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Messages - Tophat2

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Off Topic / Re: McJob's RELAXING 21st Birthday Topic
« on: July 12, 2015, 11:15:04 AM »
  • LEGO: 60051 High Speed Train (Ever since I was 5 years old, I would look into LEGO catalogues and keep pestering my parents for a train set. I don't think anyone understands the feeling of finally getting one).

I know the feeling of getting a train set I've been wanting, it's good

also that cake is awesome

Off Topic / Re: McJob's RELAXING 21st Birthday Topic
« on: July 11, 2015, 04:53:22 PM »
Happy birthday McJob

Yesterday was painful, attempting to chill for today. So far so good though.


I like these ideas, and I remember reading about when the Hangar was put in. It hasn't fallen victim to being changed like other maps however. Isn't required but if you'd like to, I will be happily waiting for the rework.

I agree with you and blockman that map is so overused that one day there's probably going to be a petition to remove it but that's just me.

Reworked, maybe. Removed? No.

we need a way to make surea map doesnt get voted over and over again in a loophole. as bullstuff as it may sound, being in the same map over and over again will piss people off and it WILL get boring for everyone else. sure its a "good" map, but it gets tiring having to watch people camp in the tunnels and stairs just for the forget of it.

I get the gist of this. But this is basically forcing people to go to a map they don't want to play on. The camping issues with hangar haven't been happening while I'm on, and this is upwards of 20 players. I'll list the maps just so I can reference this later on. I am also explaining why maps are picked, or why others aren't.

Hangar: Old, due for a rework, but still balanced. Sure it might need another spawn point area, finishing up on a few things but considering how old the map is, it does pretty damn well.

Castle: Has had plenty of changes, a decent amount of players still dislike it. Some like it, but many are annoyed from the modterrarin stopping them at every turn. I also get a large number of complaints about the hazards of the acid pits, but those are easier to avoid than say, Volcano's lava. However it is still balanced well in the long run.

Volcano: Players don't like hazards that are annoying to get around, such as lava. It's all over the place, some classes you can't play well and it really limits where you can go in fear of being knocked into lava and being unable to recover. Only a few classes can save themselves, some of the time. It isn't fun to play on, really isn't nice to look at with its colors either. The map doesn't seem balanced, but considering how many dislike it, it won't get voted in most of the time.

Desert: Some complaints about the map being too open, but players generally like it. Doesn't really have many camping spots to note and any boss should be able to get just about anywhere. The only thing that confuses players are the buttons I for detonation instead of 2x2 ramp print blocks, which I haven't thought about a way to fix yet. I may be biased since I helped with the newer desert.

Valley: When Valley was manually set, all I got were complaints for the most part. Way too open, amazingly hard for any boss to track players down, snipers are almost immune in this map as well as engi and other classes. Even overweight can run in this map, but doesn't need to since the spread on the minigun isn't very big; anyone is able to "snipe" with the minigun from across the map. It's a tad insane when there's 4 overweights on the second level gunning you down while on the capture point for example. No teledoors nearby save for one which nobody will be near, I fixed the rocket launcher/mortar/cap detonation a few times but never could get it quite right. It's too easy to dodge as well, but that can be tweaked.

Blizzard: Small, but unused in many areas. It feels unfinished, some things a little out of place but it plays okay. My problems with the map is that it voids the guidelines of building a map which I'll list below.

+ Layout! Make sure there is no significant areas that a boss couldn't simply jump up to normally.
  - Avoid making accessible areas that are isolated from the main body of the map.

Rotondo is unable to access many areas, in some cases Kaje is unable to reach players in certain camping spots. I've not seen anyone abuse it, but there's probably been some cases of it.

+ Boundaries. There should be no ways to slip out of the play area.

It has boundaries, but they are way too close to the actual arena; William can crash into them with a fully powered jump and be slammed down for a decent amount of damage, unable to jump again for another few moments.

+ Make sure there is a Tank Turret!
  - Again, you don't have to event it.
  - There should be a strategic area for it, and it should not have clear line of sight to the entire arena.
  - Optionally, you can also add pirate cannons.

The tank turret is hard to get to considering there's only two ways to reach it if I recall correctly, being the staircase, or around back and using a jump pad. It can also shoot almost all of the arena save for a few corners, since the trees don't really block it. Some players like it, but the map is unbalanced. Teleporters using weird brick events, a detonation that can be fired at while inside the turret, then some other areas that don't really get used unless someone is trying to stall, either by running or camping.

Drama / Re: Unfair Ban On "Boss Battle's Server": Whats Your Opinion?
« on: July 10, 2015, 10:12:29 AM »
Badmins... just why are they real?

Did you bother to read the topic? I provided plenty of evidence against Tomshere. He is at fault and is not being unbanned.

Get better, its certainly annoying but boss shouldn't be easy. This is similar to everyone becoming overweights, majority of bosses would die very quickly, good thing it doesn't happen.

Doesn't happen? what? There's been plenty of overweight rushes that I've seen and the boss stood no chance. Which is why I was thinking about changing overweight up a bit. Again. Didn't really get far on any of my ideas though.

Lmao, this server is crazy right now. "Remove these classes because they are too fast!", "Add in these silly classes!", "Take out this boss that's fast!", "Remove those silly classes we added in earlier!", "Put back the fast classes!" and a loop so on and so forth.

You guys have big maps, you need fast player-types. Don't make stupid decisions.

Not removing them because they're "too fast". Removing them because they are either useless in Gentlespy's case, or it is trivial to stall in Samus' case.

I don't even understand how a scientist based miniboss is silly. You're not making sense with the loop either. As much as I'd want faster playertypes, if they can be easily abused then we cannot keep them. Yes, Samus has been here forever and a day. Could Samus be fixed to stop the stalling abuse? Probably, but no matter what you do, someone is going to complain. Input is good but if someone is about to attack us no matter what we do, then we need to take a direction and go with it. Not attacking the server, but players seem to decide complaining at the current admin en masse about the changes is the best way to get their point across.

An example of "fixing" Samus just by working things out in my head: Remove the oh so buggy doublejump, increase speed by a decent bit, and lower the jump height. But realize as soon as that change takes affect and people start playing it again, more complains will arise about the removal of doublejump, regardless of whether or not that actually fixes the problems. Of course, later on it might need some more speed, but trying to balance a fast class that can do 200-500 per super missle, along with everyone abusing the "qq glitch" makes even harder to pull off.

I'll add that I am in favor of removing minibosses from the shop completely, instead making them appear at random times ingame for players, much like the golden wrench. Except in the miniboss case, the classes would have to line-up; Rocketman could become Master Chief, Sniper could become CBS, etc. It's a decent bit a work and can't just be thrown out. Minibosses have never been balanced for the most part. Master Chief gets to one-shot any boss at low playercounts, Juggernaut is nearly impossible to kill at a lower playercount if you've got a shockwave or something of the sort. Only the Decker and medic minibosses are actually balanced from what I gather. Decker not so much but at least there can't be three of it now.

I'm in favor of removing both. While the Samus miniboss is still useful, it is extremely annoying to watch people stall with it. Of course, I deal with it when I'm in the server, but I know there's plenty of people who use Samus to collect chests or just to stall. If not to stall, then fighting it starts to get a bit into the bs zone, if playing as Rotondo, Badspot, or some boss who can't catch up with Samus. Pair with bad aim and you have another four to five minutes of sitting there even though both players aren't intending to stall. I've seen plenty get frustrated when placed in that situation and have to resort to other tactics, which other players then complain about.

Gentlespy is basically trash at this point. Attempting to aim with the pistols is sometimes infuriating along with the pitiful  damage making them feel rather useless. The high jump makes a player easily predictable and the backstabs are wonky as always. To top it off, the cloaking doesn't have any use other than to stall some more. Not a single player I have seen has actually used it to ambush the boss(and succeed), instead they  choose to run for another few minutes.

Drama / Re: Unfair Ban On "Boss Battle's Server": Whats Your Opinion?
« on: July 04, 2015, 12:33:11 PM »
I do know what I'm talking about. This next chatlog is you as an example, because it's before June 15 as you stated in the OP which is about the time the other key came into play.
(A) What is the OP?!
(B) You don't know. Because you said there was a THIRD Key in play, so you took what I said out of context.
(C) Part of the reason I was banned is for insulting others, but Trinko insulted me right back, so that is not a valid reason.

So, the justification for this ban at this point is:
1.) Point spiting at 6% health instead of just waiting.
2.) We admins don't like you.
3.) Uhh... let's see... what can we ban him for?
4.) Oh, wait, am I still typing the reason?
5.) So you mean he can read what I'm saying?

Op is original poster. The first post; the start. I'll say this gain. I thought there was a third key in play because I was reading the logs and couldn't find the bans tied to the two keys. Which I then said we had server issues causing logs and such to be cleared. Was confused. There is no third key.

So, insulting someone, then being insulted doesn't break any rules and everyone should go live happier ever- no. You've insulted plenty of people beforehand, then when you were unintentionally unbanned, you decided to forget about all of that and nothing you've done in the past still holds true.

Since you either can't read rules or are incapable of understanding them, let me define "point spiting". Point spiting is depriving someone of points. People get points via damaging the boss and killing the boss. Suiciding at "6% health" is still a valid point spite.

I personally don't like you because you were spamming while muted, wishing me to die in a fire. Other than that you've also insulted me on other occasions. Did I ban you for it? No, because that's a petty reason. The rest of those five points don't even make sense. See, what you're doing is pretending you're clean because you're on a new key, so nothing you've done so far should be held against you because that's "unfair". You forgeted up, got banned three times over I believe, for up to two weeks, got unbanned because of server issues and we thought we'd let people have another chance. And you still go and forget stuff up. Seriously, you're acting like we're banning you over these extremely petty reasons, when in reality you are a problem user. At this point I would dig up more examples but as I've previously stated, server issues prevent me from doing so.

Drama / Re: Unfair Ban On "Boss Battle's Server": Whats Your Opinion?
« on: July 03, 2015, 12:14:07 PM »
TOPHAT, ALL OF This that you mentioned was MY BROTHER'S doing, not mine!
I bought my own account with my money to play on your server and you treat me like I'm a piece of crap, and you don't even know what you're talking about!

I do know what I'm talking about. This next chatlog is you as an example, because it's before June 15 as you stated in the OP which is about the time the other key came into play.

06/08/15   00:39:36   TomsHere   48176   doctor assisted homocide
06/08/15   00:39:39   BW   52904   okay
06/08/15   00:39:40   TomsHere   48176   doctor assisted homocide
06/08/15   00:39:41   BW   52904   :/
06/08/15   00:39:43   Frosty1995   94560   hahaha braden only has 28k points
06/08/15   00:39:45   Frosty1995   94560   haha
06/08/15   00:39:46   TomsHere   48176   doctor assisted homocideo
06/08/15   00:39:51   brayden the ninja   44147   i will be back later so bye
06/08/15   00:39:54   Frosty1995   94560   xD
06/08/15   00:40:07   TomsHere   48176   boss battles wont let you use the word homoci-de
06/08/15   00:40:11   TomsHere   48176   boss battles wont let you use the word homo cide
06/08/15   00:40:15   TomsHere   48176   boss battles wont let you use the word homcide
06/08/15   00:40:19   BW   52904   dang
06/08/15   00:40:25   TomsHere   48176   they banned all words using ho mo

Didn't see it my first time around that chatlog. You're still at fault.

06/27/15   18:40:17   YosemitySam   185055   hey guys guess what
06/27/15   18:40:22   AshTheYoutuber   175603   7160 pts
06/27/15   18:40:30   Visolator   20490   HOT SINGLES IN YOUR AREA
06/27/15   18:40:51   waterworks5847   48956   avenge me!
06/27/15   18:41:03   YosemitySam   185055   I'm actually tomshere, but my brother and I were sharing an account, bubt now I bought my own.
06/27/15   18:41:09   Bionic_Fox   122137   Daw
06/27/15   18:41:09   YosemitySam   185055   *burt
06/27/15   18:41:12   YosemitySam   185055   *but

07/03/15   00:26:57   YosemitySam   185055   no point in fighting the dawn of gogol bullets
07/03/15   00:27:06   Conflagration   46265   Sam...
07/03/15   00:27:10   Conflagration   46265   For future ref
07/03/15   00:27:16   Conflagration   46265   Self Delete as boss is against the rules
07/03/15   00:27:20   YosemitySam   185055   no
07/03/15   00:27:24   Conflagration   46265   Unless it is at beginning of game
07/03/15   00:27:29   Conflagration   46265   Since it is "point spite"

So you *were* Tomshere, but then you were YosemitySam. I'm fairly certain I perma'd you, but because of the rollback, some were unbanned, including you. Instead of rebanning everyone, we'd figure they could have another chance. You've stirred up stuff in the past, you do it time and time again regardless if you get banned, then hop on another key to claim the original account is your "brother". I don't have any reason to believe you, but if I did, you two act almost perfectly alike, in server breaking terms. I am not offering more chances.

So in short, supposed to be banned, was let off, Trinko rebanned you after I issued it.

Drama / Re: Unfair Ban On "Boss Battle's Server": Whats Your Opinion?
« on: July 02, 2015, 10:57:51 PM »
Ahh its understandable now, but still the chatlogs are saying sometting else happened.

He said rosevan3 was afk a few times and that was before the point spite, does that imply he was boss and rosevan3 was afk in the spawn room?

Just curious to know, because if nobody else was able to play then wouldn't his Self Delete as boss reason be to keep the game going?

Possibly. Although we do have a timer which automatically ends the round if someone is still in the spawn. The timer is short and by the time anyone makes mention of it, the next round would soon be underway. Example provided was to help enforce the type of problems that Tomshere has caused in the past. I should make mention that he changed the amount of exclamation points on each line so he wouldn't be automatically muted for spam. So he was evading that as well.

While in the server some players informed Tophat that viso is gone and he basically said, " 'we' will never replace Visolator."

I stated that we weren't just going to go pick someone, give them admin and claim replacement. Yeah, I get it, Viso's gone because of stuff in the drama. I don't need to be told constantly by every next person that comes into the server. We wait for the next batch of applications to see if we get any admins from it. Nothing special about losing an admin.

Drama / Re: Unfair Ban On "Boss Battle's Server": Whats Your Opinion?
« on: July 02, 2015, 10:29:21 PM »
I was reading the OP, lost interest but I get the entire situation anyways.

Tomshere is a problem user that I've had to deal with many times and I suppose I can list some chat logs along with some personal experience. I would list the bans but I'm having difficulties attempting to locate the ID I recall. I've found only one ban, which is Trinko setting a perma for "Sam". He asked me for a history check, I knew who it was so I gave him permission to ban you. I don't see any bans for the ID connected to the forums, so I believe there is a third key in play.

Personal experience: I muted Tom for a bit after he'd picked at other players time and time again. One of these times(as I found out, reading through chatlogs) was that he wanted me and my family to die in a fire and a few other ways. Spamming it of course.

He's generally a richard to other players when he isn't spamming, logs below.

05/20/15   00:59:55   TomsHere   48176   roseman3 if AKF at spawn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
05/20/15   01:00:04   TomsHere   48176   roseman3 if AKF at spawn!!!
05/20/15   01:00:10   Ahead   33159   get that mofo
05/20/15   01:00:14   iBrik   18325   I think the 'If you get killed everyone you revived gets killed too' is a little OP. Even for Golden Wrench
05/20/15   01:00:15   TomsHere   48176   roseman3 if AKF at spawn!!!
05/20/15   01:00:17   Derpman1337   105772   forget
05/20/15   01:00:26   Ahead   33159   it's supposed to keep it fair
05/20/15   01:00:32   TomsHere   48176   *rosevan3

06/20/15   00:46:08   TomsHere   48176   forget this,
06/20/15   00:46:08   Spider_   12585   Never Self Delete
06/20/15   00:46:12   TomsHere   48176   no
06/20/15   00:46:22   Spider_   12585   I could ban you for point spiting
06/20/15   00:46:25   TomsHere   48176   no
06/20/15   00:46:28   Spider_   12585   Do not Self Delete as boss
06/20/15   00:46:29   Spider_   12585   Ever
06/20/15   00:46:35   TomsHere   48176   that wouldnt be point spiting you werent a miniboss
06/20/15   00:47:03   Spider_   12585   No it still removes my opportunity to get more points
06/20/15   00:47:04   TomsHere   48176   besides, if you dont like boss suiciding dont give the ability to Self Delete

06/28/15   01:06:01   TomsHere   48176   10Zr
06/28/15   01:06:04   TomsHere   48176   10Zr
06/28/15   01:06:06   Skul   15847   whats the id count at now?!
06/28/15   01:06:07   The Combat Philospher   19224   No your trash Quibble
06/28/15   01:06:09   TomsHere   48176   10Zr
06/28/15   01:06:09   TomsHere   48176   10Zr
06/28/15   01:06:10   TomsHere   48176   10Zr

I was intending to post more logs, in addition to the bans he's had, because I remember giving him a really long ban if not a perma, but then I remembered while searching the logs that we had some server issues recently. Had a rollback, to get to the point, he was unbanned along with others, decent amount of logs were cleared so I am unable to recover them.

Ok so I already talked with both Tophat and Trinko, let me clear up whats going on.

what. I haven't talked to you in the past 20 minutes that I've been combing the logs.

     Seems like Trinko was in a really grouchy mood. By my understanding, Trinko didn't have a fond opinion of you and wanted you to get punished harshly BEFORE he was admin. So I guess Trinko saw the opportunity to have his wish granted without looking like an abusive admin when you did that, permanently banning someone is for things like DDoS, hacking, or trolling a server. I RARELY permanently ban people unless they actually deserve it and didn't just tick me off. ^This too.

Trinko comes to me for most bans if he's uncertain, to which I then review the server files to see any bans on record along with any logs to see if they are a problem user. We usually agree on a punishment for a player if required and I can confirm that none of these bans are abusive. We allow a decent amount of chances for players, but after the third or forth time, they aren't going to learn, after almost a month of being banned in some cases.

Took me a while of being confused which is why I've replied late.

Off Topic / Re: ✵✴ - Forumer of the Day - ✴✵ | | DAY CLI
« on: July 02, 2015, 02:48:09 PM »

But in all seriousness, I'm looking forward to getting back on this server.

Still thinking it over. In addition to that small incident which involved a sibling, I figured I'd look up the ban list, time, etc, since it says the console banned you for "threat to server".

05/02/12   08:38:00   Jetz   3673   ?   16362   1440   Bipolar disorder, with one personality being a complete richard.
05/26/12   21:51:02   Pecon7   9643   ?   16362   25000   Advertising another server
07/23/12   08:59:03   IkeTheGeneric   18600   ?   16362   240   Posting a researchographic link
08/05/12   09:20:02   Ark   11788   ?   16362   120   Spammed the servers chat.
12/02/12   10:18:48   Loves   18600   ?   16362   120   Not that smart lol
12/05/12   09:50:20   Loves   18600   ?   16362   50   Go stuff up a different server
01/06/14   03:24:36         ?   16362   -1   Threat to server

Not exactly convinced. Why the ban times were so low is beyond me.

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