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Messages - Dinovincent

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Drama / Re: Autobahn - Showing his true colors.
« on: June 04, 2015, 06:13:13 PM »
Yes i am shunning auto. Ive said this before and you still cant understand for some reason, but i dont give a stuff if joes an starfish. Thats already an established fact. But the fact that you think its okay for someone else to be an starfish back is stupid. Fighting fire with fire makes more fire. I understand that you didnt agree with what joe was doing with what you guys helped in, and i understand how stuffty that is, but the reaction you had is inexcusable. Instead of being mature and moving on you all kept stuffting on him, so here we are. The fact that he suddenly apologizes the moment the entire thing is brought to light coupled with the fact that he said the server was stuff makes me think that he both didnt really care about the server and that his apology isnt sincere (or at least is as sincere as it should be). So again, its less about the fact that you did take it without his permission and more about the mindset and attitude you had while doing it.

Im gonna go ahead and leave the thread. Too many replies to keep up with and i dont wanna get riled up further.

>Doesn't care if Joe is an starfish
>Cares if Auto is an starfish


Drama / Re: Autobahn - Showing his true colors.
« on: June 04, 2015, 06:02:37 PM »
Now that I've given it a third read-over, I understand where you come from more now. I've pretty much been in the same situation as you, and I realize how stuffty it is to work on something and then end up realizing you don't agree with how a server is being hosted.

I'm sorry for the harsh things I've said and if you need help starting a new project, I've got free time all the time.

This is what I wish more people were like. They can realize that maybe something they said was wrong, or something to that effect. Thank you, good sir.

Drama / Re: Autobahn - Showing his true colors.
« on: June 04, 2015, 05:56:25 PM »
"A bit too much" is a giant understatment.

These people didnt like how a kid was running his server, so instead of them all playing on another server, they...

Stole the server content
Hosted their own server
And then cussed him out over steam

To say that thats "a bit too much" is putting it way to lightly. But it doesnt matter because they got their vigilante justice over a loving blockland server.

Again, you take what I say VERY literal.

Drama / Re: Autobahn - Showing his true colors.
« on: June 04, 2015, 05:48:02 PM »
No, everyone does not do this.

I dont get whats so hard to understand. Regardless of when it happens, what they other person did, etc, if you act like an starfish to someone, you are a loving starfish. I dont care if it was a year after it happened, you acted like a cunt. You're trying to paint him as some big bad guy and while that may be true you're just as bad as him. Apologizing doesnt suddenly make you not an starfish, either.

I seriously doubt you gave a flying forget about his server, anyway. According to you it was stuff so im guessing you just wanted either an excuse to fet back at him or you wanted a popilar server without having to go through the process of making one yourself. Either way you're a loving richard and its annoying how you're trying to play the victim card and brushing off everything you did because "he did it too, and everyone does it at one point anyway!!!!!".

He doesn't mean it LITERALLY. He means that quite a few people have done something to a certain magnitude before. I've done stupid things that have made me look like an utter starfish before. A lot of people have. So basically, this just seems like a huge "lets go stuff on this guy now, since he's done something to make him look like an starfish" bandwagon. Like I have said before, the stuff said in the chat log was a bit much. But at least he had the bravery and the deceny to apologize for it.

Drama / Re: Autobahn - Showing his true colors.
« on: June 04, 2015, 05:44:13 PM »
Saying "X is a whitenight!" is not a valid argument. Same goes for "X is in a clique!" "Here comes the clique!" (You should know this)

Both sides have done something wrong here.
Auto was incredibly and unnecessarily harsh towards him.
Joe was a terrible host and was going to drive the server into the ground.

It's completely up to opinion whether or not saving the server and letting more people enjoy it takes priority over making sure that Joe's feelings aren't hurt a little bit.
Neither side is going to win this argument here. I predict at least 10 more pages.

Yes. So much yes. Also, it's a bit sad, seeing how certain peeps are blaming Auto for "stealing" the server, yet they completely overlook the fact that several admins of the server, along with regular RP'ers on the server think that someone else should host, at least for a while. If people are gonna get pissed from someone taking over a server, get mad at everyone who accepted that fact, because quite a lot of people have.

Drama / Re: Autobahn - Showing his true colors.
« on: June 03, 2015, 11:19:30 PM »
last time i talked to chromomania he was incredibly aggressive
it wouldn't surprise me if this was actually true

It's seemed like that at times, and at other times, its seemed like chromo was chill. Might just be stressing times or something, I have no idea.

Drama / Re: Autobahn - Showing his true colors.
« on: June 03, 2015, 09:30:26 PM »
Idk i never got banned and i was the ratchetest & most obnoxious thing there. Thats just my experience tho. I havent reall experience anything bad at the server but then againthats just my experience.

Exact same. Never seen anyone really banned for a stupid reason, unless it was the admins playing around each other (Favela banning Favela). It's a fun server, and whilst I don't understand why Auto would sort of lash out like that, people do stupid things sometimes, which both Xeid AND JoeJack have done before, so I don't blame him entirely. Doesn't mean he is in the right, however.

Quick question: If you have not been on for a while, say, about half a year or more, do you get taken off the white-list? 'Cause I've completely forgotten about this game, but I've gotten back into it. :P

Am I allowed to propose that lovey beast of a spawn?

Don't see a problem with it. Might be awkward, tho.

People should really start joining. I also spooked Xolerate by grabbing ammo when he was doin something.

On the server now, as of 11:57 April 9th.

In Game Name: Dan Stark
BL ID: 20935 (I Believe)
Have you read the rules and storyline? I have read both rules and storyline.
What roleplay experience do you have? I have had a good history of RPing in city RPs, sometimes Space RPs, and a few others. While I have not done very serious RP in a while, I feel that I can be capable of doing so.

IC Info
Character Name: Dan Stark
Character Age: 19
Gender: Male
Future Ambitions: Simply to survive, and help with others as much as he can.
Skills: Can be stealthy if needed, Skilled with computers in both programming and building, pistol expert, and does not need as much sleep as normal.
Character Appearance: White, with blond hair. Normally wears a hoodie with jeans, and wears a beanie. Has a brown backpack.

Character backstory:

Dan was left in the dark for a lot of his life. 3 years after he was born, his mother left his dad. He never knew why. He was left with his dad for most of his life in a town around Atlanta, not like he had a problem with it, but still. While his dad struggled to put food on the table, Dan struggled in school. Rarely getting A's, some B's, and mostly C's. And those A's were mainly from either sheer luck or the few topics that he actually knew a lot about, such as computers. he teared them apart and put them back together all the time. His dad fixed computers as well. Maybe his family had a knack for computers, but he wasn't too sure.

Around the age of 10, he won a science fair at his elementary, which was obviously about computers. His dad was so happy that he  took Dan to the fair, even though they were struggling with money. Unfortunately, right before they were about to go on the ferris wheel, which for some reason happened to be Dans favorite thing at the fair, he heard 3 bangs and his dad fell to his knees. The rest of the day was a blur. Dan had not known what had happen. Did dad take a nap, or was he hurt? He never saw anyone die before. The police found the man who had shot Dans father and put him into custody. Why did he shoot his dad? He never knew why.

Watching the news, Dans mother decided to take custody of him, yet she neglected him at times. He questioned this, but was never informed of why she acted this way. She always left at night, coming back at strange times of night. Dan had to loot from the cupboards just to get food, causing him to be a bit skilled in the arts of stealth. It was also a chore trying to go to sleep, having nightmares about the fair, causing him to stay him most nights. It was a miracle if he could go to sleep. He had a few good friends, whom he would usually sleep over with.

At the age of 16, Jerry, his best friend, said that him and his dad were going to a shooting range, and wondered if he would want to go with. Since his mother still neglected him and didn't care what he did, he accepted. For about a few hours, they all shot targets at the range. Dan surprisingly learned very quickly, and became somewhat skilled with pistols after a few more trips to the range. Every time he left, he would thank Jerry and his dad, and would walk home quietly. He felt kinda content with life, until 2 years later, when the news had some strange headlines.

2 days after the headlines started to tell about a disease originating from a weird "All curing" product, he thanked himself for never buying it. He decided to take a trip to Alaska, being a fan of the cold. Once there, he enjoyed the stay, but thats when things became ugly. The infection made humans slaughter other humans that were not infected, or were, but had not succumbed to it yet. He decided to make his way to any local town, hoping and praying that he can find anything left of society.

What faction do you wish to join? I wish to join the Republic.

Help / Re: Add-on help!
« on: May 08, 2011, 11:52:30 AM »
forget this im locking till further notice PM me if you want to post on here and il unlock it.

Help / Re: Add-on help!
« on: April 30, 2011, 12:57:24 AM »
I didnt extract them

Help / Re: Add-on help!
« on: April 25, 2011, 06:10:11 PM »
Oh no! Poor you.  :panda: [NOT SARCASTIC]

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