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Messages - w0und

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i never tried impersonated anyone? how is it the same mistakes.

and im also not impersonating boltster, already stated that.

The problem isn't you creating an alternative account, the problem is you creating an alternative account and making the same mistakes that got you banned over and over.
what mistakes? i haven't done anything bad with the alts.

Well, you could get banned.
for what?

Oh my loving god, Wound. I thought you had stopped doing this annoying bullstuff.
You're becoming the old glass(No offense to glass). Good loving job.
Stopped doing what? what exactly is so bad about using an alt?

Off Topic / Re: Xbox Gamertag
« on: June 21, 2013, 04:44:00 PM »

Drama / Re: Zulious
« on: June 21, 2013, 04:40:52 PM »
1. He doesn't give me credit
then he's a richard, but he can still use it.

2. I do not want him to use it
that's just to bad, i would be pretty mad too, but he can.

3. I have asked him for some sort of Welcome Message recognition, but it all went over his head.
then he's a richard, just ask him to give you credit if you haven't.

Drama / Re: Zulious
« on: June 21, 2013, 04:36:51 PM »
he can use any map in the game, it's open to save, it's a richard move not to give credit, but as long as he gives credit and it's your map, he can use it.

no he's just brain dead.
i'm brain dead because i made an alt? you're such an starfish.

i'm suprised no one has even realized that boltster is calling me out for using his avatar and impersonating him, but it's okay for him to pretty much slander IcyGamma's name.  People actually thought DiceyGrammar was Icy, Constantine even had on his profile "I'm not boltster".

seriously, you people have a never ending grudge against me or something, i made an alt account, you people act like it's a crime, what do you want me to do about it? stop posting on something because YOU want me to? nope, won't happen.


okay, so what is this drama about then now? that I lied to you? boo hoo i lied get over it, i was jokingly told you im not wound on Constantine in a PM, and if YOU know that im Constantine and Ephialtes confirmed it, then why are you making a fuss over something you already know?

oh damn, you got me there

oh wait no you dont
constantine isn't wound, wound is constantine

Drama / Re: Mikoyan - General starfish
« on: June 21, 2013, 04:56:49 AM »
wasn't he that communist guy from like a year ago?

OH and what gets me so good is that it's not okay for me to take your avatar and use a quote off your profile, but it's just fine for you to slander IcyGamma's name, hahaha truly ironic.

oh and;
I make this point not just on the basis of him using one of my old avatars (i dont care about that really). it's the combination of that, using a quote from one of my old profiles (now removed), and the first post on the account that makes me think that WAS his goal. Plus he didn't deny it when I pm'd him asking, as the pictures show
So, not only am I impersonating you because i have your avatar, but because I have a quote off your profile which isn't even yours, haha, okay.

boltster, i thought you were truly better than this, dramaing someone because they use the avatar you use, and put the same quote on my profile? haha, im laughing so hard right now it hurts

only after i told you via pm that i knew it was you lol

and then you denied it

and now you're admitting it


I never once denied it.

Why would anybody want to impersonate Bolster?
It's not impersonation, lol.

this drama is truly sad due to the fact that I never impersonated you as Constantine, he has the same avatar.

stop it wound wound no
:panda: sry

Might be either using you as a scapegoat or simply ducking his reputation is my guess.
Why would I duck my rep? i even pretty much told boltster I'm Wound, I knew he would do something like this, it's just so funny that he dramas me because i 'pose' as him, just lol.

even on my 1080p it pagestretches

it's just plain rude :(
are you serious, i have a gigantic monitor then, unless my resolution is bigger, idk dont seem like it

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