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Messages - Dinovincent

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General Discussion / Re: Boss Battles - Cute ducks
« on: August 03, 2015, 04:13:25 PM »
Burst Cannon is fine as is. The only thing I could recommend is making the Ion Blaster's spread wider by a very minor amount. Just tested in the server, played multiple rounds but to be honest, if you can aim with it you should be able to kill. Maybe not at that distance, but still, barely needs a nerf.

I disagree with this, mostly anyway. I do think that the burst cannon is fine, but I do think the Cyclic Ion Blaster is still quite powerful. Honestly, I think a good idea for it would be how the minigun is right now. Deadshot accuracy for the first few seconds, then it gradually loses accuracy, then overheats, becoming non-usable for a bit. Or maybe even not usable until the next time it appears, given the armor regen of Kaje.

General Discussion / Re: REQUESTING D&D PLAYERS
« on: August 02, 2015, 04:18:38 PM »
Sounds pretty cool, I might like to try this. Sent a request.

General Discussion / Re: Boss Battles - Cute ducks
« on: July 31, 2015, 12:48:31 PM »
The Sixshooter (Infiltrator's side arm) has had it's damage buffed up a bit.

But I don't see the sixshooter on the Infil. :c

General Discussion / Re: Boss Battles - Cute ducks
« on: July 25, 2015, 06:04:22 PM »
What are all of the pet and boss coins commands again? I cannot remember them and they're not in the OP.

/petshop to view the available pets to purchase.
/purchasepet (name of pet) I think this is it, anyway
/herepet (name of pet) to respawn it
/claimpet if you are a donater for the kitten (I think)
/recolorpet (name of pet) (color) see the list of possible colors from Pecon
/renamepet (name of pet) (new name) when you do this, you still spawn the pet with the actual name of the pet

/bosscoins to view the info, but might as well list them
/redeembosscoins lets you cash in the BC you have now for 15k points a piece
/buybosscoins lets you use your points to purchase boss coins for 15k a piece
using the two commands above will show you the amount it will require/give, and you must type accept into the chat if you want to, and anything else to deny it.

Hope this helps

General Discussion / Re: Boss Battles - Cute ducks
« on: July 23, 2015, 04:46:21 PM »
- Backstabs now do a flat 5000 damage.


Drama / Re: Fang The Gamer - bumping old drama topics
« on: July 17, 2015, 03:29:47 PM »
actuely, shes a she...

shhhhh i meant that

Drama / Re: Fang The Gamer - bumping old drama topics
« on: July 17, 2015, 02:50:05 PM »
Dudes im not leaving THE FORUMS just this chat weirdos........any seeya you guys are pissing me off this whole chat is worthless ok byee
Y doe what have i done? Tryibg to help other's with their dimb troubles but if you want me to leave this or you guys alone thats totally fine. God bless!

i-is he gone for good

General Discussion / Re: Boss Battles - Cute ducks
« on: July 17, 2015, 03:29:09 AM »
So, with the recent removal of both Samus and Gentlespy, I have been thinking of minibosses, and an idea popped onto my head. Now, this could be (probably) really unbalanced, but the idea is that the miniboss starts with practically nothing, aside from one item. This item charges the miniboss, filling the blue bar at the top of the screen. Once the bar fills, it gains a "level" so to speak, giving it a weapon, and maybe some slight stat boosts. The current weapon can be used, or the charge item can be used even more to increase its level. Now, I can already see a complaint of "they can just hide away in a corner and charge it, getting weps and suffering no consquences". Well, I was thinking of a visual effect somewhat similar to DS recharge effect, but instead of all at once, they slowly come in, one by one (the little blue orbs :p). As the more levels of said Miniboss increase, the range and sound of said charge can increase, making the miniboss location ever more so apparent. Now, I don't know if the weps should be set, or if it could be random, kinda like Kaje 2.0 weapon system. Again, just an idea. Of course, it can be tweaked from the original thought.

inb4 power level joke

Drama / Re: PSA: Stop with the stupid polls
« on: July 13, 2015, 05:30:10 PM »
How could those people do such a thing? Making a stupid, pointless poll that's just for fun, and has no real impact on the actual thread.

but rly tho why was this topic made

General Discussion / Re: Boss Battles - Cute ducks
« on: July 13, 2015, 03:01:33 AM »
Yeah, I know. Just an idea that I made right off the bat just to have as an example. I still think that something like that would help balance it, though. Having a Jug and MC compared to a Vaginner and DO is quite a difference, and in my opinion, the boss shouldn't be given the same buffs for those groups. But, whatever works out in the end is (probably) fine by me.

General Discussion / Re: Boss Battles - Cute ducks
« on: July 13, 2015, 02:15:40 AM »
Now, I have mixed opinions with the Boss store if it ever gets implemented.
I also believe that the normals' shop needs to no longer exist as it is now. If it were changed, preventing players from buying minibosses to begin with and instead incorporating it into normal classes somehow, that it would be better. For example, as a rocketman you have a chance to become Master Chief, overweight could become Juggernaut, etc. At that point we would have to make something up for the rest of the classes, but it probably wouldn't be too hard in the long run. But back to the point, I do believe we should throw the shop out in exchange for something else. Too often can someone use a miniboss and be boss the next round, every couple of rounds on a low playercount time, which lessens the fun and drives players away.

Tl;dr, Minibosses and the idea of boss upgrades are used to make the other teams' experience an unhappy one. I advise to remove minibosses and rework them into the game with other methods. We could still keep the boss upgrades, for instance if too many minibosses are in a round, the current boss will get the upgrade. So while gameplay changes a bit, it still attempts to make it fair on both teams without players trying to ruin an experience for others.

I like the idea that is stated in the second paragraph, where the more minibosses there are in the round, the more buffs/upgrades the bosses get. HOWEVER, I do not like the idea of damage boosts, or health boosts. I feel like upgrades for bosses should be somewhat specific. Example: If (blank) amount of minibosses are chosen, Dark Samus gets a buff to her recharge, making her recharge faster. Something along the lines of that. Passive abilities that aren't super powerful for the boss, but something that could help it in several situations. I can dump ideas for passive abilities for the bosses, if needed.

Another thing, if that idea is implemented, is a miniboss "point" counter. Now, what do I mean by this. Well, there are a few dominant minibosses. Master Chief, Jug, and Decker are the ones I mostly see used. Now, if the upgrades for the boss is determined by the amount of minibosses used, then this could be a problem. The Vagineer and Christian Brutal Sniper, while still useful, do not have the damage potential that the other classes do (in my opinion anyway). For the boss to get an upgrade because two support minibosses were chosen could be problematic. So, each miniboss could be given a point value. Example: Dark Samus gets a slow passive recharge for her energy meter if the Miniboss counter reaches (blank). Because Jug is worth (blank), and Doctor Oktoberfest is worth (blank), this limit was exceeded, giving Dark Samus this upgrade. Of course, if the counter is lower, they wouldn't get said upgrade. I have absolutely no idea if such an idea is possible or not, however, but I feel as though such a system would help balancing the boss upgrade idea a bit.

Bonus trap idea for new map: Hallways that extend along the ships exterior, with breakable windows. Once broken that hallway section of the map is sealed off and all the players within it are sucked out into space via radius-impulse. If the boss is sucked out he is dealt great damage but allowed to teleport via boss majjiks back into the ships hangar. That or an instakill for all, I feel like it should be as potent as the acid vats.

While this does seem like a good idea, I can see several problems arise with it. Unless these hallways led to areas where Normals/Bosses would actually want to go (ie capture point), it doesn't seem like it would be all that useful, as people would just see the hallway as a deathtrap with no purpose for getting to the other side. The other problem could arise with camping said hallways. Waiting for some Normals to pile in, then shoot it, and vice versa.

OT: My dad actually made DM maps for the original Half Life, and he actually made a map with that exact idea implemented in it. So that's purty cool

You should be able to sell titles back to the shop, I think.

Yes plz

Games / Re: Payday 2 Megathread: New heist!
« on: June 27, 2015, 02:09:13 AM »
Trying to find people to do the loving Golden Grin casino heist stealth is the most painful process I have ever been exposed to, jesus christ.

Drama / Re: Hellspy's Spartan RP - Absolute Bullstuff
« on: June 25, 2015, 12:09:29 AM »
Pfffff...hahahaha...oh wow.

Every RP I've gone to has been horrendous without exception.

No matter what it's gimmick is, it's terrible.

While I will admit that some (most) are pretty cringey and not good, there are a few that are pretty good, and the one Nix is making should be pretty good..

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