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Messages - -Jetz-

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Drama / Re: Who here dislikes trans people?
« on: June 29, 2015, 03:37:40 PM »
Do you really believe that is the only thing which can't be changed?

Besides socialization and chromosomes I can point out multiple things which can not be changed with a love change operation and hormones, want me to?
Not really. I know the love change operation doesn't completely rewrite a person's anatomy to how it would have been if they were born as the opposite love, but my point is that it's possible to do it with enough detail to allow someone to be content with the results, and I think if they can be happy with that, there's no excuse for people like Taboo to demand they adhere to what they were born with.

[img width=650][/img]
Rap Battle

Drama / Re: Who here dislikes trans people?
« on: June 29, 2015, 03:12:52 PM »
you can jam as many needles into a person as you want, that won't change their love lol
it makes them feel better about themselves by basically helping them lie to themselves; if that's what you want for them, then sure, it's effective lol
Yeah, I believe in objectivity. Any group of people you can 'feel yourself into' isn't a group designation worth having. The only groups worth sorting people into are the one's with objective criteria. As for the objective criteria for biological love, these people have not actually changed.
Yes, it may not change the underlying chromosomes, but everything that's built on top of it, including the chemistry in their thought process and their actual anatomy, can be altered. At that point the chromosomes aren't even relevant; everything that matters has been changed, or at least that's how it should be.

Unfortunately, the one thing that can't be changed so easily in present day is how society views them as a person. Ideally, it could, but people like you keep getting hung up on "those original chromosomes matter because reasons." I believe that view can one day be phased out.

Drama / Re: Who here dislikes trans people?
« on: June 29, 2015, 02:53:02 PM »
no amount of hormones injections and surgeries will actually change your love.
that is not how mental disorders work, please stop talking
So just to be clear, what part of the process of love reassignment are you covering your ears and denying? That it's physically possible? That it's been in practice for decades? That it's actually effective?

Drama / Re: Who here dislikes trans people?
« on: June 29, 2015, 02:40:17 PM »
which makes zero sense. you don't support a schizophrenic person by verifying their delusions or something, now do you?
It's not a delusion if it becomes true. If someone born female wants to be male, you can technically consider that a state of mental disorder. But, if their bodies are changed to be a male, then there is no longer any disorder. Cases where this has been properly done have shown to be successful, so why shouldn't it become the norm? It sounds like you're advocating the "beat them over the head with their own biological love until they accept who they are" alternative just to be an starfish. On what grounds do you believe that's the superior option besides "that makes zero sense?"

Drama / Re: Who here dislikes trans people?
« on: June 29, 2015, 02:08:57 PM »
being transgendered is a mental illness
It may have once made sense to consider being transgendered as a mental disorder, but if we live in an age where it's becoming more and more possible to resolve such cases by actually changing the person to the gender they want to be, why not do so?

that means transgendered people are mentally unstable and shouldn't be making decisions about their body
You're just making stuff up, aren't you?

Drama / Re: Who here dislikes trans people?
« on: June 29, 2015, 12:28:54 AM »
Don't misgender people. You can be as hellbent on believing in the gender binary as you want to be, just don't be an starfish to the degree of misgendering.
Seriously, have some decency.
You realize that assuming people are deliberately being spiteful through the pronouns they use and calling them starfishs is one of the biggest causes of hostility towards transgendered people, right? You cause more problems than you solve when you get aggressive about the whole pronouns thing.

Drama / Re: Who here dislikes trans people?
« on: June 28, 2015, 02:13:36 PM »
Show me a "transgender" person above 30, lol. Discounting celebrities, naturally.
Plenty to be found here:

Interestingly enough, the page was recently renamed from "History of Transgenderism in the United States," which pretty well summarizes my viewpoint on the matter: It may have once made sense to consider being transgendered as a mental disorder, but if we live in an age where it's becoming more and more possible to resolve such cases by actually changing the person to the gender they want to be, why not do so?

Some people make me wonder (See AshTheYoutuber)
"You're not needed here" may sound cool at the time but when reviewing the logs to find out why someone was banned, it tells us nothing.

Modification Help / Re: Hide chat messages (client side)?
« on: June 26, 2015, 01:55:05 PM »
First thing to note: anything after a return statement will not happen, since it exits the function when you use that.

that makes sense then, I was curious why they were using applyImpulse instead of addVelocity
... but they're the same
It's also worth noting that impulses factor in the mass of the object, whereas with velocity, you have to scale it manually. Impulses are more suited to explosions, knockback, and other kind of forces that would affect large objects less, whereas setting or adding velocity is more appropriate when you want precision or consistency, like a jump pad or grappling hook.

Modification Help / Re: How would i save variables to a server
« on: June 23, 2015, 02:36:01 PM »
Would it save player Variables?

and could you force it
Yes. Just look through the script. It's in your add-ons directory.

Modification Help / Re: How would i save variables to a server
« on: June 23, 2015, 02:18:13 PM »
well its a Fallout RPG and its not gonna be public any more

Still not seeing any reason not to use player persistence.

Modification Help / Re: Freeze Wand *Script Need Help*
« on: June 23, 2015, 10:28:30 AM »
Also you'll want to change the datablock of the object you hit, not its client. Also make sure you have the raycast support script enabled since it appears you're making a raycast weapon.

He's gone, now what do we do?
Wait for Badspot to post the next installment of Mail Bag in the drama forum.

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