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Messages - sir dooble

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Off Topic / Re: how do i get my richard out of a roast ham
« on: August 12, 2017, 04:45:44 AM »
I hope you thanked Badspot for that delicious summer ham.

Off Topic / Re: The forums name my cat
« on: July 31, 2017, 06:57:58 AM »
Tuna (last name Jar).

It's no more intrusive than all the billboards, posters and leaflets in towns, or the adverts on TV and radio.
I'm more surprised that this style of advertising would be considered effective or worthwhile for a company with such immense brand saturation as McDonalds.

I still don't get why Grimlock said Queeba crashes Minecraft servers yet he never backed up that claim with any form of evidence.
Because it's easy to spew lies about already unpopular people and just assume others will blindly believe it.
If there's one thing patton and his friends have proven to be, it's calculating, especially when it comes to who they choose to pick on/argue with/slander.

They put it there just to twist your knickers.

Off Topic / Re: [POLL] cut or uncut?
« on: July 24, 2017, 08:08:40 AM »
i prefer uncut but my snake was circumcised so i don't even know if my opinion carries any value in this

i don't know if i should feel bad about myself or if i should feel angry about my parents
You shouldn't feel bad about yourself. You didn't choose to be cut.

I'm uncut, as are most boys/men here.
I'm not really sure why it's so much more common in the US.

i did see some articles about forest fires in southern europe
I was on holiday in Keffalonia, on its south coast, for the last two weeks, and we could see a massive forest fire on Zakynthos to the south, on Tuesday last week.
It was bright red and lit up its own smoke in a deep orange, which started to cover the south of the island.

Apparently it happens almost every year, unsurprisingly perhaps, as it gets so hot and dry. For my second week it was regularly hitting 35C.
It was pretty cool seeing the twinkling lights of fire-engines travelling across the island and all these little boats in the distance from Keffalonia and the mainland making a beeline to Zante to bring men and supplies.
That's the first forest fire I've ever seen.

Off Topic / Re: Batman: White Knight
« on: July 18, 2017, 09:35:20 AM »
y tho
Because why not.
It's a comic, comics have unusual stories covering various themes, topics, art styles and more.
It's no stupider than any other what-if style comic.

If anything the only thing to be annoyed about, as a batman fan, is the suggestion that only in the 21st century has vigilantism been disapproved of. As if that hasn't always been a major theme of Batman.

Off Topic / Re: What country are you from?
« on: July 18, 2017, 09:26:24 AM »
England, United Kingdom.

love dolls prevent lonely autistic people from having love with humans. maybe these dolls will help child enthusiast lowlives stay away from real children
Is there any evidence to this claim? I hear it a lot, that research videos, drawings, and love dolls act as a release valve for people who unfortunately have illegal/immoral urges.
But is it not possible that it normalises and reinforces those urges and may encourage individuals to pursue their urges on real people?

Are there any studies that support either side of this argument.

By the by, looking at the images in the article it also looks like they were available to buy in the US too.

Off Topic / Re: Can the pope declare a crusade?
« on: June 23, 2017, 05:50:24 PM »
The Pope can't declare a crusade because he has no army.
But he could call for one and ask monarchs/heads of governments to go to war.

It's then up to those specific leaders to decide to answer that call or not.
There's very little incentive to go to war for the Pope however.
Most nations are not Roman Catholic so have no obligations to the Pope or Vatican.
Most nations are ruled by elected officials who have to answer to their citizens, rather than being ruled by monarchs.
There is little reward to retaking the Holy Land, and a large portion of it is already in the hands of Israel who are allied with much of the Christian West.

I don't know the workings of the Catholic Church but I imagine if the Pope were to make a sudden announcement tomorrow calling for a crusade then the Church would work quickly to remove him from his position however they could.
Most western nations would also condemn a call for war, especially on religious grounds.

Off Topic / Re: UK Election 2017 - ELECTION NIGHT
« on: June 11, 2017, 09:12:20 PM »
while I agree that they should stop focusing on independence as much (but not completely, as I think after brexit it should be held), I think people need to look past independence and see that they have been running scotland well already. they just need to use it as a campaign point more, I guess
Yeah, it's equal parts SNP doing more AND pointing out that they're doing more.
Obviously it would be silly to throw away the call for independence as an independence-party, but it should definitely be on the backburner. It's currently not going to make friends in Scotland OR the UK.

They should currently emphasise that they're the Scottish Nationalist Party, and not the Scottish Nationalist Party.

This is what UKIP didn't do, and now that we're no longer with the EU and they have no significant plans for the UK they're naturally losing most of their support.

Off Topic / Re: UK Election 2017 - ELECTION NIGHT
« on: June 11, 2017, 09:00:35 PM »
shame because the SNP promised more than just independence. I wish that wasn't their biggest selling point to people, and people actually looked at what they've done for scotland already
I think it was really really silly of Sturgeon to demand another referendum so soon after the Brexit referendum.
Once May put her foot down and said "no, now's not the time, maybe after we leave the EU", Sturgeon dropped it immediately.
So it came as a shock to me that it became part of the GE campaign.

The SNP really should drop independence for now and focus on running Scotland well.
They should use the time to prove that they can govern well, and then should Scotland ever choose independence the SNP will have a good chance of being chosen to run the country and do a good job.
Because as it stands currently, if Scotland were independent tomorrow, I don't think the people would entirely trust them to know how to run a fully autonomous nation.

Games / Re: E3/EA Play 2017 Megathread: Bethesda in 3 hours!
« on: June 11, 2017, 08:50:27 PM »
are you sure its backwards compatibility? sounds like they are just porting games to xbox one x
It's an actual backwards compat.

The Xbox 360 backcompat works by emulating a 360 and then playing the 360 game on that.
Presumably the Original Xbox will also be emulated on the Xbox One also.

They do have to do some work on the games though to get them working, which is why not all 360 games are currently backwards compatible and they're working through a backlist of them to build a library of them.

Hopefully the fact that Original Xbox games were never tied into Microsoft Points means it will be cleaner to buy them from the digital store.
When you browse back-compat 360 games you can't see the price at a glance, and instead have to wait for the system to convert from Microsoft Points to real currency. By all accounts the 360 market system is a real mess behind the scenes and they were never able to cleanly remove the Microsoft Points system.

there were a few things showed that i look forward too, all conveniently coming to windows 10 store and not xbox exclusively
I do like the fact that Microsoft are embracing the Play Anywhere program.

It's surprising it took so long for a PC/Console/Phone company to decide to make all their stuff completely compatible, and it's great that they realised people don't want to buy the same game twice.

It's a shame other console companies don't have their own PC gaming areas, because there are plenty of Playstation exclusives I would definitely play on PC but won't shell out on another console for.

Off Topic / Re: UK Election 2017 - ELECTION NIGHT
« on: June 11, 2017, 08:29:48 PM »
so who won
No one won, ultimately.

The Tories have the most votes and seats, but less than they had before calling the election, and less than the majority required to pass laws unimpeded and independently.

Labour did well for themselves, but they still fell very short of the majority needed to form a government.

The SNP did terribly and lost 20 seats, which is bad for SNP as they were running the campaigns in Scotland as a question of supporting a call for Scottish independence. Vote SNP if you want another referendum, vote others if you don't.
Clearly a sizable portion of Scots are now tired from the last 5 years of UK/EU Independence Referendums and campaigning.

The other small parties had middling results, UKIP lost their seat and leader, Lib Dems gained a couple of seats but are still decimated from the previous election, and Green/Plaid Cymru tick on with a few seats but no power.

As for the people, none of us really win.

We have a minority Tory Government, who are forming a special relationship with a Northern Irish party, the DUP, who are controversial.
The agreement seems to be that DUP will back Tories in key areas, particularly Brexit.
But, it's not a coalition, and in other affairs the Tories are on their own and can be vetoed by the opposition.

The Tory/DUP alliance also has a very slight majority (less than Tories had on their own), so they really need strong whips as even a couple of MPs from either party who do not vote in favour of the governments wishes can jeopardise them.

Likewise a weak opposition of parties from across the spectrum with a wide range of views may find it difficult to cooperate and challenge the Government.

And overall the situation means we are going into Brexit talks in just days with a weakened Government, facing their own upheavals and reshuffling.

So yes, no one really won at all.

Personally I'm obviously annoyed at the Tories not doing anywhere near as well as hoped, and it seems like the PM accidentally shot herself in the foot by calling an election.
BUT, I still think it was a good idea at the time, and necessary to try.
It's just a shame that the country faced national tragedies in that time, and it's unfortunate that the Tories weren't more successful with campaigning.
But hindsight is a bitch.

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