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Messages - Crook

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Now my friends HAVE to use proximity voice on my server

Off Topic / Re: U.S.A. Politics Thread | Roe V. Wade OVERTURNED
« on: June 24, 2022, 06:40:57 PM »
I'm like a cartoonishly evil bigot and I refuse to believe there is a single person made of flesh and blood that cared enough about this stuff to actually get it overturned. This has to be some kind of manufactured moral panic thing


3 mass shootings in like a second right after COVID memoryholes and barely a month later we have record breaking anti-gun votes. Real subtle ATF

What do we think of the feasibility of some kind of turret that can differentiate between wasps and bees and use a laser to blast their wings off mid-flight

Can I get a mini version that shoots wasps in my backyard

you think that locked doors are are an insurmountable obstacle to prospective Flash Mobers

Well, yeah. Walls and locked doors actually make great obstacles. It is extremely difficult to get through a locked metal frame door. Frankly it's unfeasible if it's swinging in. It's not like these cornballs are shooting up schools with rifles because it's hard. I mean just look at our very own Sephiroth. He was presented a loving couch and immediately shot himself.

Am I saying that nobody is going to ladder over a wall and like saw open a door with a rifle on their back? No. Would all 300 shootings still have occurred if that were the prerequisite? This is literally the whole argument. Prospective Flash Mobers could turn to bombs or chemicals or even self-made firearms if "insurmountable" is the standard here. I'm just saying if we're going to incorporate "make every single person in the entire country incapable of violence" into our security plan we could at least start with a door.

amazon hires armed security for deposits & expensive shipments. most schools in the US have less security than one amazon truck carrying hard drives. putting guns within 1000 feet of schoolchildren has many issues but it really makes you wonder if one armed trained guard would've been enough to stop the elementary school shooting before it began
We could genuinely just start with a fence. You're completely right: The average warehouse full of loving glass has more security than the average school full of small children in America. America is the only country where this handicapped stuff happens but we're hardly the only one with guns. The switz have fully automatic rifles on a may-issue permit, they've had fewer mass shootings than Australia. You can own some gnarly guns in South Africa but you don't get mega school massacre tragedies, and it could reasonably be because they just lock the damn building.

This is speaking from experience; I've lived on four continents, American public school security is insane and pants on head handicapped. In Australia I could walk around the building for lunch and most of the classes were separate buildings that you walked between. Nobody gave a stuff. Yet there was still a fence and two entries and exits that were staffed 24/7. In America, I'm basically in a loving prison cell, I have to speech check my way past 3 karens just to eat lunch in the library, and yet every time there's a mass shooting the richardhead just enters through one of 19 unlocked doors and has completely free reign of the building for 9 hours.

If your security plan involves hoping that every single individual in a pool of 300,000,000 doesn't do something evil rather than just securing your building with 500 people in it, that's beyond asinine, and that's hardly a partisan take. People on this side of the fence have a very "move bikini bottom somewhere else"-esque mindset.

Games / Re: 2001 unreal engine build of duke nukem forever leaked
« on: May 10, 2022, 12:48:17 PM »
RAT btw

Brick rigs solos

General Discussion / Re: A Final Plea to Fix Blockland
« on: May 06, 2022, 03:42:13 PM »
in terms of time spent not at all lol, it's been approximately 5 years compared to the retail version of blockland being released like 3 years after v002. also i guess it's true if you ignore the existence of vehicles before v8
Yeah but they have ummmm raytracing soooo

It's not really up for us to say, sure that sounds pretty much like blockland back at v9 when I first joined the community, but it's not our game, and they can do whatever they want to it and add whatever more they wish too
Yeah I kinda figure the same and that was my initial point. They're just having fun. Adding mod support to unreal engine is the antithesis of fun. It's not like they're asking for money. It's just that most of us are sitting around here with baited breath waiting for blockland's "spiritual successor" and as soon as Brickadia gets mod support it will be here.

I'm not sure if someone has mentioned it yet, but while Brickadia does not yet have mod support officially, there is a third-party server wrapper around called "omegga" made by the user cake.
I've seen this, it's pretty cool. I think someone managed to make a proximity voice mod with this or something? Pretty neat. I was able to replicate it for Blockland in a couple days. I guess ultimately they could add a stuffload of functionality to the console: this isn't far off from how Blockland works. But the issue of getting models/sounds/assets in and out of the game remains. When something like CityRPG is possible through this I'll be very interested

General Discussion / Re: A Final Plea to Fix Blockland
« on: May 05, 2022, 08:10:09 PM »
so before people start asking for stuff why don't they finish the base of the game first?
I mean... what's left though? Vehicles? I guess... Wrench events? I suppose... The building system is already significantly more developed, optimized and functional than blockland's. There's minigames, guns, a bucketload of cosmetics... Honestly if Brickadia had mod support right now it would already have far surpassed Blockland, especially in it's earliest retail versions like v8.

General Discussion / Re: A Final Plea to Fix Blockland
« on: May 01, 2022, 01:54:20 AM »
? forget off

General Discussion / Re: A Final Plea to Fix Blockland
« on: April 30, 2022, 07:09:07 PM »
still isn't actual mod support :J
you shouldn't invoke this without good reason because it's an actual criticism rather than faction slapfighting

I think mod support is BADLY needed and extremely fundamental actually. I can't really think of any other "ingredients" Brickadia needs more. If you ask me; the mod support argument bears little fruit purely because it's extremely difficult and maybe a little too much to ask from unfunded hobbyists right now. game dev is supposed to be fun after all

Off Topic / Re: forget spectrum/time warner
« on: April 26, 2022, 10:41:43 PM »
Are you seriously taking someone's internet getting throttled, and jumping straight to conspiracy theories?
Wtf are you talking about

Off Topic / Re: forget spectrum/time warner
« on: April 26, 2022, 08:34:41 PM »
You will own nothing

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