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Messages - JumboMuffin

Pages: 1 ... 139 140 141 142 143 [144] 145 146 147 148 149 ... 177
Off Topic / Re: [NEWS] SpaceX rocket explodes at launch site
« on: September 01, 2016, 04:12:29 PM »
$200 million payload... damn...

Off Topic / Re: First day at new school, ama
« on: September 01, 2016, 03:14:01 PM »
lunchtime detention on my first day back >:C

my friend is building a pc with

6th gen i5
gtx 970
12gb ram

what psu should he get?

Off Topic / Re: things that tick you off [not traffic edition]
« on: August 31, 2016, 05:52:50 AM »
people who say the earth is spherical

Off Topic / Re: time capsule
« on: August 31, 2016, 05:51:50 AM »
It has been 4 months since I built the PC now and I've recently got Overwatch, and I'm level 21.
You've had Overwatch for ages and you're level 39. Disappointing past me.
You're starting year 11 and want to die quite frankly.

Games / Re: cool cheap games i can test my graphics card with?
« on: August 31, 2016, 05:49:03 AM »
bad ra-
but it is cool and cheap what is the problem?

Games / Re: Battlefield 1 Beta rolling out (LIVE GAMEPLAY VIDEO)
« on: August 31, 2016, 05:48:14 AM »
Boy do I get stuffty performance even on low settings. Maybe it's time for an upgrade.
what specs do you have now

just buy a gun....

oh yeah
you can't
*insert nelson laugh*
the best i can get is an air rifle or a shotgun if i somehow obtain a licence

or if i join a gang

lol urban dictionary

yeah i know but when you live near them you hear quite a few tales of things getting vandalised or stolen

I found a brexiter guys
how does disliking a group of people known for vandalising and stealing who have illegally settled in a field very close to your house make you a brexiter?

uh, first of all wow

second no, there's a lot of northern irish people in scotland and I've literally never heard of that stereotype, ever

have a look at what other people think of them

Quote from: urban dictionary
loving scum of the earth (not the traditional gypsies, but the cunts found all over the United Kingdom.)
I used to lodge in a cottage in a small villiage in Gloucestershire that happened to have a Gypsy colony about 500 meters away. These scumbag bastards stole my landlords motorbike, large stone garden ornament and even a CAST IRON BATH TUB. The cunts also used to order taxis from town and get out at the cottage then skip over the back fence without paying, meaning that taxis would refuse to come out to the cottage to collect me because of the damn fooking gyppoes.
Biggest scumbag wankers to walk this earth, and that's a fact.

Quote from: urban dictionary
Stealing cars, flogging roses in pubs for "childrens' charities", nicking lead off roofs, burgling garden sheds, blagging entry to old peoples house to rob them, doing dodgy tarmac jobs ("we've got some black stuff left over from a job up the road"), sometimes with mint imperials used as a substitute for white chippings, or, reportedly, using snow to lay slabs on when the sand ran out, stealing your bollocks if they weren't in a bag and anything else that's not nailed down and anything that is nailed down but will fit in the back of an untaxed Transit when nobody's looking.[/img]

Off Topic / Re: Leet posts ama
« on: August 30, 2016, 02:53:35 PM »

so basically irish gypsies in england are known for being deceitful, rude, thieves a bit dumb, is that the stereotype in other countries?

im emphasising irish as apparently its really the gypsies of irish descent that cause the most problems

Faces, Decals, Prints / Re: How to package decals
« on: August 30, 2016, 02:36:58 PM »
Does anyone else find that when making faces, the face seems more zoomed in once applied to a Blockhead than in the image editing program?

Games / Re: Pokémon GO Megathread
« on: August 30, 2016, 01:01:08 PM »
i should play more im only level 8

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