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Messages - Kadon

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 8 9 10 [11] 12 13 14 15 16 ... 22
Drama / Re: Kadon - Scheming to leak private add-ons, again.
« on: June 22, 2013, 06:03:09 AM »
Did you steal them from cache.db

Yup, ;)

There were a bunch of other add-ons that I wanted to include but at the time there would be too much flak on me if I did, however you can always [ur=]contact [/url]me if u want them.

Drama / Re: Kadon - Scheming to leak private add-ons, again.
« on: June 22, 2013, 05:50:28 AM »
:O that private add-on package

U liked it??

Modification Help / Re: How do variables work?
« on: June 22, 2013, 12:51:34 AM »
The assignment operator in Torque Script is '=', you assigned a value to your variable correctly, but you're not comparing the value correctly, which is why your code isn't being run past your if statement, you're using an assignment operator in your if statement, so basically, you're saying "if 2 do logic", and since control statements like if take a boolean expression, you will need to use a comparison operator.

For example:

Code: [Select]
%testValue = 2;

if(%testValue == 2)
        echo("The value was 2!");

Your code contains numerous syntax errors as well, if someone else doesn't point them out I'll help you out tomorrow.

I also suggest that you read the documentation on Torque Script.

I'll try it out.
But for future reference, the 'suggested' format would be a indent for every new line of code?

Most people in this community (and in general) use either K&R or Allman style, you can read more about indent styling here

I don't think that you should have posted that code in this thread, you have to understand that this code is fairly complex for someone with his current knowledge of scripting, unless you plan on going in-depth about how each line works, he's not going to learn from it thus, it's not going to help him solve the problem he's asking for help on.

I see what you're trying to do here.

What do you think I'm trying to do?

I don't think you can detect sarcasm in that post.

I can, you weren't being sarcastic though.

Oh I totally have bad grammar at the same time act like a jackass!

At least you have the balls to admit you have bad traits, not going to hold it against you though.

Well, it wasn't impersonation, it was a joke account created by Wound to simply act like a very very handicapped version of me, it wasn't impersonation at all, it was just a joke account made by wound so wound could forget around on the forums.

So no, it was not impersonation.

I think it was a pretty accurate depiction of how you act.

i never tried impersonated anyone?

Maxxbot says otherwise.

what mistakes? i haven't done anything bad with the alts.



The problem isn't you creating an alternative account, the problem is you creating an alternative account and making the same mistakes that got you banned over and over.

Off Topic / Re: I think my PC has a RAT in it, please help!
« on: June 21, 2013, 06:07:57 PM »
Are you loving handicapped or are you trying to be funny?

Hey, here's a little tip: don't directly reply to him when he posts stuff like that, he's either really that mentally defect or he's trying to get a reaction from people.

Drama / Re: Zulious
« on: June 21, 2013, 04:55:36 PM »
The save button is there and always enabled for a reason, he's not stealing anything because it's public domain. You should feel flattered that he likes your build enough to save it.

Off Topic / Re: I think my PC has a RAT in it, please help!
« on: June 21, 2013, 08:00:12 AM »
Why would someone want to freaken look at you masturbate? No one; stop being paranoid.

Don't assume that...

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