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Messages - Niblic²

Pages: 1 ... 10 11 12 13 14 [15] 16 17 18 19 20 ... 57
General Discussion / Re: Crown & Niblic's Jailbreak
« on: June 09, 2016, 03:38:12 PM »
The stuffty holo events are released, but the good ones with AdvCore and AdvHolo are private.  :cookieMonster:
smh ours is a modified version of one boodals gave to us

Off Topic / Re: Spooky halloween names in time for summer
« on: June 08, 2016, 02:36:08 PM »
smh slimy armpits

General Discussion / Re: Crown & Niblic's Jailbreak
« on: June 08, 2016, 02:59:26 AM »
its a private addon called holo events....... which will be released later

General Discussion / Re: Crown & Niblic's Jailbreak
« on: June 07, 2016, 09:22:57 PM »
check out mad skills

General Discussion / Re: Crown & Niblic's Jailbreak
« on: June 07, 2016, 02:12:08 AM »

i tried loading the map builder save thing but half the bricks didnt load

is there some add on i need that isnt linked in your map making post thing smh

i would do neither

what r u gonna do? arrest me?


Off Topic / Re: Badspots Wisdom
« on: June 02, 2016, 09:39:16 AM »
This thread is so hard to read. You're capitalizing random words.

? What sre you TAlking about Frien'd , ?

Off Topic / Re: Badspots Wisdom
« on: June 01, 2016, 11:23:42 PM »
Darn*t i just wanted a place where we could celebrate the Wisdom and Knowledge .                             but it looks like another Argument got Instigated

Oh Well Just another day in the Blockland Forums heh

Off Topic / Re: Badspots Wisdom
« on: June 01, 2016, 10:18:34 PM »
Thanks Badspot

Off Topic / Badspots Wisdom
« on: June 01, 2016, 09:59:30 PM »
Ive taken an Academics gander into Bad spots history both in his posts and in his works and Where i expected there to be the stuff spray of a Washed Up Videogame Developer i instead found the enlightened proverbs of a Wise Scholar.... If u do the same and delve deep into the mind of Eric "Badspot" Hartman u can too walk the path paved by his good word. This is not exclusive only to the form but can also be found in other places where Badspot has touched. Here below I will give you examples  of the profound and deep ideas that Badspot has expressed through his years as a seasoned forum admin.

From Post: "Bug abuse."

Here we see Badspot tell another User to yiff and hell, while identifying the user as who he is, which is a furry. Badspot teaches us, the forum users, to be firm in their judgement. Everyday people continuoally pile on vague decision after vague decision, white lie after white lie, but Badspot tells us to let go of those superficial things. He does not say to this player "Please, furcigarette, yiff in hell now !" for it is like hitting him with fist of feather , instead he hitts him with the unwavering stone fist of Truth, and makes no compromise

From Website Post : "Mario Land Fun"

In this Post on his website Badspot is verebally accosted by someone clearly not wiser than him , Believing that "greentext" originates from the popular image board 4chan. But Badspot calmly disarms this accusation and teaches the person not to look simply into the present, but into the past as well: Find recollection in roots. He teaches us that we Should not detest repetition of the  past but instead We should see it as a celebration of what Was before in our roots .

From Badpots art website

In response to another connosieur of Badspots art (which is Beautiful i have donated to his patrion ) who ask why not draw the ugly part of human? And Badspot says to him that he only sees the good in people. This is descriptory of Badspot's kind hearted nature, as he loves humanity for all its goodness and sees it more brighter than the bad bits.

From Post

Badspot shows once agian his compassion for the mis-treated, and urges 0otther users of to  not Mistreat people. Like the saying "If you beat him up when hes young he will beat u up when youre old" Badspot inspires others to sow the seeds of kindness into the mis-treated Early so they may be compassionate in the future. I mean one day you wont know in if the future when we'll have a Robot President :  - )

Stop Typing Like This, It Makes You Look Stupid.
What The Fr*ck !

Remove This Post , Now !

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