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Messages - MTrRxx

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Modification Help / Re: ☢ Fallout RPG ☢(Deathclaw Picture!)
« on: January 03, 2017, 12:45:53 PM »

Good god that looks pretty damn bad.

Deathclaws have always had a certain aesthetic to them that isn't hard to replicate.

Short, stubby faces, horns that do not look like insect antennae.

I'd recommend reworking the head of the ..'Deathclaw'. And add claws to the feet.
Otherwise it's.. decent.

Fyi, I'll likely continue recommendations when I arrive home later today.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: HTC Vive / Occulus Rift
« on: December 06, 2016, 11:02:28 AM »
It'd be an interesting idea, VR Blockland.

Albeit, I don't see it working all too well.

Blockland has a very special 'Don't make me VR' feel to it, as evidenced by the building system and all the keybinds.

You'd have to make a completely separate version of Blockland just for VR, and it'd likely be for the highly popular and very well made HTC Vive.
Just because VR can be added to Minecraft (NODE showed that off pretty well, from basics to killing the Ender Dragon, yada yada) doesn't mean it is good to do to all games.

Certain games do benefit from VR (HL2 VR, lean those corners Gordon, LEAAAAAN!)

But perhaps sometime in the future, when VR allows full-body movement (either SAO style or modern realistic treadmil + socks) we'll see a VR Blockland.

Suggestions & Requests / Re: The Thing PlayerType
« on: December 06, 2016, 10:57:00 AM »
It would be a cool idea to have the monster from The Thing, I've tried searching but can't find anything

Hey bud. You're in luck, there is a playertype of the thing already made. Albeit it's incomplete.

Select 'Search'

Click the dropdown menu and make sure you only have 'Modification help', 'Addons', and 'Suggestions & Requests' selected. You'll find the playertype rather fast that way!

I'd search for it myself but I'm in School right now.

Good Luck.

Drama / Re: badspot is an actual starfish and i am angry
« on: December 02, 2016, 11:48:28 AM »

And this is why I learnt from my mistakes on my first account.

So that I didn't become a inhuman piece of stuff like _Ego, or anyone like that.


Creativity / Re: Pixel Art
« on: December 02, 2016, 10:39:10 AM »
so i tried a little technique that i think people use in photoshop and i'm quite proud of the result

Don't do this, the Result is not too good.

I'd recommend doing it w/o doing the photoshop technique.

(Aka work it pixel by pixel)

Although, I can see why you did it. But still, try to work it up from scratch and use whatever drawings you have as reference material.

Gallery / Re: [UNNAMED] "Space outpost" & Sneak Peak
« on: November 29, 2016, 03:52:48 PM »
This here has given me enough motivation to make my own bunker thingymabob when I have the time.

I need to get back into BL.

Add-Ons / Re: Soviet Anti-Tank Rife [Weapon-Pack]
« on: November 28, 2016, 06:32:26 PM »
Hey, some information for you.
The PTRS-41 and the PTRD are two different high caliber rifles.

A PTRS-41 (14.115)


The PTRD is a Bolt-Action single shot weapon. Whereas the 41 is a Semi-auto Enblock clip fed monster of a rifle.

Just here to clear up confusion between the PTRD and the PTRS-41 for you.

Edit; Noticed it was two guns in Post.  Still useful information however. (Both rifles were last used in WWII, by the way.)
OT; Great lookin' PTRS-41 rifle.

Creativity / Re: Lego Stuff
« on: November 28, 2016, 04:07:18 PM »

i'm going to start using the miniland style for my lego forum game thing

whaddya think
Seems cool.

I've lost some creativity for Shards, I'm afraid I'll have to put it on Hiatus for now.

Alright guys, I'll be updating Shards sometime next week.

I've been having issues with school and such, been having difficulty finding time to update Shards entirely.

Let us not forget this lovely little forum game.

Forum Games / Re: The Ultimate Showdown
« on: November 15, 2016, 08:15:42 PM »
Okay then.. giant battle station thing controlled by this rock-face forget.
Well she becomes a good guy after a while.
Well okay then. I'm fighting a overpowered super-bitch.
I am now more evil than these three enemies.

Off Topic / Re: Dinosaur Thread
« on: November 14, 2016, 03:26:31 PM »
The quad spino aint a thing anymore, It is now bipedal, though, as always, it could switch to quadruped (to be more comfortable?, resting?, overlooking the territory?) But yeah, that quadruped spinosaurus was scrapped.

Also, when was this?

Off Topic / Re: Dinosaur Thread
« on: November 14, 2016, 03:26:04 PM »
coming from an actual evolution major,

Egypt was proven to be a converting environment, from a forest to an large semi-oceanic environment.

So, my guess is that old spino (tall leg syndrome) was what Spinosaurus was, and because of growing rivers and such, adapted to become more aquatic overtime.

Either that, or it's two different Spinosauridae that lived in the region. Both mistaken for the same Dinosaur.

Add-Ons / Re: [Weapon] : Winchester 1897 Trench Gun
« on: November 13, 2016, 11:49:11 AM »
why is the recoil backwards

Because recoil dosent naturally go up {Much} when in a proper shooters hold.

It travels back into the shoulder.

Ot: Nice shotgun!

Off Topic / Re: Dinosaur Thread
« on: November 11, 2016, 04:09:14 PM »
I always had a theory of two different kinds of Spinosaurid, which lived in the same area, were very similar to each other, but aren't the same creature.

The original spinosaur:

and the new spinosaur:

I don't know, it's just a thought. Mainly because I can't accept the new change ;-;

From my estimation, Old spinosaurus used to be the Spinosaurus before evolution took hold due to the unique enviroment that Spinosaurus had lived in, thus it got shorter back legs and became aquatic, (examples of the changes range from baryonyx, Irritator, Siamosaurus, oxalaia, And Spinosaurus itself.)

Due to the crocodile-like snout, there must have been a decent amount of muscles upon that neck. Allowing for the quick movements, and powerful swipes.

And it could SWIM

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