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Messages - stargatefan

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Off Topic / Re: obama is our president
« on: September 29, 2021, 07:20:25 PM »


he more these people are touted as far-right conspiracy theorists for believing these things, personal experience or knowledge be damned, the more they will reject covid and any mainstream science that is related to it.

I agree. And then along similar lines, you got a bunch of people attacking unvaccinated people potentially further alienating them from getting the shot.

On the flip side, it's always fun to mess with those conspiracy theorists. They start talking about a microchip being put into a shot and I'll just be like "Why would they need to put it in a shot? Don't you know the scale of computer chips nowadays? You could literally have dust particle sized computer chips floating around that you inhale." *Cue excessive compulsive mask wearing*

a quick google search on this topic shows how your take is completely false. brown townogy: if you're driving a tesla and suffer a heart attack and crash into a tree and the car exploded, the exact cause of death is a car accident, but that doesnt mean the heart attack wasn't the real factor that caused the death. same goes for covid and dying of pneumonia or whatever. no medical examiner would list someone who died of a GSW as dying of covid.

What are you doing stepblocklander
Losing my mind at 1:15 in the morning. Quoting when meaning to edit. Not being conscious enough to realize. Being confused in general. Clearly my bed time.



COVID19 is the leading cause of death of law enforcement officers. It has killed more officers nationwide than every other cause of death for police combined.

Is it really now? You could literally be shot dead, hit by a car, or go down with the titanic when when you had covid and they'd still call it a covid death because you died while infected with covid


Off Topic / Re: United States Politics Thread | Vaccine Federally Mandated
« on: September 12, 2021, 08:05:24 PM »
I dont think that post was a attack on anything, just a reminder that it IS fda approved.
Yea, but the whole thing just sounded silly.

On a side note...

Off Topic / Re: United States Politics Thread | Vaccine Federally Mandated
« on: September 12, 2021, 04:58:03 PM »
Alright, we're starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel.

As long as everyone takes the FDA APPROVED vaccine, and soon the covid prevention pills and this will be over.

Wait, so Moderna and J&J don't work now because they aren't FDA approved yet? Will they magically start working again when they get approval?

Yes, a virus that stays alive longer in someone's body has a higher chance of mutating this is disease 101.
Yes, but it is not EXCLUSIVE like people are making it out to be.

Also to dive into this a bit further, a lot of people I have talked to about why they aren't vaccinated specifically want the vaccines to be out for longer before they get it because they're too new, which to be honest, it is a good point. Asbestos was considered safe when it was first used too, then many years down the road people started getting cancer from it. But on the flip side, it's a silly argument because literally EVERYTHING in life has the potential risk of reducing your lifespan, and yet they choose the vaccine as the one thing to not take part in...

A second point to that is also the fact that unvaccinated people allow the disease to mutate and form new variants. The longer the pandemic goes on, the more likely it becomes that a new strain arises which requires a new round of adjusted vaccines to combat.
Is that a FACT that unvaccinated people allow the disease to mutate? Or is it just something that is being said to ether make people angry with unvaccinated people? Is it something being spread by the drug companies who MAKE BILLIONS on the vaccine and make MORE AND MORE with every vaccine that gets administered? Truth of the matter, the virus can mutate in anyone who gets infected, vaccinated or not. You can get infected with covid, vaccinated or not. The vaccine is designed to stop the people from dying, that's all. It is not and has never been guaranteed to stop the spread or stop you from getting sick, only to stop you from dying. People are treating the covid vaccine like the smallpox, measles, or polio vaccines which you get almost LIFETIME immunity for. Covid is more like the common cold or the flu, and we clearly haven't stopped the flu. Covid is never going away. It's here to stay. What will change is everyone will get some immunity to it one way or another by ether being infected or getting vaccinated, and it'll end up being like another version of the flu because people will have antibodies to fight it.

On the side note though, if you want to take the chance of not being vaccinated and possibly dying, that is YOUR choice. If you spread it to someone else who didn't want to be vaccinated and they die, that was THEIR choice. And if you want to bring in the argument of kids not being vaccinated, 477 kids aged 0-17 died from the flu in the 2018-2019 season, while 361 kids aged 0-17 have died from covid throughout the ENTIRE PANDEMIC. Very much appears to not be as deadly as the flu. Adults obviously are more susceptible as the immune system has a harder time fighting new unencountered infections as you get older.

All that being said, did I personally get the vaccine? Yes. (J&J) Really though, who doesn't like a 'get out of jail free' card if you've been in contact with someone with covid? Sure as heck beats quarantine/missing work.

i only bully fat people so its okay. Fat shaming DOES work

Yes. Convert them from fat to anorexic. Very healthy indeed.

Off Topic / Re: opinions on love
« on: July 26, 2021, 11:04:51 AM »
wrong. i was wrongly banned for "ban evasion" back in 2011.

Things changed

Since the forum now requires you to register your Blockland key to post, I have removed all IP, hostname and email based bans.  All bans are now applied to user names (and thus Blockland keys) only. 

So, if you feel you deserve another chance at the forums, you are free to purchase as many chances as you would like.

Note that if you continue to be an idiot, you will be rebanned and I will not feel sorry for you.

Off Topic / Re: I got the Moderna vaccine, AMA
« on: April 16, 2021, 10:33:20 PM »
I got J&J. My death is near.

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