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Messages - El Barto

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You know what? I'd kill or get seriously injured to test this Beta. Kill or get seriously injured.

I don't think you can get the beta if you are criminally insane.
.................Bribe him?

Like I said, maybe I should bribe him with hentai.....

oh good
that gives me a chance to post this

I think that is way over used by noobs and they are too lazy to make a real thing saying someone just got owned.

Ummm...lets see....he never made them for BL V0002
Ummm... Let's see... V0002 IS and update dumbass, What comes before 2? Oh yeah, 1!

Yes but still....did any one see the light of BLV001??? HMMMM....NO! other then badspot and his tests....if he had testers. And he only made one update...and stopped after he made a deal with GG.

Ummm...lets see....he never made them for BL V0002

Hey, Badspot. Are you going to make updates to retail, kinda like what you do to AoT.

General Discussion / Re: Thought on Retail
« on: July 12, 2006, 07:08:51 PM »
The minifigs look different, because Badspot isn't allowed to make the game look LEGO, or the LEGO company will 'sue his pants off'.

That I knew...and besides....When did Badspot have pants on anyways?

General Discussion / Re: Thought on Retail
« on: July 12, 2006, 06:38:52 PM »
Can you plz step away from the computer, sir. You have been cought posting and drinking...I'm going to have to give you a PUI.

THE ONLY AND I MEAN ONLY THING THAT IS GOING TO BE BAD ON RETAIL WILL BE THE BLOCKY FIGURES. And you know someone is going to make a mod to change that.

General Discussion / Re: Me Elite
« on: July 12, 2006, 05:08:35 PM »
I dun like dm in BL at all 'cept for maybe the spears, because, all of the weapons can shoot form infinitley far away and hit their target perfect because there's nothing interferring with the bullet least the spear has gravity taken into account and you have a chance to dodge it X_x

If you think BLM's DM is need to stop smokeing that stuff....

General Discussion / Re: Silly things about Retail
« on: July 12, 2006, 01:06:14 PM »

General Discussion / Re: Me Elite
« on: July 12, 2006, 01:00:58 PM »
I did that back in BLM 1.6 no cheating.

General Discussion / Re: Silly things about Retail
« on: July 12, 2006, 10:13:57 AM »
What happens if you drive a vehicle into a wall of jelly bricks?

LOL! probly nothing, unless the bricks are pass-throughable.

Jesus Christ, if you're going to pirate $20 games made by individual developers than you're a pandaing douchebag.

Well...its 20 more bucks you can put into something researcho....other hobbies.....your comp! many many things! >.> not saying I support it.

Another issue

People will teh torret it and file sharing and what not.

Just like any other program/game on the market thats not free....

180 bad he only lets few people in....I'd be to distracted with Retail BL to hammer/get in fights with people....and when badspot does make the ban/kick....would I really want to be banned from his server? Hell no! lol. Oh well...That'd just be a dream....maybe I should bribe him with researcho....hehehe...well..I'm off to google. >.>

And to respond on Jason's post....That would mean less noobs...Also another reason I wanted Badspot to make retail and sell it.

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