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Messages - -Jetz-

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Development / Re: 2015/11/03 - Blockland r1972
« on: November 03, 2015, 06:51:14 PM »
moveforward is a glitch where you can tell the console to make the player move forward incredibly slowly, and it actually allows you to clip through bricks
its a big problem in gamemodes like baseraiders.  
  • Fixed case where moving slow moving players can phase through walls
The changelog was like 4 lines long; how on earth did you miss this?

Development / Re: 2015/10/13 - The Forgettable Dungeon - Kickstarter
« on: November 03, 2015, 05:26:47 PM »
I posted this gif to pc master race earlier if you guys wanted to look at it,

Turned out pretty cool.
Wow, made it right near the top of the front page. I'm curious - how's that translating to views for the game's website?

Games / Re: Undertale - The RPG where you don't have to hurt anyone
« on: November 03, 2015, 01:36:31 PM »

breaking news: undertale is violent, brutal, and cruel, and is corrupting our children with demonic images
Stay tuned for our top story this evening: A Dog Exists Somewhere!

Games / Re: Undertale - The RPG where you don't have to hurt anyone
« on: November 02, 2015, 10:32:13 AM »
is it weird that the only characters i felt horribly bad killing during a genocide run were lesser dog, papyrus and toriel
Not really. Only one I felt really bad about is Papyrus, because despite everything he doesn't stop believing in you. Also felt bad about Undyne's death, but that was in the neutral route so I suppose it doesn't count.

Modification Help / Re: Board Organization / Merging
« on: November 02, 2015, 09:44:04 AM »
cause the profile information stuff is way outdated and the entire forum theme could use a face-lift
Gotta say, it would be pretty cool to have Steam profiles shown on our forum profile pages.

Speaking of which, did that inability for Steam users to register a key for forum accounts ever get sorted?

what if you implemented tags like [coding help] or [mod help]

I'm totally down for the change I just still feel like this needs some sort of separation
You know, SMF does have a post icon option when you create a thread. It lets you display a little emoticon to set the tone of a thread you're making. It's disabled on these forums since the default icons are capable of conveying emotions other than "I have no idea what I'm doing," "I did something cool," and "This game sucks," which is against forum rules. I bet that feature could be repurposed for the modification help board if you had some icons for representing scripting, modeling, sound design, etc. Could probably even get some use out of it in add-ons and other sections if someone was willing to create a set of relevant icons.

Modification Help / Re: Board Organization / Merging
« on: October 31, 2015, 04:27:56 PM »
I think that there should be a "Coding and Modification Help" board. They go good together. Not merged with the normal "Help" board though. That would be terrible.
Thematically, yes, but those that have, and can help with coding help problems really outnumber those with other modding problems and skills. You mix in a modeling help question with 10 coding help questions and it might get buried before someone good with modeling comes along and sees it. There's also the fact that searching through coding help is useful for coders, while searching through coding help and a bunch of other random modding topics is less useful.

Modification Help / Re: Board Organization / Merging
« on: October 29, 2015, 10:36:58 AM »
I'll change my position, coding help should have its own section. I've already encountered problems with the new merged board because my search results (specifically related to coding) are being polluted by all the normal mod discussion stuff.
Never even saw anyone consider search results when discussing this ahead of time, but yeah, being able to search specifically through coding help was extremely handy at times.

I know merging coding help with the other mod help was done because the latter wasn't as active, but I'm starting to think that may be a mistake. The people who respond to coding help threads aren't gonna magically become able to answer modeling questions just because the sections merged, and the more active coding help threads may bury the others before someone with the relevant skills can see them.

I agree that the giant mod work in progress threads would fit in General Discussion. The fact that they remained active and on the first page of their section for months probably indicates they should be somewhere more active. Though if you do that, you'd probably want to rename this section to Modification Help just so future ones don't end up here.

Should any future discussion of AoT just go in "Games"? That's another really active section, and I imagine any threads about it would get pretty quickly buried there, making it completely pointless. I know the whole point of this restructure was to merge things to get fewer boards, but maybe it'd be worthwhile to open a new one for any discussion of your other games. AoT, Perennial, Mario Land Fun, even the older ones maybe. Could repurpose AoT General, or set up a sub-board of Games. It probably wouldn't be a hugely active board, but unlike other games with threads in the Games section, there's nowhere else on the internet for discussing them, and since this new merge I've quickly been coming to the conclusion that a section being less active isn't inherently a bad thing.

General Discussion / Re: Custom mod commissions
« on: October 25, 2015, 02:25:45 PM »
I think it'd be a pretty bad idea to commission a large scale mod like that from someone who isn't already passionate about working on it to begin with. If you crowdfund it, you're gonna have a hard time nailing down the design specifications in the first place. With kickstarter, the developer also sets the specifications and has the motivation to work on it, but with a commission, you'd need the backers to agree on every detail ahead of time. Then once the mod is released, people are still gonna want to see new features added in. Some people will want it to support new jobs for differently themed CityRPs, people may want certain options added in to tweak the gameplay on their servers, and every once in a while someone will come along pitching a major new feature that a few users will want added in. But then what? Do you start a crowdfunding campaign for a new version, or do you hold Pecon responsible for long term maintenance? Sure bug fixes would be expected, and if you asked nicely you could probably get a couple small updates with some new functions, but bigger features would mean another commission.

You could probably solve a few of these issues if you had someone in the middle to manage the crowdfunding and write the specs ahead of time, working with Pecon to keep the cost from outpacing the amount of money coming in, but that doesn't determine where the line is drawn for what kind of long term development Pecon remains responsible for, and also introduces some other questions, like "do the backers have the right to ask for those small tweaks, or do they have to go through the same middle-man," "is the person who managed the crowdfunding at all responsible for its long term maintenance," or "can someone commission major features be added on to the CityRP, then keep that as their own private branch of the mod without releasing it?"

I think getting the mod made this way would be any number of disasters waiting to happen.

General Discussion / Re: Boss Battles - Applications are in! (page 1128)
« on: October 06, 2015, 03:44:27 PM »
clearly a fake, that chest is merely tan!
Easy way of telling: if it opened without use of the golden key, it's fake.

Drama / Re: Brickitect & Serings harass chewer
« on: September 21, 2015, 05:34:19 PM »
Taboo is now ban on sight from the forums.  Report future accounts.  Do not engage.
Normally I'd bring out the usual Ding Dong, The Witch Is Dead clip, but this calls for something special

Drama / Re: Brickitect & Serings harass chewer
« on: September 20, 2015, 08:02:24 PM »
i got banned despite breaking no rules, i don't have the future vision to identify that someone reported me for nothing
Was the ban message left blank?

AoT General / Re: 21 Day Glitch happening. + Horses placed in stall @ AoT
« on: September 03, 2015, 08:18:34 PM »
I thought it happened FOR 21 days.
24 days, and it actually is both. 24 days for the ingame clock to overflow and end up in the negatives, then another 24 days to climb back to zero, unless Badspot just resets the server. Not exactly 24 days but whatever.

General Discussion / Re: Boss Battles - Applications are in! (page 1128)
« on: August 18, 2015, 05:20:55 PM »
Is there not a way to get a GUI downloaded onto a client the same way other things do?

Coming up with some dumb scheme to force people to read the rules would be as pointless as EULAs in installers that require you to scroll to the bottom before continuing, or dropdown-box "enter your birthday to continue" age-gates. Just an annoyance that doesn't really solve anything. If someone doesn't read the rules then breaks them with malicious intent, it wouldn't have played out any differently if they were forced to read them. Besides, it's not like the server rules here have anything in them that a person with a working moral compass would find counterintuitive.

Modification Help / Re: Vector Math
« on: August 13, 2015, 02:56:47 AM »
A point in space usually isn't thought of as a vector, though technically it is one with respect to the origin point "0 0 0".

What you're referring to with vector subtraction is the formula for creating a vector from one point to another, "final minus initial." Take the coordinates of the destination point, and subtract from it the position you start from, and it will give you a vector. If you start at the initial point, and apply that vector, you'll end up at the final point.

That diagram doesn't represent this process well, since vector b is already shown with respect to vector a. Consider this one:

Add b to a-b, and you get a, intuitively enough.

General Discussion / Re: Boss Battles - Cute ducks
« on: August 12, 2015, 01:55:14 AM »
Maybe the guide for writing apps should just be those last three, plus the instructions "Do the exact opposite of what these idiots did."

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