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Messages - Stocking

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Off Topic / Re: monthly ban predictions
« on: January 18, 2017, 08:52:02 PM »

reason: STUPID
2 weeks

i agree with this i hate that guy! one of the dumbest forums who ever held a computer LOL

Off Topic / Re: monthly ban predictions
« on: January 18, 2017, 08:50:40 PM »
all the haters who want to see me fail

Drama / Re: stocking - vore spam, disturbed as forget
« on: January 18, 2017, 08:46:41 PM »

tits aren't even universally loveual. the only reason it's a big deal in the US is because of puritan influence.

in most parts of Europe and Africa women going around topless is fine because female breasts arent special interestized

well considering her response had to be censored it only justifies what I was saying so I'm pretty much done here.

only because this country is backwards in its views of women's bodies.

Drama / Re: Any players you just simply hate?
« on: January 18, 2017, 08:44:07 PM »
How the forget did I misread "tits" as "snake"?

it's a nice thought though. it'd be great to get paid the same as a man for the same work.

Drama / Re: stocking - vore spam, disturbed as forget
« on: January 18, 2017, 08:40:52 PM »
cunt this isn't abstract art, this is a sub-category of research, regardless of what you say it's origin is explicitly, and only loveual, and always has been.

But it's quantitatively nonloveual,regardless of if its subjectively loveualized inside a person's head.

The only objectifying being done here is by the artist when they drew her ass to be the center of attention/in the foreground.

Uh the artist obviously drew her facial expression to be the center, and her being upside down is only to illustrate how helpless and distraught she is. You can barely even see her ass; it's completely covered.

trying to justify vore as not being in relation to loveual/erotic fantasies/special interestes when it's only relations are loveual/erotic fantasies/special interestes does nothing, and will do nothing, to uphold you and your stupid justifications as to it being purely art with no other referential material.

The great art critic of our time.

that said, I don't mind vore or any other special interestes, nor am I interested in any, but seriously you can't just go "oh well it's not all loveual" when that's just simply not true.

like come on, you're not fooling anyone, just go enjoy your Vore and keep it to yourself and the others that hold a shared interest.

whats even remotely loveual about this?

weird af

Off Topic / Re: Bad/weird stuff you see on deviantArt - Megathread
« on: January 18, 2017, 08:39:25 PM »
weird af

Off Topic / Re: I have a 5 pound note that says AK47 on it.
« on: January 18, 2017, 07:58:14 PM »
That's some heavy paper

Drama / Re: stocking - vore spam, disturbed as forget
« on: January 18, 2017, 07:56:47 PM »
don't loving reply to that rambo

Dismissive post? Why even make a thread about me and open a discussion if you're going to be a closed minded bigot

Drama / Re: stocking - vore spam, disturbed as forget
« on: January 18, 2017, 07:54:46 PM »
dogs weren't created with a loveual connotation, vore was created with a loveual connotation.

How do you know? Do you know the artists personally enough to be able to objectively define the purpose of their art?

Also it's pretty sad you think that last pic I posted is loveual. Like a girl is literally about to be digested alive and you're still objectifying her.

Drama / Re: stocking - vore spam, disturbed as forget
« on: January 18, 2017, 07:43:02 PM »
alright, well what is the definition and basis of what Vore is.

now what's the definition of erotic
[ ][/img]

how you're managing to go "oh well it isn't inherently loveual" when yet it was a special interest that arose with the context of it being loveual and when you're also posting stuff like the previous image where the consumed party's ass is sticking up right in the air that pretty much invalidates your entire argument.

It literally says "erotic desire" because it's subjective. If someone has an erotic desire t forget dogs it doesn't mean that all pictures with dogs are now objectively loveual

Drama / Re: stocking - vore spam, disturbed as forget
« on: January 18, 2017, 07:24:07 PM »
So stocking's vore is okay because you can block it? What about the 10-year-old browsing the forum? You can bet he can't block anything. If he clicks on it expecting something safe for kids his age and he gets something for 15/16 and above is it his fault?

The problem is is that vore isn't objectively loveual. There is absolutely nothing inherently loveual about eating and digesting a person. Therefor it is not loveual content.

asbestos requires direct ingestion to be dangerous, and even then it has to be in the form of a powder. you're safe.

the reason it's probably still up is because asbestos is obscenely expensive and time consuming to dispose of, so it makes a lot more sense for everyone to just leave it where it is.

Off Topic / Re: 2017 WORLD POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD
« on: January 18, 2017, 08:34:48 AM »
In the new testament was it "if you do x you will go to hell" or was it "if you do x you will be put to death"?

"if you do x you will be forgiven."

the entire point of the law in the bible was that it was impossible to follow because humans are sinful creatures. it was meant to demonstrate that humans can never be like god, and can never earn entry to heaven on their own accord.

Quote from: Supre Contra Gentiles Book 1, Chapter 6
On the other hand, those who founded sects committed to erroneous doctrines proceeded in a way that is opposite to this, The point is clear in the case of Muhammad. He seduced the people by promises of carnal pleasure to which the concupiscence of the flesh goads us. His teaching also contained precepts that were in conformity with his promises, and he gave free rein to carnal pleasure. In all this, as is not unexpected, he was obeyed by carnal men.

As for proofs of the truth of his doctrine, he brought forward only such as could be grasped by the natural ability of anyone with a very modest wisdom. Indeed, the truths that he taught he mingled with many fables and with doctrines of the greatest falsity. He did not bring forth any signs produced in a supernatural way, which alone fittingly gives witness to divine inspiration; for a visible action that can be only divine reveals an invisibly inspired teacher of truth. On the contrary, Muhammad said that he was sent in the power of his arms—which are signs not lacking even to robbers and tyrants.

What is more, no wise men, men trained in things divine and human, believed in him from the beginning, Those who believed in him were brutal men and desert wanderers, utterly ignorant of all divine teaching, through whose numbers Muhammad forced others to become his followers by the violence of his arms. Nor do divine pronouncements on the part of preceding prophets offer him any witness. On the contrary, he perverts almost all the testimonies of the Old and New Testaments by making them into fabrications of his own, as can be. seen by anyone who examines his law.

 It was, therefore, a shrewd decision on his part to forbid his followers to read the Old and New Testaments, lest these books convict him of falsity. It is thus clear that those who place any faith in his words believe foolishly.

Drama / Re: Any players you just simply hate?
« on: January 18, 2017, 01:23:17 AM »
lowbrow comments not welcome?

very welcome

Drama / Re: Any players you just simply hate?
« on: January 18, 2017, 01:20:50 AM »
Using your tits to win favour on a forum where 90% of the active userbase hasn't dropped their balls yet is about as effective as trying to nail in a hammer with a stand of stiff spaghetti.

youre just saying that so i'll vore you NEWS FLASH IDIOT im not a pred

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