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Messages - chills58

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Gallery / Re: Gothic cathedral - Now with video! (sort of)
« on: December 19, 2011, 09:56:17 PM »
I really really like your stained glass!

Gallery / Re: chills58's new skyscraper...(wip)updated added 20 floors
« on: December 19, 2011, 12:38:19 AM »
Just an update.I added stairs,the last floor which is I believe 63 or 62 idr. I'm currently working on the elevator I had 21 floors done then realisedIi messed up so I had to take it all out and start over. Why do elevators take so many bricks lol?
Also I won't post pictures for couple days. I play blockland on my laptop and I don't know where my laptop saves pictures. Not in screenshots or my computers picture gallery so whatever. I go to my home computer and do it all off that.

offtopic-I wish I was younger then 18 for reasons i won't post.

Gallery / Re: chills58's new skyscraper...(wip)updated added 20 floors
« on: December 17, 2011, 08:14:24 PM »
bump for 3 new pics. one more set of 10 to go possibly and then i'll work on doing touch up...painting some of the areas that are i have to ask does the x on the front(really dark thing) look good there or should i take it off?

Gallery / Re: chills58's new skyscraper...(wip)
« on: December 17, 2011, 07:04:47 PM »
It seems like the 'box' portion should be on the bottom, lol. Nice work though.
well there is a reason for that. its to make this building have uniqueness every 10 stories.

Gallery / Re: chills58's new skyscraper...(wip)
« on: December 17, 2011, 06:59:57 PM »
i know suburb. but as i said here is proof i built it.

just overall of the mess

this was the first stage of building it. i copied and then made the other side simply by turning it right

this is where the box shape happens.
OK I'm going to do some history on me. i suck so bad at English its not Evan funny people.i don't give a rats ass about it and don't care how old you all believe i am. i am 18 and I'm not going to take a picture of my license to prove otherwise. i barely passed all of my English classes because i don't understand half of it. I'm going to college next year to study material engineering. if that doesn't work i want to be an architect. i also have engineering under my belt and i hope to soon patent an idea i have on a brand new source of energy. I'm great in math but yes English is my worst part. get over some peoples disadvantages and stop assuming so much. you know what happens when you assume? you make an ass out of you and me.

Gallery / Re: chills58's new skyscraper...(wip)
« on: December 17, 2011, 06:44:32 PM »
there is people older then 18 who play blockland.

no wonder you don't know me your id is in the 30k's all i can say is lol

Gallery / Re: chills58's new skyscraper...(wip)
« on: December 17, 2011, 06:40:39 PM »
I've fought with my age before i honestly don't care how old you all think i am. let me get the pics of how i made it up then that's should be enough evidence to prove i built it. you all really like saying i steal stuff when i have been known to make the best skyscrapers. i dare you to look at all my skyscrapers and tell me I'm not capable of making this. only way i go the idea for this is real Lego's in real life where i build mini city's for new building designs. give me about an hr to get the pictures up because my computer that has all the pics sucks...and no not really an hour its sarcasm.

Gallery / Re: chills58's new skyscraper...(wip)
« on: December 17, 2011, 06:36:18 PM »
just a link to one of the skyscraper i built.
my style is always the same. windows are the light blue and the shell is normally the same color. tell me why you think i cant built? i really want to know. and its not evan done yet i had to stop because idk what to do for next 20-30stories.

Gallery / Re: chills58's new skyscraper...(wip)
« on: December 17, 2011, 06:25:48 PM »
thanks..and for everyone that's like that's duplicated oh ya its very i built it is i build it in steps and if i like it i add it..its not a simple duplicate the the first 10 floors then i added floor 11-20 i had to redo the floor that i duplicated.21-24 i think it is is the box the first 2 floors are the same but the next 2 are different. i think 25-30(31?) is the same but i had to redo it. right now this is just the outer shell. there is no core but there is floors and I'll build the elevator core and stairs. i actually want to do something with this. what I'll do yet is still unknown.

cheese6 i have built so many skyscrapers its not Evan funny. i Evan have how i built this all i just deleted it to just show the main building. i still have to color it because on construct its hard as hell to remember what color you used where.

Gallery / chills58's new skyscraper...(wip)updated added 20 floors
« on: December 17, 2011, 06:16:15 PM »
well its been a long time since i built something and right now i have this 30 or 31 story skyscraper that I'm trying to make interesting. i like how its turning out and yatta yatta... pics
new pics added 20 new floors

old pics

just an overall view.(yes i know the bottom isn't done yet)

overall view of the skyscraper at an angle

looking up. can you see where it goes into a "box style"?

view to show the floors and another overall view.

looking down at all the different levels i guess you would call them or steps in the building

side view of the box shape

showing how its circular to a box shape.

looking up from the ground...the dark color bricks is going to probably be removed and i will try to make something cooler or just leave it.

any ideas on what i should do for 31-40,41-50 and maybe 51-60?

Off Topic / Re: For all of you single blacks out there ;)
« on: July 15, 2011, 01:51:04 AM »
i agree its not tribal. there is a website that only accepts "hot people" somewhere. they can denie you if they think you are ugly.

my laptop does the same thing. and i'm the only account on it. i think its just a secuirty setting somewhere

Off Topic / Re: its been a wile(back or not i have no idea)
« on: July 15, 2011, 01:45:32 AM »
meh just stopped by to look at the builds in gallery and was like well ima say something lol

Off Topic / Re: its been a wile(back or not i have no idea)
« on: July 15, 2011, 01:42:43 AM »
i really don't care if you guys believe me on my age. theres no way to actually prove it so have fun laughing. i just asked how everyone is doing just a simple question.

haha ya grammar still isn't great.

Off Topic / Re: its been a wile(back or not i have no idea)
« on: July 15, 2011, 01:39:10 AM »
ya going to graduate this 2011-2012 cant wait to get out of this crappy town

i'm a person who used to play a couple years ago

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