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Messages - Pandan

Pages: 1 ... 149 150 151 152 153 [154]
On hold for now, life problems

Shark Tank Collab
Criticism is welcomed.


Jetz and I haven't made anything together in a great while. And after consideration,
I decided that it would be a great treat to work on a add-on with the collaboration of the community.
The add-on pooping duo, Jetz and Pandan.

Well, I want to change some things. I want my level of quality to be much higher.

As for our history..
You can see some of our modding history;
Pandan's Stuff on RTB
Jetz's Stuff on RTB

Jetz would do the scripts, and I would do the models.
We would both do the brainstorming and planning of the add-ons.

I've worked on many add-ons in the past. Probably close to 60 add-ons. Most of them collab or simple weapon/vehicles.
I'm up for a challenge this time.

I want your suggestions. I will give credit where credit is due, I've never been the one to steal anything on purpose.
So if you think I've had an inspiration due part from you--let me know.

* = Personally working on them, will be done first

For sure
-Parachute remake (My old model sucks) *
-Script partially done
-Model not started yet

-Re-work of some of my old stuff (better models) *

Based on the scrapped mount from WoW. here

-RPG and World suite (Inventory and other things)
-Robot player type, new model with other features. Maybe equips and power-ups involved.
-Fighting Game style player type.
-Jarate style weapon (With a Jarate skin +this would help with other debuff add-ons)

Not going to happen
-Sonic player model

Answer: Because it does not reach my personal level of quality, and It doesn't meet the requirement of blockland style.

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