aeonara (brickadia artist) - child enthusiast
« on: November 12, 2020, 11:54:36 PM »
guys... i've been hit by cheesepizza's botnet... *coofs blood*

Games / Re: Left 4 dead 2 new update
« on: November 10, 2020, 03:43:31 PM »
why did they nerf the knife, forget this update

Creativity / Re: Drawings Megathread
« on: October 24, 2020, 01:48:22 AM »
by declaration i am no longer drawing horny.

forest spirit character for a comic
this is the visual representation of how i feel during a hangover

I voted for joe biden so we can finally have our first undead president

Games / Re: WHAT
« on: October 04, 2020, 08:57:13 PM »
He looks really fun, so the smash community must hate him

Off Topic / Re: People who were BOS'd (Banned on Sight)
« on: September 24, 2020, 07:06:04 PM »
shiiit i remember marbleman, didn't he plant a bunch of backdoors in his mods?

Off Topic / Re: Post real life pictures of yourself.
« on: September 22, 2020, 08:48:24 PM »
Yupp it's good when nobody can match what you say for a while... alright enough this probably hurts ppl reading it.

Feel like it's pretty obvious I'm using stimulants. I really really like coffee and drink maybe 10 cups a day let's just say.

I've been to reddit drug chats plenty of times and the same exact stuff happens without anything changing... I was thinking I was handicapped for a while but actually I feel like I'm enjoying this whole experience of making an ass out of myself time-to-time, because I get hella attention.

Also, paranoia feels really good. Exposing your "enemies" (aka ones who tell you to forget off because being high makes you annoying) is like winning a game of chess idk, it's all about that ego. Strong ass coffee sure as hell makes me feel an inflated ego.

And like all I really have to do is play the victim here. Poor me I'm addicted, I'm being picked on, and I don't have to work too hard either because being hyper-caffeinated impairs and makes you an easy target. Cycle completes itself until I run out of folgers or are forcefully relocated.

Yeah I enjoyed the forget out of writing a response for this thread the other day, and I spent HOURS and it was the best thing ever. Then today it looks like dogstuff. I made some detailed art too but I ain't gonna post that, DM if you want it, it could be a collectors item some day... alright, loving off until I get off. Document this stuff and teach your kids this is why you don't dabble in the Starbucks. All my coffee grounds are down the drain now.
Forgive me, please.

Umm sounds like one big assumption see those pupils they're nice and tiny. Meth is incredibly dangerous, while coffee is socially acceptable and hard to die from. I'm not a coomer that's gross.
nah brother, you're using amphetamines.

Off Topic / Re: People who were BOS'd (Banned on Sight)
« on: September 21, 2020, 03:53:17 PM »
zapk/subpixel, betelgeuse, ravencroft,

here's what went down with taboo:

and here's the official badspot BoS post:
in retrospect taboo gave out TONS of incel vibes, what was his problem lol

Off Topic / Re: discord mod megathread
« on: September 18, 2020, 09:46:12 PM »
Honestly we need to encourage kids to go back into public chatting places and away from private chatrooms, speaking as someone who was unknowingly groomed for while (I'm talking 2012-2014), it's important we give them their own places to talk but in an easily supervisable place. Sure there'd be a lot of cringe open for the public to see, but that's a problem with society and it's better than the alternative...

Creativity / Re: Drawings Megathread
« on: September 18, 2020, 07:42:49 PM »
Anyone know a good cheap scanner. My cell photos looks like stuff.
[img width=750][/img

Off Topic / Re: What vinyl records should I get?
« on: September 18, 2020, 07:41:36 PM »
there's nothing you "need" to get, just buy stuff you actually like.  my last haul had kiwanuka and jesus is king (yes I bought it just for the meme).

Games / Re: Left 4 dead 2 new update
« on: September 17, 2020, 04:44:55 PM »
They should let the community handle tf2 and get that loving heavy update out already.

Creativity / Re: Drawings Megathread
« on: September 17, 2020, 12:50:04 AM »
Should I invest on non photo blue? My printer makes for a pretty good scanner.

Off Topic / Venture bros. just picked up by HBOmax
« on: September 09, 2020, 10:12:08 PM »
turns out we've been bamboozled, folks

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