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Messages - Niblic²

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 11 12 13 [14] 15 16 17 18 19 ... 57
Off Topic / Re: Best way of handling SJWs?
« on: June 17, 2016, 04:50:14 PM »
establish urself as a minority of some sort
if u cant do this ur forgeted bcus they could say that because ur white or cisgendered or whatever ur argument is automatically invalid

I want to see you eat a cactus.


but u must choose between 50 living dogs or 50,000 plain chicken nuggets*

*and then do it

ok new rule: the longer u dont eat the chicken nuggets, the soggier they get.

Well is one after the other or is it 50k or a long period of time

well ur stuck sitting down until u finish either the dogs or the plain chicken nuggets

under threat of death by drill hole , u r forced to either eat

50 living dogs of the same size and weight.               in one sitting

pictured: this is what dogs look like in real life..........


50,000 plain sauceless mcdonalds chicken nuggets in one sitting:

pictured: probably 1 % of wat ur gonna eat                              heh

sooo my friend wants to get a job and build a decent gaming desktop
his budget is 900 dollars

what's the best i can get with that much? i don't know much about building desktops because i'm a laptop user, and i know you peeps are better at this than i am

How good is this for a < $700 budget gaming PC?

ur wasting ur money on that OS. you could probably find it cheaper on

is it your first day on the internet or something

Off Topic / Re: why did timmy get 2 fairy godparents
« on: June 16, 2016, 04:16:39 PM »
why doesnt he just wish up more fairies to solve the fairy shortage

can someone PM me a link to a cheap gaming computer prebuilt for like 200 dollars and a great gaming laptop?

there aren't any good prebuilts for that price

Off Topic / Re: Intel Inside!!!
« on: June 16, 2016, 03:03:08 PM »
seriously guys stop crap posting on the thread he just wants to see your computer specs -_-

heres mine:

its really good for multi tasking

Games / Re: E3 2016 Megathread - STARTS TOMORROW!
« on: June 14, 2016, 05:44:28 PM »
i wonder if fromsoft's gonna announce anything

like bloodborne 2 or the new armored core

Off Topic / toilet survey
« on: June 13, 2016, 09:34:44 AM »
"opinions are like starfishs, everybody's got one." - sun tzu

believe it or not, we are in alignment with our true selves at most when we're on the toilet taking a massive stuff. it is believed by many philosophers that the direction of our stuff correlates to the direction of our life. that means where your stuff lands on the toilet can tell a lot about where it'll land u.......... thats why i made a diagram of the 10 toilet archetypes for U to determine your destiny, all in the convenience of the blockland forums ur home and ur heart.... heh take your bets on where lord tony's stuff will land ......... heh.........

colors correspond with archetype / take one (1) stuff before taking survey

copy pasted from ToiletOracle website:
Which Toilet Archetype Are You?

Red - Anarchist Andy
Being an Anarchist Andy indicates independence from social norms and freedom from judgement. Anarchist Andys have a free spirit and are capable of producing unshackled by the bonds of social constraints such as ethics. They are creative and productive peo ple. However, they can sometimes become paradoxically entangled in their own independence, becoming stubborn and close minded.

Orange - Careless Carl
A Careless Car has usually leaned too close to the edge to the toilet, and thus his dispense has landed on the frontal slope of the bowl. This can indicate a disconnect from life as represented by the person's disconnection from the toilet. Though one cannot be bound by society, one must realize that they are still part of it.

Pink - Hesitant Harry
On the opposite end of the spectrum is the Hesistant Harry, who has clung too deeply into the toilet bowl. Hesitant Harrys usually have a lot of potential, but are unable to fully harness it due to their paranoia and fear of losing. Thus they land on the very back side of the toilet, unable to progress further not because of any extternal influences but only themselves. Hesitant Harries must learn that life is not a smooth pipe, but a rusted one, which may seem unattractive, but it ultimately leads us to the ocean.

Yellow - Waiting Wallace
Then there are the Waiting Wallaces, who have chosen to sit in a similar position as Hesitant Harries but to the side of the toilet. In Japan, it is typical of partners to engage in ボール穴 (Translated roughly to Together Destined), where two individuals in a relationship will simultaneously use the toilet by sitting together on it. However, a Waiting Wallace performs this alone, despite the fact that it is counter effective if done by yourself. A Waiting Wallace, perhaps blinded by hope or their own ignorance, sits in this awkward position waiting for someone to accompany them. While the journey of life is best done with a partner, sometimes doing so with one is not meant for you, and that is okay. A Waiting Wallace must accept this fact of life, and move on.

Grey - Forsaken Francis
Despite all optimism, some simply have no chance in this harsh world. Forsaken Francises are those who are dry from a myriad of causes, some their fault and some not, but the fate is exact. If You are a Forsaken Francis, then it is sad to say that no matter what you do, there is no greater destination. However, where it seems that all hope is abandoned, wisdom is most plenty. Forsaken Francises have great selflessness, using themselves as stepping stones for others to achieve greatness where they failed. When all is lost, that is the best you can do. [u ]Black  - Dark L

Purple - Damp Derrick
Damp Derricks are waist high in the waters of destiny, sitting in equillibrium between the depths of success and the surface of failure. They represent the average man, ripe with potential, but able to go either way to the path of progression or stay beached forever.

Green - Edgesitting Eric
Edge-sitting Erics are one step closer to their final destiny, and one step closer to success. But even though they are close, there is still room for failure. An Edgesitting Eric can fall prey to his or her own ego and regress, failing to fulfill his or her goals. It is important that an Edgesitting Eric realizes that even though they are at the final stretch, they must still walk it as determinedly as possible, so that they may taste finality in the depths below.

Light Blue - Success Samuel
Success Samuels have done it and have reached their goals, whether it is to find a loved one, start a successful business, or simply achieve happiness. They sit in the deepest part of the bowl, their toes engulfed in the darkness below. They no longer have a care in the world or its matters, as they have transcended it. They sit here in the bliss until somebody flushes the toilet.

Dark Blue - The Depths
The Depths represent the final fate of all man. It is the one kindness that nature shows, as the Depths accept all those regardless of success. Sometimes even, one can start off plummeting into the Depths, without a chance to prove themselves in the fray of society. That is okay, because in the end, that's where it all leads to.

Off Topic / Re: Looking for a new laptop, no specific price range
« on: June 11, 2016, 07:47:56 PM »
so wtf why didnt you put that as your price range

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