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Messages - Iban

Pages: 1 ... 193 194 195 196 197 [198]
General Discussion / Re: Music for New Years' 2012
« on: February 26, 2011, 11:54:28 AM »

I don't care how you do it, just make it happen.  :cookieMonster:

Help / Re: How to download Somones else Build
« on: February 26, 2011, 11:52:01 AM »
I don't  get it how to i download the .blb

Modification Help / Re: I made a model but i fail at coding
« on: February 26, 2011, 11:45:38 AM »
Bahahaha, that's amazing.

What you need to understand about the model is that, even though the details are beveled in a way that makes it fit into the game, if you actually put the model in the hand of a player and look at it the difference in how many polygons are in each, the discrepancy becomes astoundingly clear. Further compare that  to other weapons and it makes an otherwise really good model stick out like a sore thumb.

It does need to be dumbed down a bit. Not to the point of the regular gun, but enough that it can't really be picked out from a group of other people's stuff. Even though Bushido's add-ons are pretty terrible, he does a great job at balancing detail and simplicity in his weapons. I'd start there as a reference.

Lol, I'm going to just sit back and watch the fireworks. Anyone want any popcorn?
What exactly are you expecting from me?

Oh look it's Iban. Again.
Another account?
Admin Approval was deactivated in favor of the new 1 BL_ID per Account system.

So, I let myself in.

Hello there.

Help / Re: ZAPT
« on: February 26, 2011, 11:25:25 AM »
Do me a big favor.

1. Boot the game.
2. Press the tilde (`) to open the console.
3. Type in "trace(1);" and press enter (the console will feed you the line "Console trace is on.").
4. Press the tilde again to close the console.
5. Start a game as you normally would if you were to play ZAPT.
6. As soon as you spawn, exit the game.
7. In your Blockland's installation file is a document caled "console.log" (or just "console" if you don't have file extensions enabled).
8. Attach that to a reply in this thread, send it to, or otherwise put it on the Internet and give it to me.

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