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Messages - cromartini

Pages: 1 ... 114 115 116 117 118 [119] 120 121
Add-Ons / Re: First Order Stormtrooper Playertype
« on: January 29, 2016, 09:17:56 AM »

In game name: Cromartini
Pros for applying: Very good on building details, can be an voiceless extra.
Cons for applying: A small amount of free time due to school, PC is known for problems.
OTHER STUFF THAT MIGHT HAPPEN: I might get a mike, and fix the PC problem.

Add-Ons / Re: Hook Gun : Grapple Rope Mod
« on: January 26, 2016, 08:30:23 AM »
What do you think this is ? just cause ?
well you are close...

Faces, Decals, Prints / Re: First Order Stormtrooper pack!
« on: January 21, 2016, 01:37:19 PM »
This is great, now we only need the spinning bat thing

Faces, Decals, Prints / Re: Kylo Ren pack!
« on: January 21, 2016, 12:19:51 PM »
No, that's a Jedi thing. The sith are all about letting the hate flow through you.
Well jesus christ i don't think general grevious was as much as pissed as kylo ren.

« on: January 16, 2016, 06:08:36 AM »
Oh my god... all we need is a stand addon...

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Taking Requests for new Decals/Faces/Prints
« on: January 08, 2016, 10:01:11 AM »
Hey, can you add dio's "IT WAS ME, DIO" face please ?

General Discussion / Re: Soldier survival (minigame idea)
« on: December 30, 2015, 05:11:51 AM »
can you play as the robots or no

well, i don't really know. It is mostly based of a LBP 2 level of the same name. Mostly in that level you drag rocks to your base, get money, buy stuff and survive the night.

General Discussion / Soldier survival (minigame idea)
« on: December 29, 2015, 03:37:10 PM »

Its the year 2126, The war between robots and humans has started. You are a soldier, guarding the outland fortress from the robot's grasp. During day you harvest a mysterious telloite mineral witch grows ten times faster during night. By the help of a friend from the black market you can buy guns, vehicles, and mining equipment in exchange for the valuable telloite minerals. But watch out for the sneaky robots, witch attack by night. To sieze the power of the robot attacks, conquer the robot fortresses in the outlands and proove that in the outlands, the creator is more powerfull than its creation.

This minigame is a hybrid of FPS games, and minecraft. The point of the minigame is to protect the outland fortress from the robots, if the fortress is destroyed by the robots, its game over. During day race with the miner bots to see who will collect more telloite. Sieges are an important part of the minigame, there are a total of 20 robot fortresses, each in a diffrent location, and a diffrent climate. the telloite comes in diffrent colors like this:
brown tellolite - worth one point.
orange tellolite- worth three points
green tellolite - worth five points
lime tellolite  - worth ten points
veleopilite - worth 100 points, there is three in each region.

To survive waves of robots, you should get some weapons like these !
I also added level restrictions to some of theese weapons.

Lvl 1 - 10

-a basic mele weapon used for mining.

-a basic range weapon you got from the military.

-a black market weapon, precise and powerfull.

-a black market close quarters weapon made for dealing massive damage.

-a black market medium range weapon, like a sawn off shotgun, but with a better range

Lvl 10-20

-a military weapon you get from the military at level 11. pretty precise.

-a black market weapon, with really high firerate.

-a black market weapon, powerfull but with low firerate

-a black market weapon, really high firerate.

Lvl 20-30

-a weapon military gives you at lvl 21

-a weapon at the black market, it shoots in an arch.

-a weapon at the black market. GUESS WHAT IT DOES ?!

the data about robots is quite small, but we managed to study some robots.

AREA 1: forest
MINER BOT - a small, quick unit used for mining, it is mostly followed by two normal bots for defense.
NORMAL BOT - a normal bot, armed with a gun.
ASSAULT BOT - a normal bot, but armed with a assault rifle
JEEP - two bots in a jeep. Nuff said.
HOVERBOT - a big bot with a lot of weapons, it also carries alot of assault bots... (BOSS)
SCORPION - a big scorpion like bot, armed with a plasma cannon, this is a bot to be aware of...  (BOSS)

it won't be easy mining minerals like that, so have some vehicles BUT NOT FOR FREE

JEEP - a quick small vehicle witch can hold up to four people.
TRUCK - a big slow vehicle witch can hold up to ten people.
APC - a medium quick vehicle with alot of armor, a turert and can hold up to eight people.
TANK - a medium slow vehicle with even more armor, a cannon and can hold up to three people.
HELI - a big quick air vehicle witch can hold up to nine people.

REMEBER, this isn't the full minigame yet, i will be adding more stuff...

Music / Re: Taking Music Requests
« on: December 27, 2015, 10:03:17 AM »
Hey, can you add everybody have fun tonight by wang chung ?

Music / Re: Phoenix Wright Collection
« on: December 23, 2015, 11:14:36 AM »
where is cornered ?

Suggestions & Requests / stances from jojo's bizzare adventure
« on: December 13, 2015, 04:22:36 AM »
You know what would be cool ? having a stance. whats a stance ?its like a persona, but much more original.
so what stances should we add into blockland ? and how do they work ?
well left click would be the normal attack for the stance and the right click would be the special attack.

General Discussion / what if blockland got an update
« on: December 05, 2015, 03:54:07 PM »
The title says it all, WHAT IF, blockland got an update ?
what do you think what would happen ?

General Discussion / Re: Blockland Tonight
« on: December 04, 2015, 04:10:48 PM »

Forum Games / Re: BOSS RUSH (minigame idea :D)
« on: December 01, 2015, 07:52:59 AM »
oh stuff wrong topic
i better gtfo quickly

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