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Messages - Böltster

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 11 12 13 [14] 15 16 17 18 19 ... 480
Off Topic / Re: Fitocracy - stop being fatties V2
« on: January 07, 2013, 04:20:09 AM »
is it only for fitness or weight lifting too? i use jefit as a workout tracker but this might be cool to look into when it comes to android

Off Topic / Re: Idle is offline
« on: January 07, 2013, 03:59:19 AM »
it's always the ugly people who kill it for everyone

Drama / Re: 2nd petition to revoke Ephialtes' adminship
« on: January 07, 2013, 02:52:28 AM »
Ephialtes can you tell us that story again about how you created the universe and are so smrt.
pff. universe?

you should have a look at the kaphverse. it's going to be even better then the universe, you just wait.

Drama / Re: tristan54 - ID biaser, but entertaingly dumb
« on: January 07, 2013, 02:50:14 AM »
the lower your id is, the cooler you are

it's simple

General Discussion / Re: Kaphost Blockland Servers
« on: January 07, 2013, 01:54:28 AM »
I really have no clue why anyone's saying anything before the kick-ass stage.
if i went to a restaurant and my meal wasn't very good, it doesn't make sense to judge based on what the chef says it will be like in the future

Off Topic / Re: Idle is offline
« on: January 07, 2013, 01:44:03 AM »
rest in peace otis

The thing is though you can't make it two separate servers connected to Eve because it wouldn't work. If you did, it would have two different outcomes when there can only be one.
that's not true lol

if it was implemented they wouldn't run the same battle twice over two platforms, there's no logic at all in doing that. there would be some sort of match making dynamic that would separate them into either solely pc or ps3 battles.

So . . . being gay isn't a choice?
.. it isn't a choice

Maybe they're just stupid, can we leave it at that?
I'm having too much fun with this guys backwards logic to stop now lol

That's still not a reason to exclude the pc

Drama / Re: 2nd petition to revoke Ephialtes' adminship
« on: January 06, 2013, 02:52:30 PM »
i actually might when i get home from work, i just need to remember my account details lol

Drama / Re: 2nd petition to revoke Ephialtes' adminship
« on: January 06, 2013, 02:22:48 PM »
This thread is hardly about me.
except that you spamming the rtb thread caused ephi to delete the posts and caused you to get acerblock to post this topic

It is relevant because they made a lot of changes since PI came out and they started introducing each game to another. But your ignorance is the reason why you don't understand that the whole point they made Dust 514 was because they wanted to started a new age of games. One where you could connect different platforms to each other. That was the entire point of the game. That is why they didn't make it for PC. But you can still complain all you want. My point is proven.
it's not relevant to what i've been saying though and you seem to be ignoring it. they're two completely different genres, and different games. they share a setting/ connection but that doesn't make them the same game.

and that still doesn't explain why they didn't make it for pc in addition to console. you keep saying that they wanted a new group of people to experience it, but not every pc gamer plays eve so that point is nonsense lol

Drama / Re: Cubelands/Furling - Complete and utter moron.
« on: January 06, 2013, 02:08:37 AM »
I want to hear a live recording of a conversation between Badspot and Furling.
how would that work with furling being deaf?

He may have a mental disability but he obviously knows what "no" means.
It's silly to say he doesn't understand the concept of "no or yes". It's simply common sense.
Oh god no.
a childish understanding of "no" maybe

Drama / Re: Cubelands/Furling - Complete and utter moron.
« on: January 06, 2013, 02:04:51 AM »
He has the mental capability to understand what people say at times and make add-on topics such as this one:

I doubt he has that bad of a mental disability.
He obviously knows what "no" means.
Don't be silly.
there's still no doubt he has a mental disability in addition to being deaf. being deaf doesn't make you act like a spastic child - and he undeniably acts like a spastic child.

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