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Messages - Thorax

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 15 16 17 [18] 19 20 21 22 23 ... 485
stopped playing dota for 84 days.
should i reinstall this and destroy teams as mundo?


If you are inactive in ranked for four weeks or so and your elo is above 1400, it will start going down until it's 1400. It won't go any lower :o

If you're below 1400 and inactive, does it go up? Not that mine is (I actually haven't touched ranked yet), I'm just curious.

Games / Re: Top 10 favorite RPG series of all time
« on: May 09, 2012, 01:51:50 PM »
Glad to see you feel the need to single me out for my opinion in a thread where every post is an opinion.

You're welcome.

Games / Re: Top 10 favorite RPG series of all time
« on: May 09, 2012, 12:46:46 PM »
I would rather play XII than VII.

Glad to see you have an opinion.

Games / Re: Top 10 favorite RPG series of all time
« on: May 09, 2012, 07:57:14 AM »
Zelda, Pokemon, Phantasy Star, Kingdom Hearts, and Elder Scrolls.

FFVII is overrated. Take off your nostalgia glasses.

Despite 7 being pretty overrated, it's still a great game and is a pinnacle in the series.

I watched some videos of this on youtube. It seems awesome. The videos were about this group of like 5 guys who group up and start exploring, then they get caught in a town and are overwhelmed. The end up splitting into two groups, with the group of 3 dying trying to hold up in a barn. The two remaining decide to sneak back into the town, but start getting chased and are forced to leave. Eventually, they're chased by a whole hoard and one decides to sacrifice himself. It almost made me cry.

Here is the vid.

Part 1 is pretty slow, but part 2 picks up quite a bit.

4 times, actually  :cookieMonster:

You only died twice.


Apparently you lived 3 times.

Love this game. Should be a site that tells us what time it is in france and ETC.

Lol, someone can't do math.

I watched some videos of this on youtube. It seems awesome. The videos were about this group of like 5 guys who group up and start exploring, then they get caught in a town and are overwhelmed. The end up splitting into two groups, with the group of 3 dying trying to hold up in a barn. The two remaining decide to sneak back into the town, but start getting chased and are forced to leave. Eventually, they're chased by a whole hoard and one decides to sacrifice himself. It almost made me cry.

Off Topic / Re: New form of Malware; Ransomware
« on: May 07, 2012, 06:04:42 PM »
This isn't new.


Ultra support team go.

We got an Ace and were going to grab multiple inhib towers and inhibs, so they surrendered.

Games / Re: Psychonauts $1.99 today only on amazon
« on: May 06, 2012, 03:23:26 PM »
Thanks Kira.

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