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Messages - Gum

Pages: 1 ... 11 12 13 14 15 [16] 17 18 19 20 21 ... 152
idk why Ragref chose Cronus as a name for the car
isn't Cronus (Roman counterpart Saturn) a mythological figure that castrated his father and ate his own children?
Please note that a lot of my names get rejected by Filipe. There are plenty of great names for cars that Filipe didn't see fit and decided to turn them down. Cronus was a name he really saw fit. The name I really wanted for it was the Eurus, as it means god of the wind. (also relatable to the Aero)

I don't care who started it you brought it back and I just want this discussion to end already.
"Yes because apparently I can't defend myself..."

Goddamnit Gum stop making this worse
How am I making this worse? Teneksi and the other guy is continuing the argument even though it was already over a page ago.

said the person who was still arguing two posts ago
Yes because apparently I can't defend myself...
Also your post contradicts yourself.

Games / Re: E3 2015 Megathread: DAY TWO: MICROSOFT, EA, UBISOFT, SONY
« on: June 15, 2015, 10:52:46 PM »
Final ratings for today (and some fixed ones):
Microsoft: 7.5/10
EA: 6.9/10
Ubisoft: 9/10
Sony: 8.5/10

Ubisoft is winning E3 so far for me, unless Nintendo pulls out something really cool.

Games / Re: E3 2015 Megathread: DAY TWO: MICROSOFT, EA, UBISOFT, SONY
« on: June 15, 2015, 10:35:33 PM »
Sony Rating: 8.5
Highlights: COD, TV, Sports, Disney Infinity (obviously)

Games / Re: E3 2015 Megathread: DAY TWO: MICROSOFT, EA, UBISOFT, SONY
« on: June 15, 2015, 09:23:41 PM »
loving called it
A girl said Agent 47 at the start of the trailer...

Games / Re: E3 2015 Megathread: DAY TWO: MICROSOFT, EA, UBISOFT, SONY
« on: June 15, 2015, 07:19:49 PM »
yeah definitely too high
I'll adjust them after E3 hype is over. BTW does anyone have the E3 base report card template?

Games / Re: E3 2015 Megathread: DAY TWO: MICROSOFT, EA, UBISOFT, SONY
« on: June 15, 2015, 07:16:56 PM »
That is way to loving high lol.
Sorry if my ratings seem so high, I like to over-exaggerate things. I bet if Sony do even better, they'll get a 10.

Games / Re: E3 2015 Megathread: DAY TWO: MICROSOFT, EA, UBISOFT, SONY
« on: June 15, 2015, 07:13:05 PM »
Ubisoft Rating: 9.5/10 (prediction was 8/10)
Highlights: Everything except Just Dance

Games / Re: E3 2015 Megathread: DAY TWO: MICROSOFT, EA, UBISOFT, SONY
« on: June 15, 2015, 07:01:34 PM »
because it's loving hilarious
did you see that car hit the try and fly into loving space
it's also for the rest of the game

also lol what's up with Felipe's carophilia
10 minutes ago I just told Filipe I will scream if Trackmania shows up. Right after Tom Clancy, Filipe said he would be incredibly surprised if Trackmania shows up and RIGHT AFTER, (I really mean right after) Aisha announces Trackmania: Turbo. plz call an ambulanze

Games / Re: E3 2015 Megathread: DAY TWO: MICROSOFT, EA, UBISOFT, SONY
« on: June 15, 2015, 06:55:14 PM »
My steam chat with Filipe right now:
Filipe1020: I would be incredibly surprised if trackmania shows up
*Trackmania shows right after*
Filipe1020: WEHAT
Filipe1020: WHGAT
Filipe1020: WHAT
Ragref: OH MY loving GOT
Filipe1020: HOLY forget
Ragref: dfbhd
Ragref: fh
Ragref: seg
Ragref: s
Ragref: gr
Ragref: d
Ragref: trh
Ragref: dth
Filipe1020: ARE YOU SERIOUS?
Filipe1020: HOLY stuff
Filipe1020: ASINJKF
Filipe1020: SAJ
Filipe1020: GAS
Filipe1020: ASDG
Filipe1020: ADG
Filipe1020: ADS
Filipe1020: FDS
Filipe1020: GDSF
Filipe1020: GDS
Filipe1020: G
Filipe1020: Sdude
Filipe1020: DFUDE
Filipe1020: DUDE
Filipe1020: HOYL forgetL
Filipe1020: DUDE
Ragref: OH MY loving GOD

Games / Re: E3 2015 Megathread: DAY TWO: MICROSOFT, EA, UBISOFT, SONY
« on: June 15, 2015, 05:26:12 PM »
EA Rating: 6.9/10 (Prediction was 6/10)
Highlights: NFS, Mirror's Edge, Battlefront
youtube stream is giving me a boner

Games / Re: E3 2015 Megathread: DAY TWO: MICROSOFT, EA, UBISOFT, SONY
« on: June 15, 2015, 05:11:45 PM »
Did he just do the whip?

Games / Re: E3 2015 Megathread: DAY TWO: MICROSOFT, EA, UBISOFT, SONY
« on: June 15, 2015, 05:02:24 PM »
The gameplay looks exactly the same to the last game just with the league name above the scoreboard and the trainer thing.

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