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Messages - Thorax

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Games / Wii U
« on: June 08, 2012, 02:42:29 AM »
I was surprised to see that there isn't a Wii U thread, but then I thought, maybe it's because it's hardware and not an actual game. But then I saw the E3 thread and though, well, that's just a conference about games. This is a system for games. So forumgoers, post your thoughts related to the games coming to the Wii U. I know there are a few threads out there discussing some of the major ones (Pikmin 3, for example), but it'd also be cool if you posted your speculations about what games you think will come out, what should come out, and general thoughts about Nintendo finally addressing the "hardcore" crowd with some of these new games.

Personally, I thought Nintendo died after the Gamecube. The DS was a bit of a gimmick (though there were plenty of good games) and the Wii was a total gimmick. Out of everyone I know, the Wii was used great when it was released, but after a month or two, everyone packed it up and forgot about it, switching to the 360 or PS3. I am a die-hard Nintendo fan, having never bought another company's console (minus the PSP, which I don't count as a console), so I felt like a piece of me died when I finally purchased my 360. Between the two systems, my 360 gets 95% of my attention. The only times I ever touch my Wii is when I would boot up SSB with a few friends. That is all the appeal it offers to me anymore. And with less and less interesting titles (most catering to the younger, casual audience), the more resolute I thought that Nintendo's legacy as the system for everyone was over.

However, this E3 has given me hope. I had thought the Wii U was just going to be another gimmick. Why would I want to purchase another pointless system if I'm only doing it for LoZ? However, the lineup of games made me double take. The old Nintendo I grew up with is back. I will be buying the Wii U.


Pikmin 3 looks like it'll be awesome. I absolutely love the first one, which I found in a used game store for $5. The second one was just as fun.

Legend of Zelda is Legend of Zelda, so it's bound to be pretty great. I do feel like the games are getting a bit more "clonely" where you just use the item you found in the last dungeon to beat the boss. It'd be nice if they upped the difficulty a bit and made the boss fights more "epic", to where it doesn't feel like another minion to kill and actually feels like a foe. This opinion comes from a guy who hasn't played Skyward Sword yet, so there is hope that this has changed.

Super Smash Bros has a sequel coming, so that'll be amazing. I hope that the fighting is more like Melee, where it is less floaty than Brawl.

ZombiU is by far the game I'm most excited to play and is defiantly the one that sold me on the Wii U. Not only does it really take advantage of the new controller, but it also provides a really cool experience for the player with permadeath. I'm imagining it to be singleplayer ARMA II Day Z, but with better controls and stuff. I'm glad that they are focusing more on the "scavenge and survive" aspect rather than the "blow through hordes" concept that has been so over done. CoD zombies is fun, but I feel it gets stagnant and routine, having a general "best" plan on how to survive. L4D is to fast and "powerful" IMO. It feels to me more like a "race to the finish" more than a "we have to survive" thing. I'm hoping ZombiU is a nice balance between the two.

I'm hoping a new F-Zero game comes out. It is kinda hinted at with the Nintendo Land thing, so I'm hoping a full game is in the works.

The same thing goes for Animal Crossing.

I'm also hoping for a Monster Hunter game for the Wii U. I feel like a lot can be done with the new controller, but I also think it would just be cool.

Another Mario Kart would be fun as well.

Post any games you're excited for and games you speculate will be released.

Off Topic / Re: Forum challenge: count to ten
« on: June 04, 2012, 10:29:16 PM »

Off Topic / Re: /a/ singing songs
« on: June 04, 2012, 10:28:51 PM »
I don't see what's good about that.

It's sad when I hear this and see how the world has become so corrupted.

It's always been corrupt.

Games / Re: Good low-quality video game
« on: May 29, 2012, 01:58:04 PM »
League of Legends

Games / Re: Win a Game [Torchlight]
« on: May 28, 2012, 08:41:43 PM »


For real.

The officer...approached and saw that the naked man was actually chewing the other man's head, according to witnesses. The officer ordered the naked man to back away, and when he continued the assault, the officer shot him.
The attacker continued to eat the man, despite being shot, forcing the officer to continue firing. Witnesses said they heard at least a half dozen shots.

Games / Re: [NA]League of Blockland - LoL Inhouse Game (5v5)
« on: May 27, 2012, 11:52:53 PM »
I would do it, but I feel like I'd be horribly embarrassed.

Off Topic / Re: I'm old greeeeegg
« on: May 27, 2012, 12:31:38 AM »
This is old as balls.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Filipino Mythical Creatures
« on: May 25, 2012, 10:06:05 PM »
Lol, I'm pretty sure that last one just sits on you. And I'm pretty sure that's a sort of special interest.

Off Topic / Re: loving UMBRELLA.CO
« on: May 25, 2012, 10:01:22 PM »
Is it bad if I thought that was a website?

Games / Re: Decent XBOX 360 Game Maker?
« on: May 23, 2012, 06:03:28 PM »
XNA sucks, you have to pay, like 200 bucks.

XNA is all there is. It's free to develop for PC. If you can even get that far, I'd be impressed. Once you have the game finished and are able to demo it on PC, you could probably get donations to port it to 360, so you would maybe only have to pay $30 of your own money.

Games / Re: anyone else like to play music when gaming?
« on: May 23, 2012, 06:00:34 PM »
It depends on the game and the situation. If I'm playing by myself I'll usually put something on. If I am trying to focus or am just kinda sick of music, I'll listen just to the ingame music. If I'm playing really casual with friends, I'll turn on some music in the background. If I'm using mics, I'll tend to turn it off just to hear everyone better.

Games / Re: What console/system do you play on?
« on: May 23, 2012, 05:53:12 PM »
Xbox 360
Super Smash Bros Brawl (The Wii is useless otherwise)

Off Topic / Re: Head Rushes
« on: May 23, 2012, 05:51:50 PM »
Yup yup. Your mom is crazy. Just get up less fast and they get better.

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