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Messages - No, I am not Lord Tony!

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Add-Ons / Re: Farla͉̙̱̣͕ͯͣ̒̓͆̐nds
« on: March 16, 2014, 06:35:57 PM »
Why do you have a tiny screen resolution

This page is not 1920 X 1080 friendly

I never touched GoW, halo or CoD

Off Topic / Re: Is it bad I laugh at stuff like this
« on: March 16, 2014, 07:17:57 AM »
I don't agree with mostly everyone on that channel.

Did you get those 360 noscopes on fallout 3?

I'm saying fallout 3 is bad because Bethesda is a terrible company and they need to get their stuff together. I still like the game, I just don't like the direction it's going in which is why I have to mod it to get it to the way I feel fit. I have to mod the game and make it 3x harder than the default  vanilla game.

You find the game bad because you're a casual gamer and it's not the type of game you usually play like Call of Duty or Halo or Gears of War.

I'm sorry I don't talk to casual gamers that are essentially killing the gaming industry.

Yup, quite obvious why Night Fox likes the game. He's just bored and when he's bored he goes around killing random people for no reason because he has nothing better to do.

Has no respect for fallout in general and doesn't understand why certain people dislike fallout 3 yet he feels the need to argue about it. Even though he is a little casual gamer that doesn't care about anything as he is the reason (being a casual gamer) why fallout 3 sucks in general. So thanks Night Fox. You are why Bethesda dumbs down their games.

I play fallout because it's fun. I don't play call of duty, because it isn't. I don't have to be interested in what I think is boring, generic lore, to enjoy a game

You're playing the wrong game,  buddy. The entire theme of what fallout has been based on is what you find generic and boring.

Have you even played fallout 1 or 2?

You probably just play on super easy mode and seem to enjoy yourself shooting someone in the foot and blowing up their head somehow. Cheating and getting unlimited nukes for your MIRV because you're bored. That's nice, Garry's mod does the same thing. It's for casuals.

Gallery / Re: San Bricknio, WIP City Project (NEED HELP!)
« on: March 16, 2014, 06:49:01 AM »
Hmmm, looks like my lego city.

but I never did pay attention to fallout lore anyway. it's really uninteresting

And if you did then maybe you'd understand why people don't like Fallout 3 as much as Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas.

Go back to CoD. I hear they don't care about lore and plot. Why play any fallout game if you don't give a stuff about the lore? Casual gamers have no sense of what the developer goes through.

Plot twist. The kid in the video is setro.

thank you, lord tony, for further proving my point

No bro. I said they kicked the Brotherhood's ass without power armor. I didn't say they never further insulted them by stealing their power armor and painting the bear on it.

You need to learn how to read.

The sure fire instant way to feel better about yourself.

Off Topic / Re: No more girls on the forums?
« on: March 16, 2014, 03:48:02 AM »
Why is everyone so obsessive over girls here :/. I mean, yeah it's nice to see girls in a medium that their not exactly common in, but it's kinda weird asking where they went.

Social awkwardness and autism makes them compelled to be their friend in creepy ways.

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