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Messages - Gsterman

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Drama / Re: April 1st isn't stuffposting day
« on: April 01, 2015, 10:18:31 PM »
Keep that information to yourself because I don't have to follow your rules.
Except im not intentionally being an ass for no good reason

How about this, you explain why people posting joke threads on a joke holiday (that doesnt include the stuffposts) is a horrible crime that everyone needs to be bitched out for. And if people dont agree with that they're obviously horrible stuffposting scum.

Drama / Re: April 1st isn't stuffposting day
« on: April 01, 2015, 10:12:39 PM »
Except i said it was alright to have that be your cup of tea, just keep it to yourself sometimes and dont use it as an excuse to be an ass

Drama / Re: April 1st isn't stuffposting day
« on: April 01, 2015, 09:53:50 PM »
I'm only telling him to kill himself 1 day out of the year guys let me have my fun, quit being so uptight!

Except the jokes people have posted with exception of a couple dont tell people to kill themselves or insult anyone in any way. Im all for you having a sense of humor like that but dont use it as an excuse to insult someone.
Read this again

Drama / Re: April 1st isn't stuffposting day
« on: April 01, 2015, 09:46:09 PM »
no dude stuff posting is cool it's april fools day.

Actually if you would bother to read my earlier post i said i agree with you on the no stuffposting psrt
But hey who has time for reading? You could use all that valuable time saved to bitch people out on the forums and troll whoever disagrees.

Drama / Re: April 1st isn't stuffposting day
« on: April 01, 2015, 09:42:17 PM »
Nal you just don't have the same taste as I do ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Except the jokes people have posted with exception of a couple dont tell people to kill themselves or insult anyone in any way. Im all for you having a sense of humor like that but dont use it as an excuse to insult someone.

Also you could try to make it obvious that you arent trolling but that would take some effort, and who has time for that?

Drama / Re: April 1st isn't stuffposting day
« on: April 01, 2015, 09:22:39 PM »

Why are people suddenly getting brown town about joke threads. Like i can get the "quit stuffposting" but why are you getting pissy about joke threads on a holiday dedicated to jokes lmao
And even if they "arent funny" i dont see any rule saying you cant make any jokes which you personally find unfunny

Drama / Re: April 1st isn't stuffposting day
« on: April 01, 2015, 05:26:19 PM »
why did you include 2 actually legit threads in that list

Games / Re: Besiege Alpha: Conquer the World! (NOW ON STEAM)
« on: March 28, 2015, 11:25:50 AM »
Is there any way to make tank treads sturdy and have no often blowouts WITHOUT having to turn invincible mode on?

General Discussion / Re: New Bedroom Dungeons update Leaked 1.04c
« on: March 28, 2015, 02:58:22 AM »
Why did you make a poll when you havent really told anyone what this is besides it being a dungeon

What the forget are you talking about?
Im having a hard time englishing so let my try to rephrase that
What im trying to say is that them releasing a port of halo 3 wouldnt affect the console versions too much since most of the people who would buy it would be the already existing pc community for halo. People will always want shiny new graphics and need games so they're more compelled to buy the new console version. Theres also the fact that a big portion of the halo community sre the diehsrd fan type who buy any game no matter what comes out.
I dont know if that makes any sense but i hope thst clears up what i wss trying to say

and you don't understand that the entire point of halo being Xbox exclusive is to sell Xbox Ones. if they released a PC halo (for f2p no less) then the potential console buyers would just play that (or try it, discover it's stuff, and move on.) instead of buying the console for it.
so the solution to that is to do what they did with mcc and only release the old game on pc and then give all the new ones to console users. and then it wont compel people to buy the pc version as much when they see its the old game on pc vs the new and shiny and upgraded mcc and halo 5

it would suck even more now since windows 10 is apparently going to be a free upgrade - this f2p halo won't even be able to sell windows 10 like halo 2 PC did with vista.
the countless people who have been foaming at the mouth for a new pc halo for years disagree. in case you dont remember or havent heard of it, a long time ago halo 2+3 popped up on the steam store and the people who have been waiting for years went absolutely apestuff.

1) because nobody is going to pay good money ($60) or buy an entire console ($400) for a 8 year old game, let alone in russia.
2) a massive amount of people who want to play halo but not buy a xbox one would play this (or at the very least try it out before getting tired of micro transactions)

itt: they want to squeeze whatever profit they can from a small market by outsourcing one of their 8 year old games to a stuffty russian developer who only need to do the minimum amount of work possible to make a passable (or seemingly passible) game.

if it's ever going to be f2p in the us it's going to be exclusive to windows 10 and xbox 1.

i mean, the only way they can ruin halo 3 is by introducing blatant pay 2 win microtransactions, such as selling straight up stat boosts for guns. it's hard to forget up something as simple and as functional as halo 3

I never said anything about not porting it to pc or buying an xbox one for it, i was saying that since xbones architechture is similar to pcs, you already sort of have a basic direction from which to port it (even more so considering they got the engine to work on pc AND are using lots of the halo 3 assets). I just think its kind of stupid and a bit risky imo to release a game solely in a country where you have a very small market. It being f2p probably will help but to me it honestly doesnt make much sense. You're most definitely right about them trying to squeeze money tho since this reeks of pay2win

Porting Halo 3 really isn't that simple. All Xbox 360 games were made on some weird code foundation that doesn't coincide with PC's. You would, essentially, have to recode everything for the port for it to work. So why put all that effort into basically remaking the game that's like 7 years old, when you can make its own f2p, modern version?

Also where does it say its on the H3 engine?

Yeah but they have the xbone version which is similar to pc architecture (apparently)


"Halo Online is powered by a highly modified version of the Halo 3 engine and optimized for smooth performance on lower-end PCs."

because halo is literally the only console-selling game franchise on the xbox one right now. they do NOT want to step on their pretty console's toes by putting out a competitor to the only decent (or should i say well-recognizable) system-selling exclusive available to that console.

i understand that but why release it in a country where very little people even play halo
im reading the halo forums and theres like 5 people from russia saying this is dumb because no one will give half a crap about the game

also if they have enough money and resources to make an entirely new game from scratch on halo 3's engine WHY DONT YOU JUST PORT HALO 3

i dont understand why they would let a couple hundred people in russia get it and NOT release it in a country like the U.S where you have a bigger fanbase
or better yet give us a simultaneous release date, that way no one has to wait

or EVEN BETTER, just give us a halo 3 port

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