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Messages - Alex GShep

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Mad? lol
I don't see why this is even supposed to be insulting.

You struggle a lot with sticking to 1 topic.

It's like I'm just winning all the arguments so you degrade and degrade until you have nothing else to bitch about.

Yes, you seem to be mad since you can't stick to 1 topic.

I love how the only thing you can insult me for is the fact that I play ROBLOX
You're about four years too late to call me out on it, a majority of the people on this forum don't give a stuff about what games people play now lol

Why would I gave a stuff what people on this forum think.

And again, you are mad about me mentioning ROBLOX, and not what you originally were talking about; because you can't think about anything but ROBLOX, you addicted 4 year old.


Yeah 4 years my ass, I know who you are on IronNoob, stop lying to me SharpTH.

It's gonna crumble as soon as he runs out of furry research money.

Doiii, I have a job and so does Vinny; Flapjack.
And why do you think our relationship is fueled on art?

That's like saying your relationship is fueled on ROBLOX.

I can't believe people still play this game.

Off Topic / Re: Where will you be in 20 years?
« on: June 04, 2013, 05:39:40 AM »
Serious reply incoming!  :cookieMonster:

In my own little house somewhere in The Netherlands with my SO; having adopted a kid for us to raise.
Probably I'd either work as a nurse or as IT, two very different paths but I still have the ability to chose between these two. I just need time to think about it some more. But yeah, this is sort of my dream. Just the normal life; I don't need a fancy mansion or an amazingly paying job. As long as I earn enough money to be happy and live in a good enough house to raise a family in.

furries are like the #1 perpetrators of art commissioning so

Yeah really, like what else could you expect?

I'm sorry but this is just weird.

It's stuff like this that makes me wish bronies and furries had their own board so this wouldn't spew out into other threads and boards of the community so us normal people wouldn't have to keep looking at it and wonder if it's gonna turn into some furry researcho.

No offense.

so us normal people

Excuse me? Am I not normal or something to you?

wonder if it's gonna turn into some furry researcho.

What the hell is wrong with you?

what thread was that[\i] intended for?

good job on the bb code there flapjack

Oh god this thread was hilarious. So many desperate people trying to insult us.

By the way, Shep, how much Red Bull did you have to drink to get wings like that?

Not enough because they don't actually work.  :panda:

What does that even have to do with this

What did your reply have to do with this?

it's p funny.
good luck on keeping a internet relationship made out of 15 year olds alive.

I've met him before and next year he is going to be here for a month, then like a little after that he is going to probably live here.

We can see what it is, 2 furries spending money on eachother.


this is probably the strangest thing I've seen all day

I feel bad for you blind people.

no lie, i will actually buy you a dog carrot if you guys are still together in 5 years

I'm loving writing this down.

I hope you realize that most people on the forum don't bash people for liking ROBLOX these days.

I can bash you all I want SharpTH; you're like the most handicapped person on ROBLOX.
Anyways, yeah. Completely avoid what you originally talked about, since that didn't really work out for you, did it now?

That's actually really nice looking, gj on the commission.

Thank you, It's like the best commission yet. ;P

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