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Messages - Rykuta

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Off Topic / Re: Anyone have any tips for the act test?
« on: June 10, 2017, 12:30:31 AM »
I fell asleep 5 times and I still got an 18... Also heard if you guess all the same answer you'll get a 15 but I wouldn't trust that.

Well, if each question has a 1/4th chance of being right, regardless of which one you pick (assuming you guess on all of them) then that means your total /average/ likely percentage correct on each section is about 25%. Which means that if the ACT is out of 36, you can expect to get a 9.

If the distribution of ACT answers (a, b, c, or d) is not equal; then that changes the expected result based on which specific letter you pick, and which ones are more likely to be correct.

Though getting a 15 average is a bit of a stretch; I guess it's theoretically possible.

Off Topic / Re: Anyone have any tips for the act test?
« on: June 09, 2017, 04:53:44 PM »
I haven't taken the ACT in over 7 years but I'm going to assume it hasn't changed much.

Math is math, knowing how to do math is the only secret to doing good on this section.

Writing is dumb, I didn't even have to take this section but if you do, they really enjoy when people rewrite the questions and then answer the rewritten question more than actually answering their written question for some reason. (Or so my friends have told me).

Science is basically just reading comprehension with charts, you don't actually have to know any science to be good here, just how to look at graphs and tables.

Reading comprehension is basically a speed test more than an actual comprehension test; Just read the first paragraph, the last paragraph, and the first sentence of every additional paragraph and you should be able to pretty much answer all of the questions or know where to look. Watch out for definition questions because if you're someone who actually knows the dictionary definition of a word; expect to get a lot of those wrong; they want the definition they used; not the real one.

English I don't remember too much, watch out for redundancies in sentences, I guess. For example, if someone asks you to fix a sentence, I remember the solutions to usually be just trimming fluff and not changing much else.

As far as pacing I tend to not worry about that, if you can't immediately answer a question or know how to do it; just skip it until you finish all the others, then go back and try to redo them. Then you can do your idea of taking a minute per question and just guessing if you can't figure it.

Last thing is not to worry too much on the ACT, most people take it like 4 times to get the score they want; sleep is critical too.

Badspot tries, unsuccessfully to explain the core principle of freedom of speech and expression to those who wish not to hear it.

Off Topic / Re: best poptarts
« on: May 21, 2017, 03:15:07 AM »
-porple pawpterts-
I can confirm these are the best.

a lot of people must watch it because i believe it has the highest ratings out of all their shows
But does it have the highest ratings because they air it a lot or because people actually watch it.

Like if 1000 ppl watch Show A whenever its on but they only air it like once a week then that shows max ratings are 1000. Meanwhile if they air Show B 500 times a week and only 3 ppl watch it at each showing, welp, there's your higher ratings.

I don't really know how a show nobody watches is the show that occupies the most amount of screen-time for CN. Its like the equivalent of shovel-ware I guess, quantity over quality?

Games / Re: The Rainbow Six: Siege Megathread [v1.2]
« on: May 04, 2017, 02:26:10 PM »
Hey so Rainbow just rolled out a quick-patch to keep the plats out of casual, so you should be good now; disregard that whole rant earlier.

Games / Re: The Rainbow Six: Siege Megathread [v1.2]
« on: May 01, 2017, 03:15:46 AM »
how much longer do you think this game will be very active/is it worth the purchase rn? i like to get a lot of hours off games i buy

edit: i rented it on release for a few days and played it. it was ok but didn't really have time to get into it, plus ive heard it's got a lot better

30k Active players is the average I am told. However I wouldn't know because my matchmaking times are starting to range in the order of 30 minutes. My total playtime on steam is about 800 hours but ubisoft reports I've only actually been inside matches for about 500 hours. This is seriously not OK lol.

Not to mention the ridiculous amount of plats playing casual. Good luck as a new player trying to get into a fair match. I imagine the reason for this is that most people with plat haven't actually earned it (farmed with a premade, hacked, or got boosted) and are afraid of loosing it by playing more ranked games on their own so they just stuff on new players in casual. Most diamonds play ranked and most silver and bellows do too so I'm guessing getting platinum is super easy to do but super hard to keep or something.

There's probably a few who are just ranked players but have newb friends that they want to hang out with in casual; though I have yet to actually really see that ever happen. But that kind of explanation does not describe to me why I keep getting matched against these insanely sweaty tryharders that I can often times beat with randoms just by playing recruit. I'm serious, In a day of playing over 30 matches, seeing anyone below gold that isn't unranked is like seeing a unicorn.

I wouldn't really know though, I've played exactly one ranked game and it was an exceptionally hilarious stuff-fest of random disconnects, extreme lag, rubber banding strikes for all players, and people who claimed they were cheating, and proceded to prove it; but that's a story for another night lol.

Its still plenty fun if you play with friends, just try not to get too sweaty ;3

defending, i'm most likely to break a decent chunk of a wall by a stairwell, away from fuze-able windows, and just go to town when i see enemies coming.

attacking, i tend to act more sneaky. i pretty much go from the top floor top to the bottom floor and be as quiet as possible.

If you prefer getting kills then someone like Mira for defense isn't a bad choice by any stretch; though if you like to camp good spots maybe using a valk cam is your game.

Good Sneaker for 25k'd probably be Jackal atm, following footprints can give you that spooky edge you need for stealth. Any three speed operators are good for sneaking around but be careful who you pick because someone like Hibana is best used when not trying to be a sneaky lone wolf.

Games / Re: The Rainbow Six: Siege Megathread [v.1]
« on: April 12, 2017, 12:04:22 PM »
need to get one of the 25k operators, but don't know which one. considering mira cuz of the totally op vector.

It has the effective range of a shotgun though lol. You basically have to land all headshots to make it work.

But what kind of style do you enjoy most? (How do you play?)

Off Topic / Re: [NEWS} Annoying Orange tax returns released
« on: March 16, 2017, 04:48:57 AM »
Moving the Goalposts:

"Moving the goalposts, similar to "shifting sands" and also known as raising the bar, is an informal fallacy in which evidence presented in response to a specific claim is dismissed and some other (often greater) evidence is demanded. That is, after an attempt has been made to score a goal, the goalposts are moved to exclude the attempt. The problem with changing the rules of the game is that the meaning of the end result is changed, too." - wikipedia

This particular game usually continues until an impossible demand is issued.

Unsubsidized health insurance premiums are usually a few hundred bucks a month, while a bottom-tier iPhone is $200.

This is literally just a perpetuation of the conservative myth that poor people live stuffty lives because they buy too many shoes and phones.

I thought the 'myth' was that stuffty people abuse the system too easily so that they can buy too many shoes and phones. Like for example: the large black woman who always pays for her 100 dollars worth of food with food stamps and then buys 1200 dollars worth of wine with her own money every week. (True story/personal experience). Though maybe I just havent heard any conservative opinions lately to know for sure.

To clarify. I dont neccessarily believe this to be an accurate account of the situation, only that the direction the conservative statement comes from is the above perspective.

Off Topic / Re: #PewDiePieDidNothingWrong
« on: February 15, 2017, 11:51:31 PM »
I was going to comment about how Disney was like the most ironic company to be upset with "death to the jews" jokes but Badspot beat me to it.

Where i am going matlab is the programming language you use in the cs classes you take if you're not a CS major. Also in my experience those classes are usually weedout classes that slam you with work to see if you dont get overwhelmed. Bear with it.

Off Topic / Re: Political Compass v1501
« on: January 30, 2017, 02:03:31 PM »
I figured out how to break the thing.

Also a lot of these questions (technically statements) kinda suck as questions (statements).

no hes right, your wrong
I thought he was left. :3

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