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Messages - Drydess

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 8 9 10 [11] 12 13 14 15 16 ... 1976
Off Topic / Re: L anderson died
« on: January 21, 2022, 08:15:53 PM »
thank you for honoring him

General Discussion / Re: the stagnation of blockland
« on: January 20, 2022, 03:34:01 PM »
why dont u just invite ur friends to play with u

the opps on they keyboards like mice and they be talkin like rats what does that make me look like i ain’t be rockin with that opps tryna roll up like dice we put the glock on their hat

why is my eye bleeding

that deer is very hot and im tired of acting like it isnt

drydess took the academic high ground redpill jfc

almost perfect stereotype of woke change the world college student revolutionary, at least in writing style

i envy your vocabulary, but man your post really could use some editing for understandability. not that i expect you to do so for a stuffty obscure forum post tho
until america was redpilled the wagies were bootlicking betacucks for ceos. it was easy for a brother who wanted more. its cap that americucks werent always capitalists because slaves were the real hood brothers and couldnt do stuff about it just like the babyraging steel and textile wagies. politicians arent sigmas like they say they are so the chad wojack ceos got away from it. they saw unbased soy wojacks getting in their way and made them mald by paying woke bootlicker libright politicucks and convincing everyone that theyre sigmas

im not a leftist conan its just embarrassingly easy to not be a handicap

America wasn't a capitalist nation until its later years. We were a Democratic Republic with a focus on religious traditionalism.

Somewhere along the way, we've hit the point where trading with money == capitalism.

Like tf else do you trade with to make an economy? Cows and Seed i guess if you want to go back that far.

A capitalist nation, in its purest sense, is a nation where money rules all. So long as we have the ability to run for office and the willpower to not take loving bribes as individuals. We're not living the communist propaganda dystopia nightmare film you may think we are.

It's bad. Real bad. But not unsalvagable. My problem is that the average dimwit suddenly decides that america is capitalist and the obvious solution to solve all our problems is a hammer and loving sickle. Just do the opposite.

A pure capitalist nation can never prosper.  We need to remain focused on our core values of a democratic republic. That means stop with the commie bs of willfully misassociating the mere act of spending money and not being dirt poor as living the "capitalist pig life".
until the american frontier was plundered then annexed then pillaged, the american laborer was effectively petty bourgeois. all free men in the united states ambitious for wealth, power, and status (all one and the same at this time) had to travel not 20 miles and extract gold and timber from them thar hills. you feel confused about the history of capital in your country because the working class of the revolutionary and reform era US were slaves, economically subdued with the value of their production relieved of them and with they themselves often exercising disobedience-- in fact you might notice that it was very parallel to the labor movement of the 20th century
at this point even the gentry had no interest in politics as it was pretty much just seen as dishonest and weak, instead attempting to buy and secure great amounts of land (hence constant aggression against natives); however when the land to grab in the east particularly petered out, the landed gentry took interest in state administrations, lobbies, and the policy of international market management. this is probably what you observe as a capitalist nation but the united states has been liberal since the bourgeois american revolution itself, and there has always been a degenerate and subhuman class truly living below nominally human standards as the lower yet class looking up to them are only the dead

trading with money isnt a capitalist function, it's the faith in the market which capitalists will double down upon preserving which serves capitalists alone. you claim we do not live in a "communist propaganda dystopia nightmare film" and yet the common western citizen has no modicum of agency unless they invent social constructs where they can feel superfluous power, often coopted by capitalists themselves as this in fact has created a market of consumers to exploit. you promote a system of infinite reinvestment and growth within a finite world so i struggle to understand how you mean by "just do the opposite" but i also doubt you thought this sentence through. i should clarify linguistically also that a capitalist is a person who owns capital, you however are just a working person who advocates for a system which does not serve you.

you by the way are far beyond the average dimwit having come to almost perhaps every political revelation at its most surface level time and time again. i type this shocked you havent read the cover of nietzsche and offed yourself. i am not spending minutes of my morning trying to educate persuade or empower you on any matter, instead to make you feel as exceptionally worthless as you and millions of others really are so you might actually engage with something beyond the scope of your unibrow instead of malding about the cultural complications of bethesda or biden

ironically though relating to the capitalists— having a large illegal immigrant population would be great for them if they were open about the features of the labor market. people don’t publicly acknowledge that capitalism requires a certain proportion of unemployed workers in the system so that capitalists can leverage wages lower to amounts that people who aren’t simply desperate for any job would call unethical. “full employment” itself doesn’t even mean that all citizens are employed, it means that the system has put enough people out of employment that it’s at the “natural rate” necessary to prevent market failure. if capitalists were open about this market feature then they would welcome illegals in open arms because it would mean that citizens alone (who aren’t competing for unskilled labor) could be employed at all times. unfortunately they can’t do this lest they accelerate class consciousness so instead they have to sit there and mald while they are forced instead to lobby against illegal immigration. it is a comfort to consider this

I'm fine with legal immigrants. We cant just allow anyone in. This is a massive hole in security and common sense.

Allowing non-citizens to be counted in censuses, alongside allowing them to "vote locally" is an exploit for the onlyparty the actively advocates for less border restrictions and has illegal immigration sanctuaries.

This is a political ponzy scheme that is only giving power to the hyper wealthy. Normal middle class citizens get beaten out at the workplace by people who they can pay under the table at below minimum wage, and if they dare say anything they can have them deported and replaced.

This is a pseudo-guilded age setup that doesn't just hurt the US, it hurts those who immigrated here illegally, those who stand against obscene wealth.

If you don't like seeing your local businesses getting ahniliated, you shouldnt like what the democrats are doing.

If you like the sound of "T H A N K   Y O U   F O R   S H O P P I N G   A T   W A L M A R T. " as you "stick it" to DisnAmaMountWarnerCast a PespiCoke company. Then enjoy the bugs.

Its ironic that I'll see so called Communists and Socialists claim they want to help the working class, but they let this stuff fly on by.

This isnt fascism. This isnt communism. Its not socialism, Annoying Orangeism or even leftism.

This is Corporatism, and its been here a long time. And we need to pay attention to where its roots are so they can be pulled out.
wasting your time rambling and repeating about foreigners having political power in the united states is very annoying and you should consider how much power a working illegal immigrant really has compared to an american worker. since you’re dense ill just tell you the answer is that you’re comparing the power of 0 to the power of 1 while others instead have the power to organize a government that doesn’t need to govern by and for the purpose of collecting capital. this isn’t because of illegals or Annoying Orange or antifa.

you are discussing the logistical issue of evicting residents who are working american immigrants by all but legal status within the span of 30 days without legal counsel granted by the state in or outside of court to ensure due process and real systemic accountability are taking place. the state also estimates that some 70% of them pay tax in full. this is a petty issue and fanatically edgeposting about “blame” and “deserve” and “reward” is a coping mechanism that either A) institutions have used to propagandized you, B) an act of you attempting to propagandize vulnerable people, or more likely C) both

the US asylum seeking program is an embarrassment of a system leading to 40% of people qualified and interested being skeptical of being detained themselves within their home country due to information being openly shared with them while you wait for 3 years needing to occasionally venture back to forget knows where for your court dates (over 90% of asylum seekers still manage to attend all of their court dates). as illegal immigrants you’re dealing with a proportion well under 1% of the us population.

tldr you can only demand personal accountability and address it’s ridiculously minimal political ramifications when negligence and deliberate inefficiency within your own institutions governing them are themselves accountable to justice. and that’s not what corporatism means you should google it

conservatives when accepting immigrants is a part of their national identity

General Discussion / Re: Preemptive New Years 2023 Discussion
« on: January 13, 2022, 11:37:46 PM »


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